Aletho News


Violent clashes break out in northeast Syria in response to US airstrikes

The Cradle | November 9, 2023

Local sources in Syria’s Deir Ezzor governorate report that intense clashes broke out between the US occupation army and its Kurdish proxy – the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies stationed west of the Euphrates River in the morning of 9 November.

Attacks on the US-occupied territory east of the Euphrates started shortly after US jets bombed an alleged weapon storage facility the Pentagon says was used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced on Wednesday night that two F-15 jets bombed the facility, adding that attacks on US troops in West Asia “must stop.” According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), at least nine people were killed in the attack.

“If attacks by Iran’s proxies against US forces continue, we will not hesitate to take further necessary measures to protect our people,” Austin stressed.

As the clashes raged early on Thursday, missiles and drone strikes hit the US-occupation bases in Al-Omar and Conoco oil fields in Deir Ezzor. Earlier in the night, the Iraqi Resistance in Iraq (IRI) announced that a new round of airstrikes hit US troops stationed at the Al-Harir air base in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

The latest attacks on US troops in Iraq and Syria happened mere hours after Yemeni resistance group Ansarallah announced they had shot down an advanced US MQ9 Reaper drone that was “carrying out hostile, monitoring, and spying operations in Yemeni territorial waters.”

According to the Pentagon, 45 US troops have been injured in drone and rocket attacks by regional resistance forces since the start of the Gaza-Israel war.

In response to the growing threat from the Resistance Axis, Washington has deployed nearly a dozen warships and thousands of troops to the region. Special forces from the UK, Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands have also been deployed recently to provide support for Israel’s campaign of genocide in Gaza.

November 9, 2023 - Posted by | Illegal Occupation, Wars for Israel | , ,

1 Comment »

  1. Future historians will record this period as a period in which United States foreign policy was no different than that of the British Empire which preceded it. History will record this period as an America made abomination in which America tried to rule the world as a global Hegemon. When America’s foreign policy intentionally violated national sovereignty of nations in many parts of the world.
    Like the Empire that preceded it, America adopted British geopolitics as its foreign policy following WWII and the death of President FDR. Instead of fostering a “Community of Principle” among nations FDR intended with help of the Bretton Woods Agreements, America began to seek monsters to destroy, turning former allies into enemies. America began to behave much differently than it did in WWII. After Truman dropped two nuclear fission bombs on Japan, it set out to launch population wars in against Vietnam and Korea. Since WWII, the U.S. has invaded 25 nations. Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria are but the latests.

    History will recall how the U.S. partnered with Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. A man who has been characterized as a “serial killer” for continuing genocide against the Palestinian people for the sake of a “greater Israel”.
    And with Ukraine’s President Vlodomir Zelenskyy, a former comedian and clown showman who after getting elected on a peace with Russia platform, willfully commanded 500 thousand Ukrainian soldiers to their deaths in an unwinnable war against President Putin’s Russia. A war that was designed by U.S. advisors to “weaken” and “bleed Russia white” in order to conquer it and divide it up into many different regions.
    Netanyahu and Zelenskyy would not have been able to do any of the things they are guilty of without the complicity and support of the United States government. President Biden’s administration is on a long lists of U.S. administrations that had turned U.S. government foreign policy inside out, transforming the United States into an Imperialist nation.

    Everything that has happened in American society since Nov. 22, 1963, was intended to tear apart Judeo, Christian culture which is the glue that holds America together. With the intention of replacing it with a society of individuals and groups, divided by single issues that would render Americans incapable of coming together for a “unity of purpose” except that of war.

    The record will prove beyond doubt, that American hegemony we are witnessing today, was shaped and influenced by institutions of the former British Empire together with agencies and organizations with the same aim. That of creating in the minds of American citizens, what Winston Churchill referred to at the end of WWII in answer to a question about the future of the British Empire. Churchill responded, “empires of the future will be empires of the Mind”. His ominous prediction has been fulfilled by generations of Americans who have come to behave as vassals and underlings. Like “Eloi” in HG Wells novel, Time Machine.

    Is that what we have become? A people that no longer thinks for themselves or takes responsibility for their government’s actions. But who subserviently and slavishly do whatever they are told, in order to get along with the neighbors. The whistle blows and you walk off the cliff to support the next war and the war after that! The British call it, British brains and American braun.

    We must overthrow the idea of Empire and all that it was and is today. We must return America to our roots as the Constitutional Republic it was intended. A Republic born out of revolutionary victory over British Imperialism. Dedicated to promoting the principles set forth in the Preamble of the Federal Constitution. Anything less and our nation may soon perish.


    Comment by Thomas Lee Simpson | November 9, 2023 | Reply

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