Aletho News


How to Lose A Carrier Strike Group in An Afternoon

By William Schryver – imetatronink – November 28, 2023

Imagine a scenario where China, for whatever reason, announces a “no warships allowed” closure of the Taiwan Strait. It’s not an implausible scenario at all. The Chinese have spoken openly of the possibility. They regard the entirety of the strait as their sovereign waters, and assert the right to exercise control over them.

Now imagine a US carrier strike group is commanded to challenge the blockade in order to assert what the empire regards as “freedom of navigation” through what the “rules-based international order” defines as international waters.

Then imagine the distinct possibility of a perceived provocation that escalates to a limited engagement that escalates into a launch of the carrier’s air wing and then escalates to the launch of a mixed-salvo of 500+ Chinese kamikaze drones and anti-ship missiles, plus a full complement of ECCM jammers and a couple hundred decoys.

The stocks of long-range SM-6 missiles on the cruiser and destroyers would be exhausted long before the Chinese missiles stopped coming.

Short-range defense systems would deplete their ammunition in a matter of minutes.

Every ship in the flotilla would then be sunk or severely damaged — as it were in the blink of an eye.

This is how the US could lose an entire carrier strike group in an afternoon — and I challenge anyone to argue how, in the scenario I describe, the outcome could be meaningfully different than the one I project.

Also bear in mind that very similar scenarios could just as easily play out in the Baltic Sea or the Persian Gulf.

And the day it finally happens — as I fear it surely will — the world will suddenly begin operating on radically altered terms.

November 28, 2023 - Posted by | Militarism |


  1. Not gonna happen.


    Comment by CAPT St. Clair | November 29, 2023 | Reply

    • …because…? (would like to have and spin through your rationale; far too cryptic here and thus unhelpful)


      Comment by roberthstiver | November 29, 2023 | Reply

  2. The US Navy is renaming the carriers from USS Nimitz, USS Eisenhower etc to BFJT Nimitz, BFJT Eisenhower etc.
    The Non-NATO adversaries merely name BFJT 1 BFJT 2 etc.
    No longer United States Ships but just Big Fat Juicy Targets.
    PS You forgot to mention the Submarine Drones that are lying in the Straits on the seabed, have been for years and can be activated in minutes. Unmanned, silent and undetectable, until they are under your hull. A mini-Nuke amidships and bingo you have two half-carriers.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by peterjohnarnold | November 29, 2023 | Reply

  3. “Strike” any strike group…sink it! — in the Taiwan Straits, the South China Sea, the Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf, on the open seas, anywhere and everywhere.


    Comment by roberthstiver | November 29, 2023 | Reply


    We have all been here before–perhaps 12,000 years ago a clash of good and evil.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by rediscover911com | November 29, 2023 | Reply

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