Aletho News


Ontario Cop Appeals Conviction For Freedom Convoy Donation

By Cindy Harper | Reclaim The Net | November 29, 2023

Constable Michael Brisco, a highly respected officer of the Windsor Police Service, found his professional reputation threatened for making an online donation to a protest in support of civil liberties.

Armed with no previous disciplinary records, Brisco has been thrust into a legal tussle over his $50 donation to the Ottawa Freedom Convoy’s peaceful protest via GiveSendGo on February 8, 2022.

Get the background on this case here.

Importantly, this occurred within the permissible boundaries set by an Ontario Superior Court Judge, allowing people to participate in the protest in Ottawa, provided their advocacy did not include honking. Brisco, who chose to fund the peaceful protest anonymously and not in his capacity as a police officer, now finds his actions punished.

The crux of this issue surfaced when the GiveSendGo donor list was compromised and fell into the possession of the Ontario Provincial Police Service.

Brisco’s name was flagged in the data breach and subsequently forwarded to the Windsor Police Service, gently illustrating the porous safety afforded by digital privacy. Brisco now stands accused of what the Windsor Police Service deems “discreditable conduct.”

Brisco’s legal team maintains their client’s donation was not evidence of his support for the Ambassador Bridge blockade in Windsor, Ontario. They argue the prosecution’s attempts to link Brisco’s anonymous contribution with allegedly unlawful protests was threadbare, relying solely on newspaper commentaries by several officials, including Ontario’s premier and the prime minister. Specifically, no video, photograph, or indisputable evidence supports the accusations against Brisco.

Get more information on this case at the Justice Center For Constitutional Freedoms.

November 29, 2023 Posted by | Civil Liberties, Full Spectrum Dominance | , | Leave a comment

A Scientist’s Abominable Dereliction of Duty

By Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D. | NEWZEALANDDOC | November 29, 2023

I’ve found myself feeling unusually cranky over the past several months. Goodnesss knows, there are plenty of reasons: the never-ending covidian pall that has hung over our heads for nearly four years, the absurdly frivolous persecution of my medical colleagues here in New Zealand by a thoroughly corrupt Medical Council in the back pocket of the FSMB, the recent change in government with promises to begin a covid inquiry that itself promises to be about as successful as the Warren Commission report on the assassination of JFK, and the many stories of jab-injured people who feel they have nowhere to turn. In fact, I received a message from one just last week imploring me to hear her out over the holidays, which I gladly will.

But more particularly for me and my level of grumpiness this week was having come across a video by a YouTube influencer, a bona fide physicist whose channel promises “Science without the gobbledygook.” I’ve chanced upon her before as I meandered my way through discussions of dark energy, dark matter, black holes and the like, no doubt a masochistic exercise for someone whose mathematical abilities reach their peak in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division — although in fairness I did manage to pass calculus and statistics courses in my youth, the memory of which is something best repressed.

The physicist in question, one Sabine Hossenfelder, produced a video entitled “Long COVID: All you need to know”:

I sat through the excruciating twenty minutes in stunned disbelief. Here, after all, is a very real and accomplished scientist, who describes herself on her channel thus:

“Sabine Hossenfelder has a PhD in physics. She is author of the books “Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray” (Basic Books, 2018) and “Existential Physics: A Scientist’s Guide to Life’s Biggest Questions” (Viking, 2022).”

I know without a doubt that her mental capacity for engaging in the higher complexities of mathematics, cosmology, particle physics and the like, is considerable, and in comparison to me she is many light years ahead or above my capabilities to comprehend even the rudiments of these august fields.

Mysteriously however, Dr. Hossenfelder’s scientific acumen took a leave of absence when she ventured into the field of medicine. I realize that she does not possess an MD, but surely any scientist worth his or her salt could never have failed to address the one highly significant variable in all this talk of long, longer and endless covid: the Jab.

Well, to be fair, she does mention covid “vaccination” in the context of preventing long covid, citing a meta-analysis that suggests multiple “vaccinations” are preventive. And with respect to the treatment of covid, she utterly fails to mention anything like zinc, zinc ionophores such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and Quercetin, Vitamin C, or Vitamin D — offering instead the suggestion that those infected with covid should “rest well” and not “try to push through it.”

