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The 1974 CIA Coup in the United States

Tales of the American Empire | June 8, 2023

American corporate propaganda and schools teach that Richard Nixon was a corrupt, horrible President. This is because he was popular with the American people and took actions to benefit them, at the expense of the Deep State. During his five years in the White House Americans saw a reduction of involvement in the Vietnam War, détente with the Soviet Union, deep cuts in military spending and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In 1969, Nixon upset the Pentagon by ordering bio-weapon labs closed and all stockpiles destroyed. Nixon ended American involvement in Vietnam combat in 1973 and the military draft that same year. His visit to China in 1972 eventually led to diplomatic relations.

Nixon engaged in intense negotiations with Soviet premier Leonid Brezhnev that led to agreements for increased trade and two landmark arms control treaties: SALT I, the first comprehensive limitation pact signed by the two superpowers, and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which ended the nuclear arms race. Nixon and Brezhnev proclaimed a new era of “peaceful coexistence” and reduced military spending. Nixon worked with Congress to slash military spending 25%!

There was massive opposition to these efforts from corporate America and the Pentagon. Nixon rose to power as a loyal member of the Deep State, but went rogue once he reached the top. He told friends that he didn’t trust the CIA, thought their intelligence was poor, and that the CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination. Nixon was a Quaker from a modest background who served in the Navy during World War II. He had served in the US House of Representatives, the US Senate, and eight years as Vice President. He knew how Washington worked! Nixon got things done so was popular with the American people and would easily win reelection in 1972, giving him more four years to dismantle the Deep State. As a result, Nixon was ousted in a 1974 CIA coup.


“Ford’s Editing Backed ‘Single Bullet’ Theory”; George Lardner Jr; The Washington Post; July 3, 1997;…

“Eugenio Rolando Martinez, a Watergate Burglar, Recalls His Arrest”; Nixon Library; June 14, 2012;    • Eugenio Rolando M…  

“Watergate – the reasons behind the burglary”; Barbara Newman; A&E; 1992;    • Watergate — reas…  

“Nixon’s Plan to Threaten the CIA on JFK’s Assassination”; Jefferson Morley; Politico; June 5, 2022;…

“Woodward-Haig Connection”; The Colodny Collection; Texas A&M University;…

“WATERGATE: Nixon Warned Grand Jury on Pentagon Spy Ring”; James Rosen; Fox News; December 23, 2015; Nixon transcripts released;…

”Tucker Carlson – Biden is Done”; Fox News; January 19, 2023; a short segment about the Nixon coup;    • Tucker Carlson: B…  

June 12, 2023 - Posted by | Timeless or most popular, Video |


  1. They got rid of the good guy and put the pedos in power !


    Comment by charles allan | June 12, 2023 | Reply

  2. Nixon campaigned in 68 to end the Vietnam war. I didn’t pay much attention to the 68 Presidential election. Johnson had recused himself from reelection so I was hopeful someone would emerge on the Democrat side. I mustered out of the Army in time for the Democratic Convention in Chicago. In the midst of much violence outside the Convention Hall, New Left radicals were in combat with Mayor Daley’s police Dept. Inside the Convention Center Democrats selected Minnesota Senator Hubert Humphrey to run against Nixon. I abstained from voting for either man. I may not have known much about politics or political leaders at the time but I knew neither man was right for the job. I came from an auto town that voted Democrat but they were considered conservative Democrats. We were pro-industry and science. You know, Mom’s apple pie and the American flag. Little did I know that what I saw at the 68 Chicago Convention was just the beginning of the radicalization of the Democratic Party. So a CIA coup did Nixon in you say? Knowing what I know some 5 decades later, I can unequivocally say Yes, President Nixon was a victim of a coup. Our nation has been hijacked by a consortium of permanent bureaucrats and coup plotters from the Intelligence Community, DOJ, Military, Corporate, Media, Academia, and Think Tanks (MICIMATT) who operate as a “secret government” in the wings.
    When their power is judged by them to be threatened by Presidents elected by the people. who stand apart from the MICIMATT were part of an international assassination bureau. covered up by the mass media complex. The same crowd that assassinated Kennedy Watergated Nixon. They scandalized Spiro Agnew first, driving him out of office. Ford was then appointed VP. After Nixon was overthrown, Nelson Rockefeller was appointed by Ford as his VP. Once Rockefeller was sworn in as VP, two assassination attempts were made on Ford’s life by Manson Family contract killers. Both attempts failed but that is how close our nation came to being run by the Rockefeller family. These agencies and institutions represent the MICIMATT complex that had Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Bobby Kennedy assassinated. They tried unsuccessfully to assassinate Reagan. Jimmy Carter was theirs so they left him alone. Bush, Clinton, W Bush, Obama, and Clinton were theirs. When it looked like Clinton was leaning toward changing the “financial architecture” he was targeted by the DOJ with special prosecutor Starr appointed to investigate Clinton’s financial dealings. If the MICIMATT is left intact, the United States of America is in name only.


    Comment by Thomas Lee Simpson | June 13, 2023 | Reply

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