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Israel Funds America’s Israel Lobby, While U.S. Taxpayers Pay for Endless Fraud Against Themselves

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | September 10, 2020

Imagine for a moment that there is a foreign government that receives billions of dollars a year in “aid” and other benefits from the United States taxpayer. Consider beyond that, the possibility that that government might take part of the money it receives and secretly recycle it to groups of American citizens in the United States that exist to maintain and increase that money flow while also otherwise serving other interests of the recipient country. That would mean that the United States is itself subsidizing the lobbies and groups that are inevitably working against its own interests. And it also means that U.S. citizens are acting as foreign agents, covertly giving priority to their attachment to a foreign country instead of to the nation in which they live.

I am, of course, referring to Israel. It does not require a brilliant observer to note how Israel and its allies inside the U.S. have become very skilled at milking the government in the United States at all levels for every bit of financial aid, trade concessions, military hardware and political cover that is possible to obtain. The flow of dollars, goods, and protection is never actually debated in any serious way and is often, in fact, negotiated directly by Congress or state legislatures directly with the Israeli lobbyists. This corruption and manipulation of the U.S. governmental system by people who are basically foreign agents is something like a criminal enterprise and one can only imagine the screams of outrage coming from the New York Times if there were a similar arrangement with any other country.

The latest revelation about Israel’s cheating involves subsidies that were paid covertly by Israeli government agencies to groups in the United States which in turn took direction from the Jewish state, often inter alia damaging genuine American interests. The groups involved failed to disclose the payments, which is a felony. They also failed to register under the terms of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, which mandates penalties for groups and individuals acting on behalf of foreign governments. In particular, FARA mandates that the finances and relationships of the foreign affiliated organization be open to Department of the Justice inspection. It states that “any person who acts as an agent, representative, employee, or servant, or otherwise acts at the order, request, or under the direction or control of a foreign principal.” Those who fail to disclose might be penalized by up to five years in prison and fines up to $250,000.

Israel’s various friends and proxies, uniquely, have been de facto exempt from any regulation by the U.S. government. The last serious attempt to register a major lobbying entity was made by John F. Kennedy, who sought to have the predecessor organization to today’s American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) comply with FARA. Kennedy was killed before he could complete the process.

To be sure, the U.S. government has recently been aggressive in demanding FARA registration for other nations as well as for Americans working for foreign powers. There have been several prominent FARA cases in the news. Major Russian news agencies operating in the U.S. were compelled to register in 2017 because they were funded largely or in part by the Kremlin. Also, as part of their plea deals, the former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn both conceded that they had failed to comply with FARA when working as consultants with foreign governments.

A leading recipient of the Israeli government’s largesse has been the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF), which has a presence in 43 countries worldwide, though it is registered in the U.S. as a non-profit. It received a grant of $100,000 from Israel’s Strategic Affairs Ministry in 2019, part of the $6.6 million that was doled out to eleven American organizations in 2018-9. Israel Allies particularly uses Lawfare to target the non-violent Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS), which has a large and growing presence on university campuses. Effective lobbying by IAF in the U.S. has resulted in more than half of all states passing legislation that bans or limits the BDS activity while legislation that would criminalize organizations working against Israel has also been moving through congress. IAF has been directly involved in drafting such legislation and has more recently been pushing for new laws that would legally define criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism.

The Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs initially, in 2015-7, tried to give money openly to diaspora organizations but found that many American Jewish groups, to their credit, would not take it due to concerns over FARA and being accused of “dual loyalty.” So, the Ministry created an ostensibly non-government “public benefit company” cut-out to distribute the cash in a more secretive fashion. The mechanism was given the operational name Concert.

Concert’s sole purpose was to provide money to diaspora advocacy groups that would work primarily against BDS and other efforts to delegitimize the Jewish state. Concert had an independent board, but its activity of directed by the Strategic Affairs Ministry’s director-general.