I am reminded of a neighbor who developed a deep venous thrombosis in her calf and, two days after diagnosis, a pulmonary embolism requiring emergency hospitalization. She fortunately survived. When I asked her what her doctors told her about the developments she initially said that they were befuddled and could offer no explanation. A week later, however, their tune changed and, voila’, they discovered the culprit — yes, you guessed it, long covid! Not one of her doctors thought to consider the fact that she had received the thromobogenic Pfizer inoculation and boosters. This poor woman continues to require treatment and I suspect that she will line up for the yet another covid booster, despite my attempts to warn her of the possibility that this would be unwise and unhealthy. Let’s see.

Meanwhile I muse upon the titanium-clad propaganda machine that has generated a fool-proof shield of rebuttals to any real scientific curiosity. I predicted at the outset that adverse effects of the covid Jab would be attributed to covid itself instead of to the real culprit, and so they have, at least in mainstream circles. This is a kind of beautiful perfection in propaganda, isn’t it? With all the insurmountable and overwhelming evidence of Jab-induced harm, or people dying in greater numbers, the propagandist’s fall-back position is covid itself.

Yet another aspect of the bludgeoning under which we have suffered these past several years is that peculiar form of gaslighting that has turned the tables on everything we once held as rock-solid. Fundamental principles of medicine were, as if by a magician’s wave of the hand, dismissed — things like natural immunity, early treatment and prevention, individualized therapy, informed consent. Where once pandemic guidelines eschewed quarantining the healthy, lockdowns became the norm. Distancing became something “social” and masking, long known to be rather useless for respiratory viruses, became mandatory. We were told, daily, incessantly, to fear for our lives thanks to an infectious agent that was never more deadly than a seasonal flu. And, most ominously, we were advised that the very sanctity of our bodies — let’s leave the soul out of this for now — could be transgressed and violated by a State that justified its rapine coercion by the outright lie that healthy people could be lethal to others.

Yes, I suppose I have a lot of reasons to be out of sorts, but perhaps mostly because I am naive enough to think that very real and very accomplished scientists like Sabine Hossenfelder should practice scientific principles when they venture into domains beyond their particular expertise. In short, I thought that a scientific mind would be, well, scientific, and that the exclusion of a very real and ubiquitous variable such as mass inoculation would at the very least have been given some weight.

Then I ask myself the question, are these so-called scientists — like Dr. Hossenfelder with her million subscribers — truly ignorant, or are they part of the program?

November 29, 2023 Posted by | Science and Pseudo-Science, Timeless or most popular | Leave a comment

Michelin to cut production in crisis-hit Germany

RT | November 29, 2023

French tire giant Michelin will slash over 1,500 jobs in Germany by 2025, the company announced in Frankfurt on Tuesday. Competition from lower-wage nations and soaring energy prices have made production in Western Europe unprofitable, according to a statement.

Michelin plants in Karlsruhe and Trier will be fully shut down and some products at its site in Homburg will be discontinued. The decision will affect 1,410 employees in total. The Karlsruhe factory, Michelin’s oldest in Germany, was founded in 1931.

A further 122 jobs will be axed at the customer contact service in Karlsruhe, which will be moved to Poland, the company said. The operation supports clients in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, an area where Michelin employs some 8,000 people, according to its website.

“The commitment of our employees, the progress made within the company and the investments made in recent years in the affected activities can no longer compensate for the strong competitive pressure,” Maria Rottger, president of Michelin’s Northern Europe region, explained.

German trade union IG BCE said it will not “simply accept” the plans and will look for alternative solutions.

The firm noted that “recent health and geopolitical crises” had pushed up operating costs, putting “additional strain on Germany’s competitiveness as an industrial location.”

Germany has grappled with increasing economic problems since the EU chose to no longer buy cheap natural gas from Russia in response to the Ukraine crisis. The decoupling was reinforced in September 2022, when explosions sabotaged the undersea Nord Stream pipelines which delivered Russian fuel directly to Germany. Berlin has yet to identify the perpetrators of the attack, which Moscow claimed was likely masterminded by the US.

Some German politicians are urging the government to reconsider its antagonistic stance towards Russia, citing the economic damage their nation has suffered.

“The economic sanctions are hurting us more than Russia,” Klaus Ernst, an MP from The Left party, said on X (formerly Twitter) on Monday.

