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Biden too Cognitively Impaired to Fulfill White House Duties

By Stephen Lendman | February 28, 2021

Impaired by dementia, Biden is cognitively unfit and unable to fulfill duties of the office he holds.

His condition will likely worsen to Alzheimer’s Disease, entirely incapacitating him cognitively.

Psychology explained dementia as follows:

It’s “a progressive loss of cognitive function, marked by memory problems, trouble communicating, impaired judgment, and confused thinking.”

“Dementia most often occurs around age 65 and older but is a more severe form of decline than normal aging.”

“People who develop dementia may lose the ability to regulate their emotions, especially anger, and their personalities may change.”

Up to 80% of cognitively impaired individuals with dementia develop Alzheimer’s Disease, about five million Americans affected.

Biden has been declining cognitively for some time. The condition steadily worsens over time.

He can’t perform his duties. Yet establishment media conceal his deteriorated state.

Rare exceptions like the Boston Herald prove the rule.

In mid-February, it headlined “Biden’s babbles continue,” saying:

He “seldom makes much sense when he speaks.”

On Valentine’s Day, he made a “semi-coherent remark,” saying:

“Valentine’s Day is a big. Jill’s favorite day. For real.”

Biden’s White House is “little more than an assisted-living facility (for the nation’s) doddering First Senior Citizen.”

Some of his recent mumbling and bumbling was as follows — read from a teleprompter or notes:

“From 400 million ordered to 600 million this is enough vaccine to fully vaccinate 300 Americans by end of summer, the beginning of fall.”

“But we wanna make look that’s I wanna me-peat it’ll be enough to fully vaccinate 300 Americans.”

He called climate change a “sexessential threat to the planet.”

He identified war secretary Lloyd Austin as “senator Austin.”

He referred to sorties as “sortays.”

He said “Saudi Arabia has released a prominent human rights activist, Loujain al-Hathlou — loul — excuse me, l-o-u-l, uh, from prison.”

He vowed to “never, ever dishonest you.”

He said “(i)magine the incredible love it must have taken for the proud Tuskee-kee, Tus-kay-gee airmen.”

He claimed that he “work(s) with Congress to make far-reaching investments in research and development of transformendale and transformidible technologies.”

He said “(l)ike the previous (regime), we’ll start to properly manage unlike it we’ll start to properly manage lands and waterways.”

He mumbled and bumbled that “(o)ne uh congressman pointed out I I could uh I I ah uh I he used a very anyway colorful term to say wearing a mask I tell him to kiss my ear I’m not gonna wear a mask well guess what not very American.”

He said “(i)t’s hard, the hard-hit areas, like cancer alleys in Louisiana, cancer alleys in Louisiana.”

He doesn’t know or understand what’s in dozens of executive orders he signed.

He said “(u)h uh the second uh order I’m gonna be signing also changes what the president has done – pres, the president – what the former president uh has done and it’s uh a memorandum to reverse the my predecessor’s attacks on women’s health.”

After coughing, he added: “Excuse me, health access.”

He’s especially focused on when the next meal will arrive.

They’re all that nursing home and assisted living facility residents look forward to — except for visits when occurring by family and/or friends if still able to recognize them.

During last year’s campaign, Biden said “China is going to eat our lunch?”

“Come on man! They can’t even figure out how to deal with the the the fact the that they have this great division between the China Sea and the mountains in the east I mean in the west.”

Separately, he said “(b)ut you know, we don’t get goin’, they’re gonna eat our lunch!”

In remarks about seasonal flu-renamed covid, he said:

“You’ve all hold. You can hold a second.”

“You all you’ve all heard about the strain the the the British strain, the Brazilian strain, the South African strain and they are they seem to be more transmittable more easily.”

Does any of the above sound like a coherent, effectively functioning head of state?

How long will the charade continue before Biden is replaced by president-in-waiting Harris?

Isn’t this what was planned all along, most of the public none the wiser.

A Final Comment

Because Biden is too cognitively impaired to speak more that a few lines at most in public, a look-alike double represents him when delivering public remarks of any length, including addresses.

February 28, 2021 - Posted by | Timeless or most popular | ,


  1. This analysis ends with an assertion: “Because Biden is too cognitively impaired to speak more that a few lines at most in public, a look-alike double represents him when delivering public remarks of any length, including addresses.”

    Is there any verifiable, absolute incident for this? If so, can such even be legal? That is hard to believe, even from the handlers and those propping up such a cardboard figure head.

    To speculate on his successor, is more and more reasonable, given the evidence of a cognitive decline. And given that Harris has been bandied about as, “…the future face of the Democratic party…” given that this administration has cobbled together about as much neoconservatives (jewish, really) from the Obama team, in essence, as much of the diversity mantra screed as is utterly possible, then the President in waiting, cackling a laugh to anything and anybody who will put up with that, then the whole set up awaits Joe “I’m a Zionist” Biden to be trundled off to a real facility.

    Unless willing to be named and branded a racist because a Caucasian; willing to let Israel dictate foreign policy in the middle east, or go to war for Israel’s domination in the middle east, or, really, world-wide leadership; willing to let immigrate millions into the United States; disallow opposing discussion because it isn’t politically correct, even identified as hate speech… on and on toward a globalism, a New World Order as envisioned by these people.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by michael | February 28, 2021 | Reply

  2. “Impaired by dementia, Biden is cognitively unfit and unable to fulfill duties of the office he holds”.

    Giving more credence to Trump’s claims that the election was stolen from him. Biden, in his demented state will be completely manipulated behind the scenes by the “Deep State”, no problem at all. There will be nothing that the Deep State won’t be able to get away with…”Here Joe sign this for us”…Great work Joe!.

    “God save the USA”….in the next 4 years.


    Comment by brianharryaustralia | February 28, 2021 | Reply

  3. I admire Stephen Lendman’s forthrightness here and follow his flow and challenging questions with concurrence and consternation. Why consternation, plus fear and loathing? — Kamala Harris (Jewish spouse) waiting in the wings?? My god….

    (I do wish that at least a few of the above quotes were accompanied by videoclipped verification….)

    (Personal: As a care-home resident, this constituted an “Ouch!” moment:
    “He’s especially focused on when the next meal will arrive. … [Meals]’re all that nursing home and assisted living facility residents look forward to — except for visits when occurring by family and/or friends if still able to recognize them.”)


    Comment by roberthstiver | March 1, 2021 | Reply

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