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Why Does US Keep Mum on Arms Supplies to Israel?

By Oleg Burunov – Sputnik – 08.11.2023

The Biden administration remains tight-lipped about “critical” US military equipment being delivered to Tel Aviv amid the ongoing armed conflict between Palestine and Israel.
US claims that transparency about Washington’s weapons delivers to Tel Aviv would endanger Israel’s operational security are misleading, experts have told The Intercept.

William Hartung, a fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and an expert on weapons sales, said: “The notion that it would in any way harm the Israeli military’s operational security to provide more information is a cover story for efforts to reduce information on the types of weapons being supplied to Israel and how they are being used.”

According to him, “the purposeful lack of transparency over what weapons the US is supplying to Israel ‘on a daily basis’ is tied to the larger administration policy of downplaying the extent to which Israel will use those weapons to commit war crimes and kill civilians in Gaza.”

Hartung added that even as the Biden administration supports Israel with “weapons and rhetoric, it is a delicate matter politically to give all the details on US weapons supplied to the Israeli military, some of which will certainly be used in illegal attacks on civilians if the war continues to grind on.”

The Intercept also cited an unnamed retired US Marine general as saying that Washington keeping mum on details on its arms supplies to Tel Aviv can be attributed to the political sensitivity of the Palestine-Israel conflict.

In particular, weapons used in door-to-door urban warfare, which […] result in civilian casualties, are not going to be something the [Biden] administration wants to publicize, the retired officer said.

The remarks come after US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby admitted late last month that the White House is “being careful not to quantify or get into too much detail about what Israel is getting [in terms of military aid]— for their own operational security purposes, of course.”

Although the US Department of Defense at first declined to identify any specific weapons systems supplied to Israel, it finally revealed that these include “precision guided munitions, small diameter bombs, artillery, ammunition, Iron Dome interceptors and other critical equipment.”

The Intercept noted in this vein that, “What ‘other critical equipment’ entails remains a mystery, as do specifics about the quantity of arms being supplied, which the US administration has refused to disclose.”

The US news website also recalled that while the Biden administration “put out a three-page list of arms for Ukraine, information on weapons sent to Israel could fit in one sentence.”

US President Joe Biden earlier requested $14.3 billion in funding for Israel in addition to the over $3 billion in military assistance Washington already provides.

November 8, 2023 - Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, War Crimes | , , , ,


  1. biden admin is a yid admin.
    us is a yid puppet dog.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by 5 dancing shlomos | November 8, 2023 | Reply

  2. Where do they and the Zionists come up with the language they use to describe things?

    The descriptions used by William Hartung has much more validity and he questions what and how it is being used.

    For the Biden people to say that how Israel uses the military equipment is not up to America to dictate; that is up to Israel, which is like saying, “How the Israeli pilots used napalm to bomb the USSLiberty, how the Israeli pilots fired torpedos at the ship was up to them. America simply provided that assistance military hardware.”

    Next among the “assistance” war materials: napalm; agent orange? Israel already has (but will not comment upon) nuclear weapons, which some Israeli leaders advocate using on Palestinians. Opps! Meant to use the word Gaza. A better euphemism. Leaves people out of the identification. Like, calling the Israeli civilian-soldiers as “settlers”. That makes them equivalent to… well, American settlers of the western migration into the Plains. They settled the West. It was an “unsettled” place. Like where Israeli “settlers” began their new towns, kibbutz, and the like. It was unsettled. A land without a people. For a people without a land. “There is no such thing as a Palestinian.” said Golda Meir.


    Comment by missinglinksb866ef593f | November 8, 2023 | Reply

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