Aletho News


Israeli army shoots whoever tries to leave Al-Shifa Hospital: Doctor tells Anadolu

MEMO | November 11, 2023

A doctor at the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City said on Saturday that the Israeli army opens fire on those who want to flee the hospital, Anadolu reports.

The Israeli army has surrounded the hospital area and they are “not even a meter away, they are at the door,” Fadia Malhis, a gynecologist at the hospital, told an Anadolu correspondent in frequently interrupted phone conversations.

“They shoot anyone who wants to go out of the hospital. If anyone moves between units, they shoot them. There are many martyrs in the yard in front of the emergency room, the situation is very bad and dangerous, it is indescribable,” she said.

“It is like a prison without water, electricity, or food. There were more than 100 martyrs in the garden. They opened fire at those who tried to bury the martyrs in the hospital yard. The hospital garden is full of martyrs. Some tried to escape from the hospital, and they also killed them. They fired at me too,” she added.

Citing a power outage in the hospital and underlining the deteriorating condition of infants in the incubators in the intensive care unit, she said: “There are 60 babies in the intensive care unit, 39 of them are intubated, one baby died in the afternoon. These (infants) will die one after the other.”

She called for immediate action to cease hostilities around the hospital, saying: “Please, save us, stop this war, otherwise we will die. There are dead people everywhere. Save us, the situation is very bad.”

November 11, 2023 - Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, War Crimes | , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. “Sure it looks like a 9 year-old child, but in reality it is a Hamas terrorist carrying an Iranian anti-aircraft missile in its trousers. So We have to kill it.
    Yes, it appears as old-lady collecting water, but really it is a Hamas terrorist with an Iranian mini-nuke in the clear plastic bottle on her way to destroy Tel Aviv. We have to kill it.
    We don’t understand what all the fuss is about, we have been killing Palestinian women and children for the last 75 years, why are you complaining about a few thousand more?”


    Comment by peterjohnarnold | November 12, 2023 | Reply

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