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Israel’s Negev prison new ‘Abu Ghraib’: Official

The Cradle | October 19, 2023

Broken limbs and severe beatings are among the extreme tactics being used by Israeli officials inside the Negev prison on Palestinian detainees since the start of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October.

“Many prisoners have had their limbs, legs, and hands broken, and after the beatings, their comrades could no longer recognize them.

The Negev prison has become like Abu Ghraib, a center of brutality and savage treatment towards the heroic prisoners,” reads a statement issued on 19 October by the head of the Palestinian Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Commission.

“‘Israel’ is making the Palestinian prisoners pay the price for its failures, acting solely with a spirit of revenge,” Fares adds.

Last week, the Negev prison administration also cut off all water and electricity to all sections of the prison as part of the collective punishment approach by Tel Aviv.

The Israeli prison system is considered excessively brutal for incarcerated Palestinians, especially those convicted for resisting the occupation. Methods used by Israel against prisoners include physical torture, mental abuse, sleep deprivation, and sexual assault.

Additionally, prisoners with severe illnesses are intentionally neglected and left to die, as in the recent case of cancer-stricken resistance fighter Nasser Abu Hamid.

Over 850 Palestinians have been detained in less than two weeks, as Tel Aviv has launched daily arrest campaigns in the occupied West Bank while laying siege on the Gaza Strip’s civilian population.

Since Wednesday night, at least 120 Palestinians have been detained by Israeli troops in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

According to local sources, in the city of Tulkarem, Israeli raids have been ongoing for over 12 hours. Tel Aviv also deployed bulldozers to destroy the streets and infrastructure of the Nour Shams refugee camp.

Resistance against the Israeli incursions has also been constant, with Palestinian fighters fighting back and destroying Israeli vehicles across the West Bank.

Israeli soldiers and armed settler militias have killed at least 69 Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem since the start of the campaign of genocide unfolding in the Gaza Strip.

October 19, 2023 - Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Subjugation - Torture | , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. “The most moral army in the world”? The censorship of the crime of Zionist/jewish Israel will erode. And when it does, those participating will be revealed as complicit. None more so than Joe “I’m a Zionist” Biden. Worst American president, ever.


    Comment by michael | October 19, 2023 | Reply

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