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How the CDC fooled the world

CDC: Science or Politics? (Pat Cross)
SWISS POLICY RESEARCH | January 15, 2022

Throughout the pandemic, the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) published numerous false and misleading studies that bolstered national and international political goals and guided social media censorship. Three recent examples illustrate the issue.

1) Covid, kids and diabetes

A recent CDC study falsely suggested that covid increased the risk of type 1 or type 2 diabetes in children, see reviews here and here (the study didn’t consider obesity rates, for instance). The misleading CDC study was published in parallel to the ongoing covid child vaccination campaign.

In reality, it is covid vaccines that have been shown to cause, in some cases, elevated (pre-diabetic) blood sugar levels and life-threatening diabetic ketoacidosis, while ineffective lockdowns and school closures have led to an unprecedented increase in childhood obesity (and possibly diabetes).

2) Face masks in schools

In September, the CDC published a study falsely claiming that masks reduced coronavirus infections in schools, see reviews here and here (“profoundly misleading”, “very shaky science”).

In reality, face masks have had no impact at all on coronavirus infections; in fact, the official CDC school study from May 2021 confirmed this, but the result was never publicized.

More recently, the CDC has begun recommending N95/FFP2 masks to the general public, but data from Germany and Austria showed already in 2021 that these masks had no effect, either.

3) Natural immunity

In October, the CDC published a study falsely claiming that vaccine immunity was more robust than natural (i.e. infection-acquired) immunity, see reviews here and here (“highly flawed”).

In reality, natural immunity has been shown to be far more robust and durable than vaccine immunity, even against the omicron variant (albeit to a lesser extent).

Bonus: Covid vaccines and kids

In December, the CDC director publicly stated that “no safety problems” had been seen during the vaccination of young children (5-11), whereas the CDC’s own VAERS reporting system showed already numerous cases of serious cardiovascular, neurological and allergic adverse events in this age group at very low risk of severe covid (see image below).


In conclusion, pandemic guidance by the US CDC, as well as media reporting and social media censorship relying on it, have often turned out to be misleading and unjustified. To evade political misinformation campaigns, citizens should always double-check official claims.

British Medical Journal: Facebook urged to act over incompetent “fact check”


CDC: Director vs. VAERS (Prasad)

January 15, 2022 - Posted by | Deception, Full Spectrum Dominance, Science and Pseudo-Science, Timeless or most popular | , ,

1 Comment »

  1. How can Americans have ANY trust at all in their government, since SO MANY lies have been told about Covid 19?
    America’s elected representatives have nothing but contempt for “The People”. Their only concern is to please the 1%, who are prepared to do anything, (and pay any price) to retain POWER.

    How was “Freedom and Democracy” SO easily trashed?


    Comment by brianharryaustralia | January 15, 2022 | Reply

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