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Beijing believes COVID-19 is a biological weapon

By Lucas Leiroz | March 16, 2020

From conspiracy theory to geopolitical realism, the possibility to treat COVID-19 as a biological weapon has been finally accepted in the public sphere. The recent statement by the Chinese spokesman Zhao Lijian, formally accusing the US of bringing coronavirus to China, has highlighted a series of new opinions about the pandemic.

The hypothesis of biological warfare behind the global pandemic had already been raised by Russian experts some weeks ago. Like any opinion that is slightly different from the official version of Western governments and their media agencies, the thesis was ridiculed and accused of being a “conspiracy theory”. However, as soon as the official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the second largest economic power on the planet publishes a note attesting to this possibility, it leaves the sphere of “conspiracy theories” to enter the realm of public opinion and official government versions.

In addition to making the explanation of biological warfare official, Zhao Lijian raised important questions about the pandemic data in the USA: “When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!”

The supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini, ordered on the same day of the declaration of the Chinese Ministry the creation of a unified center of scientific research specialized in the fight against the coronavirus. The motivation, according to the Iranian spiritual and political leader, was motivated by evidence that the pandemic is a biological attack. These are his words: “The establishment of a headquarters to fight the outbreak [of COVID-19] occurs due to the presence of evidence that indicates the possibility of a biological attack, signaling that it is necessary that all coping services [to the coronavirus] be under the command of a unified headquarters”.

In fact, what the mainstream Western media has called a “conspiracy” has been manifested in US defense programs for a long time. We must briefly recall the official document named “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, published by the conservative think tank “Project for a new American Century”, where we can clearly read: “(…) advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”

Taking into account that the document was published in 2000, we can see that the possibility of biological warfare has been carefully considered and worked on by American strategists for at least two decades. However, the projects are even older. This article published in Global Research tells a brief history of biological warfare technology, tracing the remote origins of this practice by the American armed forces. In this genealogy of biological warfare, we find reports of the use of bio-weapons in wars in great conflicts of the last century, such as the Second World War, the Korea War and the conflicts with Cuba. Even so, until last Thursday, the mere fact of mentioning this hypothesis for the new coronavirus was rejected as conspiracy.

We must attain to concrete data: Pentagon has 400 military laboratories around the world, whose activities are still obscure; the USA has not yet made a clear statement about the COVID-19 data in its territory, having not yet informed the identity of its patient zero and maintaining uncertain information about the number of infected; Chinese scientists conducted a complex study in which they concluded that the virus did not originate in China, but that it had multiple and diverse sources from the Huanan marine seafood market from where the virus subsequently spread.

In February, the Japanese media agency Asahi TV reported that the virus originated in the U.S., not China, and that Washington would be omitting its actual numbers, with some cases of death attributed to influenza being, in fact, camouflaged cases of coronavirus; on February 27, a Taiwanese virologist presented a series of flowcharts on a TV program, corroborating the thesis that the virus has an American origin, providing a scientific explanation to the flow of the virus sources devoid of any geopolitical purpose.

Another curious fact is that China has been unexpectedly affected by epidemic phenomena, particularly during the period of the trade war between Beijing and Washington. Only between 2018 and the beginning of 2020, the country recorded epidemic episodes of H7N4, H7N9 (two variations of bird flu) and African swine flu. Also, the US has not officially responded to any of these notes, remaining silent about the coronavirus situation in its territory.

Not proposing a concrete answer, but only speculations, we can consider that the circumstances of the case present us a very extensive list of possibilities about what in fact the coronavirus is. Obviously, it is possible that it is not a biological weapon – and this is the official version of most of the media agencies and governments – however, once this hypothesis has been raised and no concrete evidence to the contrary is presented, it is also possible that it is a biological weapon.

The most important thing to do is to dispel the myth that biological wars are conspiracy theories. We must begin to take this possibility seriously and analyze the evidences in search of real solutions. Biological weapons are methods that have long been used and that form a fundamental part of modern warfare, whose costs are less than the methods of direct confrontation of the old wars of mobilization – and whose benefits are greater.

Lucas Leiroz is a research fellow in international law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

March 16, 2020 - Posted by | Timeless or most popular, War Crimes | , , , ,


  1. yes, a weapon
    bka FtDet-19


    Comment by 5 dancing shlomos | March 16, 2020 | Reply

  2. Just as the British have a Biological Warfare facility(The Scrippel Case) at Porton Down, so does the USA have a similar facility at Fort Detrick, Maryland…….’Dirty Deeds” are carried out in these places. Beijing is probably right.


    Comment by brianharryaustralia | March 16, 2020 | Reply

  3. There’s not even any need for a real bio-weapon or a real viral pandemic. It’s been so easy for them to just simply say so. Lo and behold, everyone’s in a world-wide panic making sure to wash their hands and buy up all the toidy paper and close all the public places. At least that’s what we’re told.

    Martial law never had it so easy.


    Comment by Tsisageya 1 | March 16, 2020 | Reply

    • At this point it seems as if the entire world governments are in on it. Except Russia, of course. What a hoot.


      Comment by Tsisageya 1 | March 16, 2020 | Reply

      • In the U.S., for example, when a state declares a state of emergency, it gets federal funding. Or so I’m told. I suppose it’s easy to get states on your side when there are shekels involved. Of course I have no idea where all those shekels go. They certainly don’t go toward education or infrastructure anymore.


        Comment by Tsisageya 1 | March 16, 2020 | Reply

        • …or viral pandemics.
          Where do all the shekels go other than in the pockets of liars and cheats? Governors?


          Comment by Tsisageya 1 | March 16, 2020 | Reply

          • 1. Governors
            2. Mayors
            3. Who comes next? Police Chiefs? Then what? City council? Next Door? Folks threatening to turn you in for MISINFORMATION.

            Please. It all makes me vomit.


            Comment by Tsisageya 1 | March 16, 2020 | Reply

  4. Once again, the Western MSM simply reports what they’re told by the CIA and or ‘Government spokesmen’, to keep the “Sheeple” completely in the dark. The American people cannot trust anything that comes out of their government, and neither can any of us around the World.


    Comment by brianharryaustralia | March 16, 2020 | Reply

    • If by CIA you mean Jewsreal, then I’m on board.


      Comment by Tsisageya 1 | March 16, 2020 | Reply

      • It’s an infestation that can only be remedied by trust in Jesus Christ. Take it or leave it.


        Comment by Tsisageya 1 | March 16, 2020 | Reply

        • Whatever you choose now though, one day your knee will bow to Him.


          Comment by Tsisageya 1 | March 16, 2020 | Reply

          • But, by then, it will be too late.


            Comment by Tsisageya 1 | March 16, 2020 | Reply

  5. In case you’re interested, my name is from the Cherokee who have been passionate about saving their language. Tsisa means Jesus. Geya means woman.
    I made it up from the language.

    Put it all together and what does it spell?


    Comment by Tsisageya 1 | March 16, 2020 | Reply

    • Apparently, there’s a Cherokee translation of the Bible. It’s funny though, Bible Gateway doesn’t seem to know about it.


      Comment by Tsisageya 1 | March 16, 2020 | Reply

  6. So called Christians.


    Comment by Tsisageya 1 | March 16, 2020 | Reply

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