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Iran underlines importance of US and Israeli nuclear disarmament

Press TV – September 8, 2021

Remarking on the occasion of on the International Day against Nuclear Tests, Iran’s UN envoy underlines the need for the disarmament of the world’s nuclear weapon possessors, most importantly the US and Israel.

Majid Takht Ravanchi, who was addressing a United Nations General Assembly meeting held to mark the day, said that the United States was the world’s nuclear-weapon state that had carried out the majority of tests using the non-conventional weapons since 1945.

Throughout the period, “about 2,000 tests have been carried out, 1,054 of which by the US,” he told the Wednesday meeting, adding, “These sinister tests have been used as preliminary steps towards the production, proliferation, and even use of nuclear weapons.”

“The devastating consequences of nuclear tests reverberate across generations, with widespread and profound impacts on not only the people but also our planet,” the envoy reminded.

He further urged the international community against the continued tolerance of ownership of such weapons by the Israeli regime—the US’s most treasured ally in the Middle East that is in possession of hundreds of nuclear warheads.

Takht Ravanchi placed emphasis on the fact that humanity’s very survival depends on the international community’s resolve to stand up to the deployment of nuclear weapons and its commitment to the weapons’ ultimate destruction.

“Given the bitter experience of the past, it is our conviction that nuclear disarmament is and must remain a top priority for the international community. The very survival of humankind depends on our unwavering concurrence that nuclear weapons should never be deployed and, furthermore, permanently destroyed. Therefore, we highlight that the moratoria to stop nuclear tests does not substitute a legally binding obligation,” the Iranian envoy stated.

He, meanwhile, hailed entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) that took effect in January, calling the development a step in the direction of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.

September 9, 2021 - Posted by | Militarism, Timeless or most popular, War Crimes | , ,


  1. Magid Takht Ravanchi makes a perfectly honest and logical summary of the present state of Nuclear weapons. But I think he is Naive if he thinks that Israel(and the USA) will take any notice whatsoever. Israel particularly will never give up its Nuclear arsenal, and it will not allow the USA to do so with theirs(given that Israel has the USA by the Balls)……..
    They’ve got the power, and they intend to keep it…….

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by brianharryaustralia | September 9, 2021 | Reply

  2. Wow — a refreshing voice of Iranian Sanity…as opposed to US-cum-Israeli Insanity. Well spoken, sir! Viva Iran!

    (I’d like to see a video record or transcript of some sort of the UNGA reaction to this Advocate of Sanity’s appearance….)

    At the final paragraph, I’m very glad that the envoy referred to the TPNW! I’ve been trying to interest pol-prostitutes from my city councilperson all the way up to fed-level House/Senate to get the scofflaw US to sign on to the Treaty, which — as I recall — had 137 signatories in January…guess which two state-terrorist sh*tholes are among the (few) non-signers? I’ve had no-zero-zilch-nada-zenzen success in reaching even one of the pol-ps’ hearts, minds, souls, or strengths (memo: I suspect they have no hearts, minds, souls, or strengths–i.e., none of the above). Not gonna stop my quest for Sanity a la Iran….

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by roberthstiver | September 10, 2021 | Reply

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