Concert’s internal documents are predictably vague in describing the activities that it was funding, and one might assume that they are purposely misleading. They refer to “defensive and offensive” actions, on “corporate responsibility,” “the digital battlefield,” and regarding “amplification units” that would provide “support for organizations in a pro-Israeli network.” The intention was to improve Israel’s image due to the widespread and completely accurate perception that its human rights record is among the worst in the world. Concert was created to serve as a mechanism to be exploited where situations prevailed that “require an ‘outside the government’ discussion with the different target audiences… [and] provide a rapid and coordinated response against the attempts to tarnish the image of Israel around the world.”

Interestingly, one of the most recognizable recipients of Concert funds was Christians United for Israel (CUFI), America’s largest pro-Israel group, which received nearly $1.3 million in February 2019 to pay for several 10 week-long “pilgrimages” to the Holy Land. Each pilgrimage involved thirty “influential Christian clerics from the U.S.” who were clearly propagandized while they were in the Middle East. Other large disbursements went to predominantly Jewish student groups, presumably to provide them with both resources and necessary training to oppose campus critics of Israel.

The simple way to deal with the massive and illegal Israeli influencing operations that are being directed against the United States would be first of all to deduct every identifiable dollar that is being spent by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to empower supporters in America from the $3.8 billion plus that Israel receives each year directly from the U.S. Treasury. Israel would not be concerned if the United States were to recover a paltry $10 million or so, but it would definitely send a message.

And then one might follow-up by requiring all the Israeli proxies that together make up the Israel Lobby to register under FARA. One might start with AIPAC, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) and the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) but there will be many, many more before the work is done. And CUFI, for sure. The fundamentalist Christian head cases that place Israel’s interests ahead of those of their own country finally need to have their bell rung.

September 10, 2020 - Posted by | Corruption, Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism | ,


  1. Agreement and appreciation.

    How stupid of Americans.

    How intimidated are Americans.

    For the first, to finance a terrorist, foreign nation/state and its partisans: how stupid. Is it a terrorist nation/state? The evidence is clearly abundant. The murder, maiming and imprisonment without trial, all clearly recorded, is abundant.

    For a foreign nation/state and its partisans to continue to extort so much money without any vote or public participation, for one, is stupidity and when done by elected government people, it is a traitorous act. They are betraying America.

    And the ever entrenched protection of laws by these same people, government officials, is meant to intimidate Americans.

    Not only does it intimidate, but it traitorously nullifies the guarantees of the Constitution, what protections are given by the Bill of Rights and transgresses the free choices that can be shown to boycott or divest from a foreign nation/state, the actions of which can be objected to by these choices.

    America: is this what you want? If not, oppose what Israel and its partisans are doing to you. Do not cower from this enslavement’s affect.

    Israel is not an ally. It is the opposite.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Michael | September 10, 2020 | Reply

    • 100% correct, Michael…


      Comment by brianharryaustralia | September 10, 2020 | Reply

    Pretty much everything we think we know about Jews is a Jewish hoax. For example, their Jewishness. The Jewishness of Jews is the number one Jewish fable.

    The Jewish writer Arthur Koestler demolished this fable back in 1976 with his best seller, The Thirteenth Tribe, the first popular look we got at the Khazars and their descendants, the Ashkenazim. The Ashkenazim are the ersatz Hebrews who happen to make up the entire leadership of Israel.
    Three years ago an Israeli named Shlomo Sand ripped off Koestler with a virtually identical book, The Invention of the Jewish People. This book again took the Jews by surprise, undercutting the basis of Zionism, the alien invasion, occupation and mass theft and murder of Palestine. Like the Koestler book, it wrecked the “anti-Semitism” racket. Both authors explained to their Israeli readers that they, the Israeli readers, were neither Semitic nor Hebrew. Same for the New York readers and the LA readers and the Miami readers. They’re all fake, wannabe Jews.

    Briefly, the people of Khazaria were, around 800 AD, ordered by their king to adopt the law of the Hebrews as their own. We can’t call it a religion. The Babylonian Talmud and the Old Testament are actually manuals of war against humanity based on harsh racial laws. There is no mercy for their human enemies in these very unpleasant works, Sacred Terrorism. The name of their god, YHVH, also means the Jewish people. This allows them to choose themselves and to worship themselves in what we could call a closed loop of extreme and violent narcissism.

