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Orban Calls Talks About ‘Russian Threat’ West’s Maneuver to Prepare for War

Sputnik – 24.05.2024

It is unlikely that Russia will attack a NATO country and talks about the “Russian threat” are nothing but a maneuver of the West to prepare for a war, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday.

“The likelihood that someone — we are not just talking about Russia, but about anyone — today will decide to attack a NATO country is extremely small. NATO is a defensive alliance and will not tolerate military actions that violate the sovereignty of any NATO country … Therefore, I interpret these references to the ‘Russian threat’ rather as maneuvers by the West and Europe to prepare for entry into war,” Orban told the Kossuth radio broadcaster.

Statements by Western politicians and media reports indicate that Europe is preparing for a war with Russia, the prime minister added.

“Before the two world wars, the media spent quite a long time preparing for entry into the war. I think that what is happening today in Brussels and Washington, but rather in Brussels than in Washington, is a kind of preparation of sentiment for a possible direct conflict. We can calmly say that preparations are underway for Europe to enter the war, this is happening in the media and in the statements of politicians,” Orban said.

May 24, 2024 - Posted by | Mainstream Media, Warmongering, Militarism, Russophobia |

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