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UN Expert Body Raises Concerns Over US’ Ongoing Practice of Overseas Drone Ops

Sputnik – 03.11.2023

The UN Human Rights Committee on Friday voiced its concerns over the United States’ continuing practice of using armed drones in lethal counterterrorism operations overseas and the country’s opaque criteria for such strikes.

“The Committee remains seriously concerned at the continuing practice of the State party of killings in extraterritorial counter-terrorism operations using armed drones,” the expert body said in its periodic report.

Additional concerns included “the lack of full and continuous transparency regarding the legal and policy criteria for drone strikes, the alleged possibility of variations through classified plans, as well as the lack of accountability for the loss of life and for other serious harm caused, particularly to civilians.”

Committee Vice-Chair Jose Manuel Santos Pais told a briefing in Geneva that the strikes had killed 1,500 civilians since January 2021, and no perpetrators have been brought to justice yet.

The US considers those extraterritorial counterterrorism operations to be part of its armed conflict with al-Qaeda and forces associated with the terrorist group, thus in line “with its inherent right of national self-defence,” the report said.

“[The Сommittee] reiterates its concern about the State party’s broad approach to the definition of ‘armed conflict,’ including an overbroad geographical and temporal scope,” it added.

The body also expressed its concerns that the US had made too few payments to affected civilians and their families in recent years.

November 3, 2023 - Posted by | Timeless or most popular, War Crimes | , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. Yet, the American government proclaims itself innocent of how the Zionist state uses the armaments given to Israel. How hypocritical! The denial of responsibility is a lie! Where is the white phosphorous bomb made? Is it American? And where and upon whom is it used? It is used upon Palestinian civilians.
    The arms, such as one ton bombs Israeli military fire into Gaza come from America. The use is obvious. If it is obvious, then known. If known, then more than condoned: it is an act of participation.

    America is complicit. How can it be otherwise, if America gives to Israel such ordinance? What else, what other used would there be? This applies to the military airplanes used. What other use now?

    Going back in history, the napalm used by Israeli air force, targeting the American navy ship, the USSLiberty, that was American made, and used to murder the sailors on the decks of the ship, as the sailors attempted extinguish the blaze and as they did so, they were machine-gunned, and machine-gunned as those sailors abandoned ship in life boats.

    “A terrible mistake,” Israel sniffed. The mistake was the lack of sinking the USSLiberty.

    How many false flag “mistakes” before America realizes that,

    Israel is not an ally to America. It is the opposite. Look to where Israel leads you, America and look to what it and you are doing. It that what you want, America?


    Comment by missinglinksb866ef593f | November 3, 2023 | Reply

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