    Their priests insist that non-Jews are on this planet to serve them. And that it is kosher that non-Jews can be cheated, lied to and murdered with impunity. This Jewish principle is honored on their most sacred holiday, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Another hoax, because they atone for nothing. Instead of atoning for their crimes against humanity, they declare a new war three times on this “holy day,” with the thrice-recited oath, the Kol Nidre. This vile “prayer” is a personal declaration of war against non-Jewish humanity. It is a warning that nothing a Jew says for the next year is true.

    “All vows, obligations, oaths, and anathemas…which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next… we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths.”

    Oath More Judaico
    The Oath More Judaico (Latin for “Oath on/by Jewish custom”), also known as the Jewish Oath, was a special form of oath that Jews previously were required to take in certain courts of law. It was accompanied by certain ceremonies, often involving claimed Jewish customs, meant to make the oath stronger. The question of the trustworthiness of certain oaths by Jews was intimately connected with the meaning that Christian authorities assigned to the Jewish Kol Nidre statements regarding the validity of certain oaths by Jews


    Seventy-eight percent of American Jews voted for Obama and there are now a record 46 Jews in Congress (nearly six times their proportion to Jews in the American population). As never before, Americans can expect Jewish influence in government. During the Clinton and Bush administrations, Jews attained saturation-level presence in government and cabinet positions.1 Undoubtedly Obama will be surrounded by powerful Jews; he already appointed an Orthodox Jew as his chief of staff. Will these powerful Jews legislate and judge justly? Will they reflect what is regarded as a common Judeo-Christian tradition of high moral values?

    It’s highly unlikely. In fact, the more religiously observant a Jewish congressman, federal judge, or attorney general is, the more at variance he will probably be with Christian values.

    Let me explain.
    Every year through the fall session of Congress, relatively little is accomplished because of lengthy interruptions from Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Today, though Jews constitute only 1.5 percent of the US population, Congress also frequently shuts down so Jewish members may debark, some flying home, for the Jewish holidays. First comes Rosh Hashanah, then Yom Kippur, and finally Sukkoth. The more religious a Jewish legislator, the more important he attends synagogue on the eve of the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. This highest Jewish holiday is preceded with rites and collective recitation of the Kol Nidre prayer.

    The Kol Nidre says,
    “All vows, obligations, oaths, and anathemas [curses]which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the nextwe do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect: they shall not bind us nor have any power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligations; nor the oaths be oaths.” 2

    What is the meaning of this strange and disturbing prayer recited by millions of Jews every fall? Surely, you may say, it cannot literally mean what it says: that Jews invalidate all their promises, contracts, agreements, and even curses throughout the coming year? If that were true, the word of a religious Jew would be meaningless. No rational person could trust anything he said, not to mention elect him to high office.

    To understand the Kol Nidre prayer, let’s first consider the opposite: God’s ancient command to His chosen people to fulfill all their oaths and promises.

    “When thou shalt vow a vow unto the Lord thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it: for the Lord thy God will surely require it of thee…that which is gone out of thy lips thou shalt keep and perform” (Deuteronomy 24:21, 23)

    Yet the Jewish Encyclopedia tells us God’s requirement of promise-keeping ultimately became so burdensome to Jews that, as a result of “their longing for a clear conscience,” compassionate rabbinic authorities overturned God’s law around the 8th century AD. They collectively absolved entire congregations, instructing them to recite what has become known as the Kol Nidre prayer. 3

    At first, the prayer allowed forgiveness for broken promises and curses of the previous year; later, in the twelfth century, it granted pre-forgiveness for sins of unfaithfulness for the following year. Both forms are observed today. Kol Nidre, from its beginnings, was controversial and “aroused bitter controversy” among rabbinical authorities. 4

    Dissident, non-Talmudic Karaites also proclaimed it a sham and said it made the word of a Jew worthless. Christian critics leveled the same charge (but are now called “anti-Semitic” for doing so). Such criticism provoked more than a millennium of suspicion, persecution and discrimination against Jews (i.e. much of the “senseless anti-Semitism” with which historical Christianity has been charged).