“The result is skyrocketing energy prices, a sharp decline in production in the energy-intensive industry and a shrinking economy in Germany,” he added, calling for energy supplies to be ramped up, including from Russia, in order to rein in prices.

Earlier this year, US tire maker Goodyear revealed plans to shut down two factories in Germany, which will cut around 1,750 jobs. As part of its rationalization plan in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, it will permanently close its facilities in Fulda and Furstenwalde.

November 29, 2023 Posted by | Economics, Russophobia | | Leave a comment

Elon Musk says advertisers are attempting to blackmail X to censor, tells corporate advertisers: “Go fuck yourself”

By Cindy Harper | Reclaim The Net | November 29, 2023

Elon Musk has expressed strong disapproval towards major advertisers withdrawing their support from his social media platform, X. He accused these companies of attempting to coerce the platform and even risk its financial stability, bluntly telling them, “Go fuck yourself… Go. Fuck. Yourself. Is that clear?”

This backlash from advertisers like Disney, IBM, NBCUniversal, and Lionsgate came after activist groups called on giant corporations to pull advertising on X until the platform censors.

At the New York Times DealBook Summit in New York, on Wednesday, Elon Musk spoke candidly about his turbulent year and his stance on being liked. Musk, unfazed by criticism, asserted, “Hate away. There’s a real weakness to wanting to be liked.”

Musk, undeterred, expressed his indifference to advertisers’ withdrawal, stating boldly, “I don’t want them to advertise. If someone is going to blackmail me with advertising or money go fuck yourself. Hey, Bob if you’re in the audience,” Musk added, referring directly to Disney CEO Bob Iger.

Musk also took criticism for supporting a post on X that many said was antisemitic – something Musk says he regrets.

“I handed a loaded gun to those who hate me,” Musk said, calling it “one of the most foolish” things he’s done on the platform.

X has taken legal action against Media Matters, accusing them of a malicious campaign against Musk and the platform, an allegation Media Matters dismisses as baseless.

November 29, 2023 Posted by | Full Spectrum Dominance | Leave a comment

US military aid to Ukraine may be postponed until after 2024 elections

By Ahmed Adel | November 29, 2023

Members of the US Congress fear that if a military and financial aid package for Ukraine cannot be agreed before Christmas, it could be delayed until after the 2024 presidential elections, which take place in the distant November. The Economist notes that due to this funding uncertainty, “now America has become one of Ukraine’s greatest worries” since Washington has been “Ukraine’s greatest saviour as it marshalled arms, money and more to help” to fight Russian forces.

According to the London-based outlet, “the longer the delay, the more the Republican and Democratic parties will “become consumed by election fever.”

“If there is no deal before Christmas, some in Congress worry, a fresh allocation of aid may be delayed until after the elections in November 2024,” the Economist reported, citing a source in the US Senate, who added that if Donald Trump was to be elected president, funding could stop completely.

Ukrainian officials fear that without American support, Kiev’s allies in Europe could lose heart, with the magazine highlighting that Ukraine is trying to boost its defence industry, which was famous during the Soviet era but has been badly neglected since.

“No matter how much we grow local production, we would be hugely dependent on Western partnerships,” admitted a senior official in Kiev.

Another Ukrainian source cited by the Economist said, “In the spring the flow of military supplies was a broad river. In the summer it was a stream. Now it is a few drops of tears.”

Without US and Western funding, Ukraine’s collapse would be imminent since this was the decisive factor in why the eastern European country’s military has survived for as long as it has. The situation is so dire that the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy and the National Bank believe that Ukraine’s GDP is expected to reach pre-crisis 2021 levels only in 2030.

Ukraine’s GDP dropped 29.1% last year, falling from 5.5 trillion hryvnia to 3.8 trillion hryvnia at constant prices, considering 2021 as the base year. With an average annual growth rate of 4.8%, the Ukrainian economy will reach pre-crisis levels only in 2030, when GDP will reach 5.6 trillion hryvnia at 2021 prices.

In comparison, the International Monetary Fund expects an average growth of 4.3% per year for the Ukrainian economy from 2025 to 2028.

Meanwhile, the Russian economy, which contracted 2.1% last year to 132.5 trillion rubles in 2021 prices, is forecast to grow 2.45% this year, reaching a GDP of 135.7 trillion rubles. Despite the sanctions, this value represents approximately 445 billion rubles more than recorded before the crisis.

