Aletho News


Hezbollah slams US over arms claims

Press TV – April 28, 2010

Hezbollah has sharply rejected US allegations about the Lebanese movement’s missiles, vowing to continue armed resistance against Israeli aggression.

Hezbollah MP Hassan Fadlallah in an article published on Wednesday scoffed at recent comments by US Defense Minister Robert Gates that Hezbollah’s arms exceeded those held by many states in the world, saying Hezbollah’s arms did not compare to the “armament” and “crimes” of the United States and its ally Israel.

The Lebanese official recalled “the level of armament of the United States, which it used in its crimes against peoples around the world, from Hiroshima to the more than 100,000 killed in Iraq and the tens of thousands killed in Palestine, Lebanon and Afghanistan,” the Arabic-language newspaper As-Safir quoted him on Wednesday.

“There is a difference between arms which only serve invasions, occupations and aggressions, such as those of the United States and its ally Israel … and the arms of a resistance which defends, protects, and liberates,” he said.

“Our choice was and remains to secure all the arms of resistance that we can,” he added.

In a joint news conference with Israeli Defense Minster Ehud Barak in Washington, Gates on Tuesday accused Syria and Iran of arming Hezbollah with increasingly sophisticated rockets and missiles.

Gates’ claims came amid tensions in the Middle East intensified by Israel’s earlier accusations against Syria of providing Scud ballistic missiles for Hezbollah.

Israel views Hezbollah a major enemy, especially after the summer conflict of 2006 where the resistance forces repelled a 33-day Israeli offensive on southern Lebanon.

April 28, 2010 - Posted by | Aletho News, Mainstream Media, Warmongering


  1. Israel has no international recognised borders therefore it cannot be cosidered an ally of the United States.
    The ungrateful and greediness of the Zionist Entity is rewarded annually by the United States with Billions of Taxpayers Dollars and is receives the latest bombs just to drop it on the indigenous Palestinian Arab population with expansionism on their mind.
    How Satanic and sick!


    Comment by B. Benhamid | April 28, 2010 | Reply

  2. […] Hezbollah slams US over arms claims […]


    Pingback by WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The Ruthless Truth blog | April 28, 2010 | Reply

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