    Yet the Jewish people were willing to suffer unspeakable persecutions rather than give up the intoxicating moral release of Kol Nidre. It “became the most beloved ritual of the Day of Atonement.” 5

    Today synagogues are packed worldwide on the eve of Yom Kippur as millions of Jews, deeply moved by the high drama, pageantry and haunting melodies of Kol Nidre, affirm that their “vows, obligations, and oaths” or curses are forgiven and forgotten by God.

    All Jewish encyclopedias and authoritative works on Kol Nidre include a powerful disclaimer. They say Gentiles should not feel threatened by Kol Nidre! The prayer’s Kol Nidre, we are told, applies only to breaking vows to oneself or to God. It may not be employed to justify breaches of confidence, curses of Gentiles, or lies under oath in civil courts.

    I posed the question to a Christian Jew, Milton Kapner.

    “What is the reason behind the mass appeal of Kol Nidre,” I asked.

    “Do millions of Jews seek absolution from Kol Nidre because they are tormented with guilt for violating oaths to themselves and God?”

    Until age 21, Kapner, now 57, was a convinced Jew involved in conservative, Orthodox, and ultra-Orthodox Judaism. At 21, even after finding Messiah, he spent a year of intense study with ultra-Orthodox Lubavitcher rabbis and scholars.

    “Kol Nidre,” he said, “is a big show. The Jews get worked up by the high drama and cantor singing the haunting Kol Nidre melody. They persuade themselves that every lie they have told over the past year is forgiven. They’re off the hook!”

    “Are they repenting of lies to God, or also to the Gentiles?” I asked.

    “All lies and broken vows to everyone are covered,” he replied, “except for legal contracts that are enforced by law.”

    He said most Jews consider Gentiles inferior. Most ultra-Orthodox consider them sub-human. Kapner said just as promises made to animals are worthless, so the Talmud (even without Kol Nidre) teaches that promises to the goyim are meaningless.

    The Talmud frequently says Gentiles may be deceived and defrauded. Jews are above “barbaric” Gentile laws and courts. 6 Also the Jewish Zohar (Kabbalah) repeatedly describes Gentiles as beasts and even demons.

    What about the testimony of Jewish authorities that Kol Nidre does not apply to contracts between Jews and Gentiles?

    “That’s all for Gentile consumption,” Kapner said.


    Of course, especially in the US, many Jews are so assimilated and secularized that, though usually liberal, they have shed any high regard for Kol Nidre or the Talmud. Yet according to Kapner’s personal experience, a religious, Kol Nidre-reciting, Jewish businessman can cheat you without guilt for the next year.

    We should also keep in mind Kol Nidre’s permission to Jewish survivors of the Holocaust to lie under oath (as in the Nuremberg trials). Can we continue to accept as fact their testimony of seeing countless Jews destroyed in gas chambers and ovens?

    It also means an observant Jew in Congress can renege on any promises he makes his constituents in the past or coming year. Gone also is any duty of federal or Supreme Court justices to be loyal to their oath to the Constitution and the United States of America.

    Do I have this wrong? Incredibly, I don’t.

    Despite the suspicion and revenge Kol Nidre has aroused, modern Judaism still considers its recitation one of the most sacred duties of Jewish life, liturgy, and tradition. It is so important that as Congress evolves into the “American Knesset,” congressional leaders, under control of the all-powerful Zionist lobby, are eager to please Jewish members by sending them home to take advantage of this moral loophole in Judaism.

    Perhaps, with Jewish activists flooding Congress as never before, promoting perverse Jewish “hate crime laws” and “workplace bias” legislation, as well as bills that persecute Christian/conservative activism, we can understand why many Jewish members of Congress need the moral absolution provided by Kol Nidre. There will be a lot of lies to constituents and breaking oaths to uphold the constitution by First Amendment-destroying Jews this session of Congress. Such treachery could really strain anyone’s conscience. But Jewish members of Congress return after reciting Kol Nidre with consciences cleansed. After all, who cares about governing according to the will of the lowly goyim?