Evidently, the sanctions against Russia have failed whilst Ukraine continues to struggle. Yet, despite this reality, the Biden administration is adamant about maintaining sanctions and financing Ukraine and is only blocked from doing so because of the strong opposition in Congress.

Biden’s unrelenting yet failed Ukraine policy will likely be his undoing since his popularity continues to plummet in the polls.

The latest Morning Consult poll, updated on November 27, had Biden’s approval rating at 38% and his disapproval rating at 55%. According to FiveThirtyEight’s average of all polls, Biden’s approval rating sat at 39%, with 54.7% disapproving.

The New York Times/Siena College polls at the beginning of November showed Trump ahead of Biden in four of the six swing states. Still, more indicators of the president’s electoral peril soon followed. Biden’s popularity in head-to-head matchups with Trump is dwindling, as seen in the fact that among the latest surveys this month from 13 separate pollsters, Biden’s position is worse than their previous polls in all but two.

As Politico highlighted, “And while polls suggest most of the movement comes from voters abandoning Biden — who might become undecided but not swing to supporting Trump — the Republican has also started to gain steam. Trump’s vote share in the national polling average is higher now than at any point in the past year.”

A massive reason for the swing in popularity between Biden and Trump is their respective positions on the Ukraine war. Trump has claimed he can end the conflict in 24 hours, and even though this is doubtful, it points to the fact that he wants to wrap up this war quickly. Biden, on the other hand, not only instigated the start of the war but is attempting to continue it for as long as possible, even at the expense of the American taxpayers who are already struggling with the cost of living.

If funding of Ukraine is discontinued until at least November 2024, Moscow will likely have ended the war by then after achieving their goals and will be ready to start engaging in slow normalisation efforts with Washington – if Trump were to be elected. And even if Congress eventually approves a new aid package for Ukraine, it will only merely delay for a short duration Russia’s final victory.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

November 29, 2023 Posted by | Economics, Militarism | , | Leave a comment

Ex-Soviet state summons Western envoys over funding of local media

RT | November 29, 2023

Azerbaijan has filed complaints with the US, Germany and France over the illegal funding of a local media outlet, which has published investigations into government corruption. Three of its journalists were recently arrested on accusations of currency smuggling.

On Tuesday, the Azerbaijani foreign ministry issued a statement saying the ambassadors of the three Western countries had been summoned to a meeting. They were informed that the AbzasMedia portal was conducting unlawful financial operations with the participation of organizations registered in those states. They were also told that their embassies were involved in such activities.

Azerbaijani legislation prohibits the allocation of funds to unregistered projects. However, according to the foreign ministry, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), FreedomNow, New Democracy Foundation, and other organizations illegally transferred funds to the country, violating the rules of grant allocation and illegally facilitating the activities of the unregistered media portal AbzasMedia.

AbzasMedia said in a statement that, several days ago, three of its journalists were arrested on charges of “currency smuggling” and sentenced to four months in custody, linking the case to its corruption investigations. The outlet also reported that, according to police, €40,000 ($44,000) in cash was found in the office, and accused officers of “deliberately putting money in the office to justify arrests.”

Last month, the government of neighboring Georgia raised the alarm over the actions of the USAID-funded Center for Applied Nonviolent Strategies (CANVAS), saying it was planning to unleash a violent color revolution. The US Embassy in Tbilisi claimed the accusations against CANVAS were “false and fundamentally mischaracterize the goals of our assistance to Georgia.”

On its website, USAID states that it is “investing in democracy work to advance a free, peaceful, and prosperous world.”

USAID activities have been banned in Russia since 2012. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, this decision was mostly due to the fact that the nature of the agency’s work in the country did not always comply with the stated goals, including their “attempts to influence the political process” through the distribution of grants.

November 29, 2023 Posted by | Corruption, Deception | , , , | Leave a comment

Israel left premature Palestinian babies to ‘die alone’ after evacuating Gaza hospital

MEMO | November 29, 2023

A video has revealed a new crime committed by the Israeli occupation army, after it forced medical staff of Al-Nasr Children’s Hospital in Gaza without the five premature Palestinian babies who were being cared for.

