Aletho News


Canada charity used donations to fund Israel army bases

MEMO | January 4, 2019

A Canadian charity has been investigated for using its donations to fund infrastructure projects on Israeli army and naval bases.

The Jewish National Fund of Canada – an affiliate of parent organisation Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael or the Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) – used its donations to fund infrastructure projects on Israeli army, air and naval bases, in contravention of Canadian law.

The revelation came as JNF Canada was subjected to an audit by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), a federal agency that administers tax laws for the Canadian government, after a Canadian researcher filed a complaint about the charity’s spending. According to local news site CBC :

While no law bars a Canadian citizen from writing a cheque directly to Israel’s Ministry of Defence, rules do ban tax-exempt charities from issuing tax receipts for such donations, and also ban donors from claiming tax deductions for them.

CBC further explains that: “In its guide for Canadian registered charities carrying out activities outside Canada, the CRA states plainly that ‘increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of Canada’s armed forces is charitable, but supporting the armed forces of another country is not’.”

Though JNF Canada claims it stopped funding such projects in 2016, CBC points out that this would not stop the Canada Revenue Agency from taking action against the charity for funding projects in contravention of these clearly-stated guidelines.

Prior to 2016, JNF Canada’s contributions to projects associated with the Israeli military appear to have been expansive. One example indicates that JNF Canada provided funding for “a fitness area for the regular army staff at the Gadna base in Sde Boker,” a kibbutz (agricultural community) south of Beer Sheba in southern Israel. The charity describes Israel’s Gadna programme as “a special programme for young people in Israel that prepares them for their service in the [Israeli army]”.

The charity also funded other military infrastructure projects, including: “helping the development of the Bat Galim training base complex area” at Israel’s naval base in Haifa; upgrading the canteen for Israel’s 124th Helicopter Squadron at Palmachim Air Force Base, north of Ashdod; and developing a canteen at Nevatim Air Force Base, east of Beer Sheba.

As CBC points out, JNF Canada has a long history of supporting controversial projects, in 1984 raising funds for Canada Park which is built on the ruins of several villages near Latrun, east of Ramle. The park sits beyond the 1949 Armistice Line – often known as the Green Line – and as such is considered occupied Palestinian territory, though Israel has since cut the park off from the rest of the West Bank with its Separation Wall. JNF Canada has nonetheless continued to fund the maintenance of the park.

International donations to the Israeli army were thrust into the spotlight in November when Hollywood celebrities raised $60 million at the Friends of the Israel Defence Forces (FIDF) annual gala. Held in Beverly Hills, California USA, the gala was attended by more than 1,200 supporters of Israel, including prominent actors and singers like Ashton Kutcher, Pharrell Williams, Gerard Butler and Katharine McPhee. An internet campaign was quickly launched to criticise the celebrities’ involvement, starting the #HollywoodFundsTerror hashtag on Twitter.

Just a few weeks earlier, another FIDF gala held in New York raised $32 million for the Israeli army and was attended by key Israeli establishment figures, including Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon and Israel’s Consul General in New York Dani Dayan. Two US-Jewish organisations – Or Lachayal, which works to strengthen the Jewish identity of the Israeli army, and Nefesh B’Nefesh, which promotes Jewish immigration to Israel – were among the biggest donors at the gala.


January 4, 2019 - Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Illegal Occupation | , , ,


  1. “While no law bars a Canadian citizen from writing a cheque directly to Israel’s Ministry of Defence, rules do ban tax-exempt charities from issuing tax receipts for such donations, and also ban donors from claiming tax deductions for them”.

    There needs to be a public investigation into “Tax Exempt Charities” in the Western World, and particularly how the funds are distributed. There seems to be a lot of “Grey Areas” as to what a “Charity” actually is, and I believe they have been exploited by the “Moneymen” to avoid TAX.

    Allowing this particular organization to exploit the loopholes in tax law is quite likely an indication that there is far more than “We, The People” are aware of

    Allowing a Jewish organization to run a Tax Exempt Charity, is like inviting rats into your pantry, as this example seems to indicate.


    Comment by Brian Harry, Australia | January 4, 2019 | Reply

  2. Two things: Canada is a Christian country, if I am not mistaken. the Bobby Fischer take on the USA, in which he compares it with Isra.ell is the only basis on which an objective rational discussion can be held. Both are stolen lands. And that is also applicable for Canada.

    Check out:

    Bibi Netanyahu’s Very Bad Idea. Risk WW III To Avoid Jail


    The points raised in the comments don´t run away from the historical facts that are not only kept from readers by jews only.

    Only in this way a nwo=jwo can be flushed throught the toilet.

    And last but not least (P´s Russia is behind the recent tsunamis in Indonesia see:

    Unknown4 January 2019 at 08:43

    Take a look at the zoommaps of:

    These experts in the HAARP field lay a direct link between what happened in Indonesia and the activity seen ans registrated at the Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility

    China is together with Russia in it according to 2 msm sources.

    ´China is now building an even larger and more advanced facility in Sanya, Hainan, with capability to manipulate the ionosphere over the entire South China Sea, according to an earlier report by the South China Morning Post.´
    In the New Zealand Herald: “We are not playing God. We are not the only country teaming up with the Russians. Other countries have done similar things,” said another researcher who was involved in the project and asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.

    (P. is also about the whitewashing of the authentic non-white Russian Icons, he is a crypto jew and poses as a
    devout Russian Orthodoc Christian).

    I know him not only from behind a pc keyboard but from direct personal esp encounters, too long a thread to write about it here)

    Hopefully you post this, Aletho, P. is not what you take him to be or make him).

    He is a Chabad rat. Like Donald T. Do your research.

    Good Year.


    Comment by Julien Romanovsky | January 4, 2019 | Reply

  3. The Kremlin resident for nearly 20 years now is still a Freemason (33rd degree, once a mason always a mason, certainly a 33rd degree). He is still a commie. Like his Chino comrades, although they are openly still Mao maniacs.

    You placed here at Aletho the very very valuable work of Brasilian geologist Arysio Santos. After his book Atlantis the lost continent finally found he died and the Indonesian hidden pyramid Gunung Padang came in the news.

    When I read todays news about Russia behind the tsunami in the Indonesian archipellego I immediatele thought:
    Chabad rat P. is after the Gunung Padang.

    It happens to be the same west coast of Java.

    Before satanic rat P. tries again, The Real Source of Creation will have taken him out.

    (there are sources that say that P. is already taken out and is replaced by a clone, look alike u name it)

    Never watching tv (talmud vision as one Dutch researcher once said, hopefully he is still alive) I saw in a hotelroom a slice of David Wilcock and many others about Arkaim (or something).

    I am sure Wilcock is a CIA tool. Like BeNjamin Fulford. They were talking about Caucasian mummies in China,
    the human race was in his story a product of aliens. BS.

    The out of Africa theory is as solid as a still staning twin towers. The oldest Chinese were small black a sort of Pygmees. DNA research confirmed this years ago.

    We are all as human bodies more or less bleached niggaz.The whites were the latest version. The Atlantis people must have been also ´colored´. In the tropical climates when you have no melanated skin you can hardly lift a stone in that heat.

    Of course that could open the door for lasvegAS Pharaos. No, look how the African noses of the original Ramses statues are all chopped off. It is a diff. kind of nose job

    Ethiopian (copper coloured, sunburnt) is also in old maps and history all along the Silk Road ……

    I have to leave for now.

    CIA O



    Comment by Julien Romanovsky | January 4, 2019 | Reply

  4. No, foutje, is yes.


    Comment by Julien Romanovsky | January 4, 2019 | Reply

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