    For Talmudic Jews, ruling according to Kol Nidre is the will of God.

    1. Michael Collins Piper’s books such as The New Jerusalem extensively document the preponderance of Jews in the highest echelons of American government. They are available
    2. Article on “Kol Nidre,” The Jewish Encyclopedia, New York, London : Funk & Wagnalls, 1906.
    3. Ibid.
    4. Article on “Kol Nidre,” The Encyclopedia Judaica, Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem, LTD. Israel, 1996.
    5. Ibid.
    6. The Talmud says Gentiles can be deprived of justice (Baba Kama, 113a), can be cheated (BK, 113b), are animals (Iore Deah 148, 12 Hagah), may be killed (Sanhedrin 59a, Choschen Hamischpat 425.5, Abodah Zarah 26b), can be led to death or not saved from death (Chosch


    This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the largest banks? The Communism of Marx seeks an enormous centralization of the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which profiteers from the labour of others, will always find a way to prevail. In reality, for the proletariat, this would be a barrack regime, under which the working men and the working women, converted into a uniform mass, would rise, fall asleep, work, and live at the beat of the drum.” ~ Bakunin (1814-1876)

    Marxism, to which all branches of Socialism necessarily adhere, was originated by Jew Karl Marx, himself of rabbinical descent and has been dominated by them from the beginning. Marx did not actually originate anything; he merely “streamlined” Talmudism for Gentile consumption.

    “Anti-Communism is Antisemitism.” ~ Jewish Voice, July ~ August 1941.


    The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in legislation that was passed by both houses. Congress and the President of the U. S., George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization. They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the Citizens of the U.S. of America and future generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day.”


    What Is Public Law 102-14?
    Jews run & own the media; the Internet; politics!
    This is the language of HJ Res. 104:
    102nd CONGRESS
    1st Session
    H. J. RES. 104
    To designate March 26, 1991, as `Education Day, U.S.A.’.
    HJ 104 EH
    102nd CONGRESS
    1st Session
    H. J. RES. 104
    To designate March 26, 1991, as `Education Day, U.S.A.’.
    Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;
    Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;
    Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos;
    Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society;
    Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future;
    Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world;
    Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991;

    Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, `the rebbe,’ this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of `education and giving,’ the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and

    Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state: Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lubavitch movement, is designated as `Education Day, U.S.A.’. The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
    Passed the House of Representatives March 5, 1991.

    The Lubavitch movement mentioned in HJ Res. 104, began in the late 18th century and is the largest branch of Orthodox Hasidic Judaism. One of its prime goals is the enforcement of the Noahide Laws on all humanity.

    Israel’s bus company Egged has accepted this ad in Jerusalem:

    “Statement of the kingdom. From the teachings=instructions of the [Lubavitcher] rabbi
    The Gentile does not want anything. He waits to be told what the Jew wants!”

    The Lubavitcher rabbi was Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994). Schneerson died in NY and is buried there. If this ad were on a bus in NY, people would say it was anti-Semitic. But then, it couldn’t be on a bus in NY, could it?

    The Jewish Week, quotes Rabbi Ginsburgh:
    “As for the goyim…Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.” …If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. …

    If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained.

    “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life. – Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in the United States.

    Chabad has real political power in multi-million dollar operations around the world. It regularly meets with world leaders who listen to their concerns. Yet, not one senator or congressman in America would dare to denounce the extremism and supremacism of Chabad. In fact, the U.S. Congress has voted to praise their leader who has written that:

    “Gentile souls are completely evil, with no redeeming qualities.”

    Here are the Noahide Laws:
    1. Do not deny God (no idolatry).
    2. Do not murder.
    3. Do not steal.
    4. Do not engage in sexual immorality.
    5. Do not blaspheme.
    6. Do not eat of a live animal (no eating flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive).
    7. Establish courts and legal systems to ensure the obedience of these laws.