The five infants were found “dead and in a state of decomposition” in Al-Nasr Hospital after being alone for three weeks, in what may amount to a horrific execution and a crime against humanity.

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor quoted the hospital Director, Dr Mustafa Al-Kahlot, as saying that he had sent an appeal to international organisations, including the Red Cross, to save the lives of the babies, but “he did not receive any response.”

Al-Kahlot stated that he informed the Israeli occupation army officer, who warned them of the final evacuation, of the condition of the five children on respirators and that they could not be transferred, and he informed him that he was aware of this and would deal with it.

Due to the lack of response and lack of specialist equipment to preserve their lives during the evacuation, the doctors were forced to leave them inside the hospital with the Israeli officer’s promise to care for them. The children were left to die, quietly and alone.

Doctor Mona Youssef described how the hospital had been subjected to artillery and gunfire attacks several times before medical teams were forced to evacuate the premises with their patients on 10 November. The hospital had, by then, been surrounded by Israeli military vehicles.

November 29, 2023 Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Timeless or most popular, War Crimes | , , , | 3 Comments

Musk responds to Hamas invitation

RT | November 29, 2023

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has declined an invitation by a senior Hamas official to tour Gaza to see the fallout of the relentless Israeli attacks on the Palestinian enclave. The US billionaire recently paid a visit to Israel during which he agreed that the country had no other choice but to destroy Hamas.

On Tuesday, Osama Hamdan, a member of the Hamas politburo, told a press conference in Beirut, Lebanon, that the Palestinian armed group would be happy to show Musk “the extent of the massacres and destruction committed against the people of Gaza, in compliance with the standards of objectivity and credibility.”

Asked by a user on X (formerly Twitter) to comment on the invitation, Musk replied that “[it] seems a bit dangerous there right now.” “But I do believe that a long-term prosperous Gaza is good for all sides,” he added.

The US tycoon’s remarks came after Musk traveled to Israel on Monday, where he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog, and walked through a kibbutz destroyed by Hamas.

He also had a conversation with Netanyahu during which he agreed with the latter’s stance on Hamas, arguing that “those who are intent on murder must be neutralized.”

Musk’s trip to Israel came after the billionaire found himself in hot water over accusations that he harbored “anti-Semitic” sentiments. In particular, he emphatically concurred with one post accusing Jewish people of “pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.”

He has also previously been at odds with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a Jewish advocacy group, which accused the mogul of allowing hate speech on X. Musk has denied the anti-Semitism allegations and has threatened to sue the organization.

The conflict, which erupted after Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, has caused thousands of casualties on both sides, as well as a humanitarian crisis and widespread devastation in Gaza. As the hostilities intensified, tensions between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli communities around the world have also surged.

November 29, 2023 Posted by | Progressive Hypocrite | , , | 3 Comments

Israel to ‘settle accounts’ with Qatar after Gaza war: Official

The Cradle | November 29, 2023

An Israeli foreign ministry official vowed on 29 November that Tel Aviv plans to “settle accounts” with Qatar following the war. 

In an interview with Israeli military radio, the Deputy-Director for Strategic Affairs at Israel’s Foreign Ministry, Joshua Zarka, raised concerns over Qatar’s “role in everything related to hosting and legitimizing Hamas’s activities.”

“Right now, we need them. But when this thing passes from the world, we will settle accounts with them,” the official said. 

His comments come two days after the Jerusalem Post reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has given Doha guarantees that Israel will not act against Hamas leaders living in Qatar. 

“Doha presented its precondition to Israel a few weeks ago before assuming its role as a mediator in the abductee issue,” sources told French news outlet Le Figaro. Israel recently said it would carry out assassinations against Hamas leaders whether or not a truce was in place.

Qatar has long financed the resistance group’s political leadership and hosts a Hamas political office in its capital, Doha. 

While having no official diplomatic relations with Israel, the two states enjoy close ties. Qatar, alongside Egypt, has for years played a mediation role between Israel and the Palestinians, particularly during the wars with Gaza. 

Qatar hosted Mossad chief David Barnea and the head of the CIA, William Burns, on 28 November for meetings on further extending the current truce in Gaza, which is on its final day. 

Five rounds of prisoner exchanges have been carried out as part of the agreement. Sixty Israeli women and children have been released by Hamas in exchange for Israel’s release of 180 Palestinian prisoners, all women or teenage males. 

