Aletho News


Israel bombs ancient holy sites sheltering civilians

The Cradle | October 20, 2023

Israel targeted and destroyed the 7th century Al-Omari Mosque in Gaza on 20 October, coming just hours after its targeting of the third oldest church in the world in Gaza’s Old City. 

Originally a 5th century Byzantine church, it was converted to a mosque during the early years of the Rashidun Caliphate. 

The 1,400-year-old structure was among the largest mosques in Palestine. This is one of many mosques targeted by Israel. 

The night before, Israeli warplanes bombed the centuries-old Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrios in Gaza, leaving several people dead and injured, officials said.  

The Ministry of Interior in Gaza announced that Israel launched an airstrike on the church, where hundreds of displaced Gazans, both Christians and Muslims, were seeking shelter, resulting in a “large number of martyrs and injured.” The number of dead and wounded has yet to be confirmed.

Director General of Al-Shifa Hospital, Mohammad Abu Selmia, said that dozens have been wounded, but could not give an exact toll. 

“We have just received confirmation from multiple sources in Gaza that Saint Porphyrios Orthodox Church has been bombed today. Archbishop Alexios appears to have been located and is alive, but we don’t know if he is injured,” the Foreign Relations Office of the Order of Saint George said in a statement.

“We have no word on the condition of any other of the more than 500 people being housed at the church and monastery, including the person who has been our source for most of our information,” the statement added. 

The Greek Orthodox Patriarchy of Jerusalem also released a statement vowing to “not abandon its religious and humanitarian duty.”

The attack came without warning, a survivor told Al-Jazeera’s Arabic service. Witnesses told AFP that Israeli jets struck a target close to the medieval structure. 

The Israeli army said in a statement: “As a result of the IDF [Israeli army] strike, a wall of a church in the area was damaged … we are aware of reports on casualties. The incident is under review.” 

The Church of Saint Porphyrius was built by the Crusaders in the 12th century, although the original site dates back to the 5th century.

These atrocities come just three days after Israel’s bombing of the Al-Ahli Arab Baptist Hospital in Gaza, which killed hundreds of innocent civilians in a matter of seconds. 

Israel continues to blatantly carry out war crimes in Gaza. With its incessant targeting of civilian infrastructure and the shocking language used by Israeli officials regarding the population of Gaza, Israel is openly carrying out genocide. 

Israeli Knesset Member Zvika Vogel said on 19 October that “there is no such thing as innocents in Gaza.” His comments were the latest of a series of murderous statements made recently by Israeli officials, including Israel’s defense minister, who referred to Gazans as “human animals.” 

October 20, 2023 - Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Timeless or most popular, War Crimes | , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. Probably not forthcoming, as the Israeli response to the attack on the USSLiberty, “a terrible mistake”, the use of napalm, torpedos, machine-gunning of sailors in lifeboats, but will there be a similar use of twisted non-accountability? The same for Sabra and Shatila? The right to defend the demands for American’s money, arms and UN acquiescence. The same for countless other murders, assassinations, thievery, protected civilian attacks, shootings, on and on and on.

    Is the money accumulated by the Zionist/jewish world thus a weapon used to conduct its criminal operations? Why would Joe “I’m a Zionist” Biden shuffle into Israel to proclaim America’s commitment to Israel’s “the right to defend itself”?

    Defend itself? Defend its crimes. The right to defend stolen land against protests. The right to defend itself against… on and on and on.

    Israel is not an ally to America. It is the opposite.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by michael | October 20, 2023 | Reply

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