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West Starts to Understand That Ukraine Project ‘Failing’ – Russian Foreign Minister

Sputnik – 30.01.2024

MOSCOW – The West is beginning to understand that the “Ukraine project” is failing but can not stop assisting Kiev because of its economic benefit and fear of losing “prestige,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

“The figures that are hidden in Ukraine, they speak a lot about how important it is for the West to prevent the ‘failure’ of their ‘Ukraine project’. Moreover, they already understand that the failure has already begun. But nevertheless they cannot stop. And not only for reasons of prestige … And also from the point of view of economic benefits,” Lavrov said during a meeting with foreign diplomats in Moscow.

Addressing the UN Security Council meeting on January 22, 2023, Lavrov emphasized that there are no interests – and there never were – in the conflict with Russia in favor of the Ukrainian people. There are only “the interests of the Anglo-Saxons, their henchmen and the criminal, rotten Kiev elite, which is tied to the West by mutual responsibility and which is afraid of being swept away the day after the end of the war.”

The Russian top diplomat pointed out that Moscow has never given up on a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine conflict.

“We never gave up on the peaceful resolution, we are always ready to negotiate — negotiate not about how to keep the leadership of the Kiev regime in place but about overcoming the inheritance of a decade-long destructive looting of the country and violence against the people, removing the reasons for the tragic Ukrainian situation,” Lavrov said. However, the key factor hindering a resolution of the conflict in Ukraine is the continued support of the West, he added.

January 30, 2024 - Posted by | Corruption, Militarism | , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. “with the support of the west” says Lavrov.  Specifically, support of the US and its mother country Great Britain. Yes, mother country. For what’s been lost by all except for those who know the depths of Britain’s imperial history, is that the United States existence is once again in the shadow of British imperialism. The US has essentially become the empire it fought a revolution against in order to achieve republican independence. That’s republican with a small r. 

    I think maybe it is time that the history of British Tavistock and related intelligence operations that have, for all intent and purposes, recaptured the Kingdom’s American lost colony, be written up.


    Comment by Thomas Lee Simpson | January 30, 2024 | Reply

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