Mediators are currently discussing more prisoner exchanges.

Hamas “informed the mediators that it is willing to extend the truce for four days” on Wednesday, a source close to the resistance group told AFP

November 29, 2023 Posted by | Timeless or most popular, War Crimes | , , | 1 Comment

Hamas Military Wing Says Released 2 Russian Citizens in Response to Request of Moscow

Sputnik – 29.11.2023

MOSCOW – The military wing of the Palestinian movement Hamas, Al Qassam Brigades said on Wednesday that it released two Russian citizens in response to Moscow’s request.

Earlier in the day, the i24 broadcaster reported, citing Hamas, that the movement will release two Israeli women with Russian citizenship, in addition to 10 Israeli hostages whose release was agreed upon, as a sign of gratitude to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Al-Qassam Brigades [will] release two Russian detainees in response to a request from the Russian leadership,” the statement said.

Last week, Qatar mediated a deal between Israel and Hamas on a four-day truce and an exchange of some of the prisoners and hostages, as well as the delivery of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip. On Monday, Qatar announced that an agreement had been reached between Israel and Hamas on a two-day extension of the truce.

Over the five days of the truce Israel was able to secure the release of 61 Israelis and 25 foreign citizens held hostage by Hamas.

On October 7, Hamas launched a surprise large-scale rocket attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip and breached the border, killing and abducting people. Israel launched retaliatory strikes and ordered a complete blockade of Gaza, cutting off supplies of water, food, and fuel. On October 27, Israel launched a ground incursion into the Gaza Strip. The conflict has so far resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1,200 people in Israel and over 16,000 in the Gaza Strip.

November 29, 2023 Posted by | Aletho News | , | 5 Comments

UN General Assembly Denounces Occupation of Syrian Golan Heights, Demands Israeli Withdrawal

Sputnik – 29.11.2023

UNITED NATIONS – The UN General Assembly renewed its resolution demanding that Israel withdraw from Syria’s Golan Heights.

The resolution was renewed on Tuesday with 91 votes in favor, eight against and 62 abstentions.

The resolution says that United Nations member states are “deeply concerned that Israel has not withdrawn from the Syrian Golan, which has been under occupation since 1967, contrary to the relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions.”

The document also emphasizes “the illegality of the Israeli settlement construction and other activities in the occupied Syrian Golan since 1967.”

November 29, 2023 Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Illegal Occupation | , , , , | 1 Comment

Iran holds IAEA accountable for Israel’s atomic threats: Nuclear chief

Press TV – November 29, 2023

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) bears responsibility for any nuclear accident caused by Israel amid the regime’s repeated threats to use atomic bombs.

Speaking on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting in Tehran on Wednesday, Mohammad Eslami said that he had raised the issue of nuclear threats made by Israeli officials with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi before a meeting of the UN nuclear watchdog’s Board of Governors.

“We told the IAEA chief that … it is a violation of international law if you do not take a position against a party that has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), is not committed to the Safeguards Agreement, does not allow the agency’s access to [its nuclear facilities], and clearly declares that it will use nuclear weapons,” he added.

“The responsibility for any [nuclear] accident lies with the IAEA, because the Zionist regime has not signed the NPT and the Safeguards Agreement, and today the regime is threatening the world with atomic bombs.”

Earlier this month, Israel’s so-called heritage minister Amichai Eliyahu said that dropping a nuclear weapon on Gaza was “one of the possibilities” in the ongoing war on the besieged Palestinian territory.

Back in September, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for a “credible nuclear threat” against Iran in an address to the 78th session of the UN General Assembly. However, the hawkish premier’s office later said that he misread the line and meant to say a “credible military threat.”

Israel, which pursues a policy of deliberate ambiguity about its nuclear weapons, is estimated to have 200 to 400 nuclear warheads in its arsenal, making it the Middle East’s sole possessor of non-conventional arms.

The usurping entity has, however, refused to either allow inspections of its military nuclear facilities or sign the NPT, an international treaty aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear arms.

Also in his remarks, Eslami said that the bloody Israeli war on Gaza has exposed the nature of the Israeli regime.

He expressed hope for a day, when international organizations will be effective and ensure international peace and security.

November 29, 2023 Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism | , , , | 3 Comments