    According to Jewish tradition, the first six of these seven laws were given to Adam in the Garden of Eden (the sixth law, to not eat live animals, was extraneous, since Adam did not eat any animals). When God established His covenant with Noah, He added the seventh (and the sixth became applicable). Each of the seven Noahide Laws is seen as a summary of more detailed laws, about 211 total.

    According to Judaism, a Gentile does not have to follow the Mosaic Law; however, all Gentiles are obliged to follow the Noahide Laws. The laws given to Noah’s children are universally binding. A non-Jew who abides by the Noahide Laws is considered a “righteous Gentile,” according to Judaism, and will earn a reward in the afterlife, if his obedience is coupled with a knowledge that the laws come from God. A “righteous Gentile” might also be called a “Hasidic Gentile” or simply a “Noahide.”

    Did you see the term “Hasidic Gentile?” This goes back to why I write on Kabbalism so frequently – Hasidic Jews = Kabbalist Jews. And Kabbalism is Mystical, and we know that God warns against mysticism and witchcraft and the like.

    “And he burned his sons as an offering in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, and used fortune-telling and omens and sorcery, and dealt with mediums and with necromancers. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger” (2 Chronicles 43:6).

    “There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)

    Nowhere does the Bible record what laws God may have given Adam, other than the command to fill and subdue the earth and the prohibition against eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 1:28; 2:17). After Noah and his family exited the ark, God gave the following three commands to him:

    “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth” (Genesis 9:1);
    “You must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it” (verse 4); and “Whoever sheds human blood, / by humans shall their blood be shed; / for in the image of God / has God made mankind” (verse 6).

    After that, God repeats His command to “be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it” (verse 7). Other than Noah being told not to eat raw meat, there is no hint of the traditional Noahide Laws in these passages.

    The only other place in Scripture where a Noahide law might be mentioned is Acts 15:29. The context of this passage is the Jerusalem Council, which met to address the issue of the Gentiles’ place in the early church. Specifically, the question before the council was,

    “Must Gentiles be circumcised according to Mosaic Law in order to be saved?” (see Acts 15:1). The apostles in Jerusalem answered with a resounding “no.” Christians are not saved by keeping the Law (see Galatians 2:16). However, to promote peace within the early church, the council advised Gentile believers to avoid four things, including the eating of “blood” (Acts 15:29). None of the other three instructions correspond to any of the Noahide Laws.

    As an ancient moral code, the Noahide Laws have been a major influence in many cultures. In fact, in 1991, both houses of Congress passed a bill, signed into law by President George H. W. Bush, that declared the Noahide Laws to be “the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization” and the “ethical values and principles . . . upon which our great Nation was founded” (H.J.RES.104.ENR).

    The American government signed this into law? Can you discern that there is much more to this than meets the eye?
    Are the Noahide Laws found in the Bible?
    Are the Noahide Laws congruent with biblical teaching?
    The basic seven laws are congruent with Old Testament revelation. The Talmud calls for capital punishment for Gentiles who violate the Noahide Laws, and this has led to some debate as to whether or not Christians (who worship Jesus Christ) are guilty of violating the first Noahide law and therefore deserving of the death penalty. The modern consensus is that Trinitarianism is acceptable among Gentiles. In any case, it is important to note that Christians are not saved by rule-keeping; The God of Christianity requires faith in His Son (John 3:18)

    Kabbalist Jews Believe that “Rebbe” Schneerson Is the Messiah of Israel.


    Comment by Dave Rubin | September 10, 2020 | Reply

  3. “IAF has been directly involved in drafting such legislation and has more recently been pushing for new laws that would legally define criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism”.

    So, in the USA, sometime in future, criticism of Israel will be illegal? Surely they can’t be serious? EVERYONE should be subject to criticism, that’s how criminal activity is ‘arrested’. And Israel’s influence(and even domination) of American politics is there for everyone to see, in the cold light of day.

    The Congress needs a total cleanout at the next election. It is rotten to the core. “Make America Free again”.


    Comment by brianharryaustralia | September 10, 2020 | Reply

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