Aletho News


Rising Seas Threaten to Wipe Entire Nations Off the Map, UN Chief Warns


An increase in the pace at which sea levels are rising threatens “a mass exodus of entire populations on a biblical scale” and whole nations could be drowned under the waves, the UN Secretary General has warned. The Guardian has more.

The climate crisis is causing sea levels to rise faster than for 3,000 years, bringing a “torrent of trouble” to almost a billion people, from London to Los Angeles and Bangkok to Buenos Aires, António Guterres said on Tuesday. Some nations could cease to exist, drowned under the waves, he said.

Addressing the UN Security Council, Guterres said slashing carbon emissions, addressing problems such as poverty that worsen the impact of the rising seas on communities and developing new international laws to protect those made homeless – and even stateless – were all needed. He said sea level rise was a threat-multiplier which, by damaging lives, economies and infrastructure, had “dramatic implications” for global peace and security.

Significant sea level rise is already inevitable with current levels of global heating, but the consequences of failing to tackle the problem are “unthinkable”. Guterres said: “Low-lying communities and entire countries could disappear for ever. We would witness a mass exodus of entire populations on a biblical scale. And we would see ever fiercer competition for fresh water, land and other resources. People’s human rights do not disappear because their homes do,” he said. “Yes, this means international refugee law.”

The International Law Commission is assessing the legal situation. In 2020, the UN Human Rights Committee ruled that ​​it was unlawful for governments to return people to countries where their lives might be threatened by the climate crisis.

A new compilation of data from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) shows that sea levels are rising fast and the global ocean has warmed faster over the past century than at any time in the past 11,000 years. Sea levels rise as warmer water expands and ice caps and glaciers melt. …

In fact, sea levels are not accelerating and have continued rising at a modest 10-12 cm a century – not something that is going to give any nation an existential crisis any time soon. I somehow think that countries might be able to adapt to a one metre rise per millennium.

But why let facts get in the way of a good disaster narrative that justifies lots of Government intervention and control?

February 19, 2023 - Posted by | Fake News, Mainstream Media, Warmongering, Science and Pseudo-Science |


  1. Someone, please pull the plug on this guy’s microphone! CO2 is not the cause of rising sea levels. CO2 is not the cause of rising temperatures. These are scientifically proven facts that Guterres has either ignored or is lying about. I think it would be great if humans had something to do with changes in climate. That way humans could develop weather control mechanisms by learning more about the effects of solar and cosmic perturbations on our solar system’s planets. One day we humans are going to have to get off this rock before the Sun burns out. That means moving billions of people to other habitable planets. Until then science cannot be left to new-age thinkers with a political agenda.


    Comment by Thomas Lee Simpson | February 19, 2023 | Reply

  2. “An increase in the pace at which sea levels are rising threatens “a mass exodus of entire populations on a biblical scale” and whole nations could be drowned under the waves, the UN Secretary General has warned”.

    Another glaring example of how useless the UN has become. No one, particularly “World Leaders” give a Damn about anything what the UN Sec General thinks about anything.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by brianharryaustralia | February 19, 2023 | Reply

  3. Fear, Fear, and more Fear. Hitler proved how easy it was to control people, all you had to do was get them to FEAR something, then they’d let you do anything under that pretext. L.O.L. seems the U.N. is trying to do the same thing.
    I, for one, will reconsider my thoughts on these claims, when I see the millionaries put up their oceanside homes for sale. Then I will reconsider the issue. BUT, as long as oceanside land remains at high premiums, that the average home buyer cannot afford to buy, there’s no way rising oceans are threatening the land. Besides, I’m 73 years of age, and I have been listening to these claims for the last 35 years. Moreover, it was claimed back then, the oceans were rising so fast, my home would be underwater in 30 years time. Guess what, my home is still the same distance from the ocean as it was back then. L.O.L. Kinda shoots down their claims, what ????

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by itchyvet | February 19, 2023 | Reply

    • Here in Australia, we have been hearing about the complete destruction of the “Great Barrier Reef” for the past 50 years, and it is still as Magnificent today, as it was then.

      Today, I ignore every “Scare of the Month”, but, they just keep on coming, so, it works on some people…..

      Liked by 1 person

      Comment by brianharryaustralia | February 19, 2023 | Reply

  4. Fort Denison, Sydney,Aus is a place where the sea level rise and fall has been studied for over 115 years. Their records show that the rise and fall over this time is less than 3cm or in the old money just over one inch.
    Also, I remember back in the 70’s that it was predicted that a large number of Pacific Islands would be covered with Aqua. This prediction is as valid as that Fossil Fuel would run out in 30 years, this was 73 or 76 from memory! And today we know that there has been more FF found than any time previous.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by meuequals | February 21, 2023 | Reply

    • I honestly don’t know why people today, buy, and read newspapers. With Propagandist masters like Murdoch (and he’s not the only one) churning out the ‘scary’ stories every day. But, people still pay for his garbage, daily.

      I believe he still gets a lot of his “Press Releases” direct from the CIA “Media” release dept.


      Comment by brianharryaustralia | February 21, 2023 | Reply

      • I have bought ONE newspaper this year, to provide disposable paper for our new puppy to defecate upon. I thought it was an appropiate use of such material.

        Liked by 1 person

        Comment by itchyvet | February 21, 2023 | Reply

        • Agreed……


          Comment by brianharryaustralia | February 21, 2023 | Reply

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