Aletho News


Video: “No Difference Between Judaism and Zionism” Says Jewish Academic

March 4, 2010

Dr. Rachael Turkienicz holds a Ph.D. in Talmudic and Midrashic Studies from Brandeis University. Currently she is a Professor at York University in both of its Education and Jewish Studies faculties.

May 2, 2010 - Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Timeless or most popular, Video


  1. With all respects to the good Dr Turkienitz, the great majority of the world couldn’t really give a fig about the difference between Judaism and Zionism. They like what they see or otherwise and most of the time based on the nature of the beast, it is otherwise., name notwithstanding.
    As for discussion on the subject, I cannot think of anything less inclined to be motivating than this subject and whereas it might be a most important study for her at Brandeis University, undertaking some form of research probably sponsored by some Jewish group on benefactor, it is the actions of the real Jews on the ground in Palestine with their murderous ‘settler’ culture with the imprimatur of the IDF, on which such people are judged. As a collective group of people under the heading of Israel, they are the most hated country in the whole world. Whether they are hated as ‘Zionism’ or ‘Judaism’ is totally irrelevant. As I said, a dead Palestinian doesn’t really care who pulled the trigger.

    Perhaps you could provide a public service to the likes of Vice President Biden by explaining to him that as an avowed Zionist, according to you he is therefore really an avowed Jew which based on the general understanding of the role he is apparently supposed to play in the structure and administration of the law and management of a so-called secular country, the USA, without fear or favour, he is somewhat ‘out of order’. He is therefore failing miserably by not being independent of either of the alien groups, manipulated and controlled by another country.
    Decidedly out of order, I would have thought.


    Comment by rexw | May 2, 2010 | Reply

  2. I had a conversation with a European Jew recently. As he told me that he was a Jew, I said if you are a Jew, then we are friends. Should you, however, be a Zionist, then we are enemies. He replied, what is the difference? Well, if he doesn’t know what the difference is then I wish to say what I have said for a long time that armed struggle against the Zionist enemy is the only means to restore Palestine to its people and Judaism to the religious Jews.


    Comment by B.Benhamid | May 3, 2010 | Reply

    • Dr. Turkientiz, seems to be ignorant of many aspects relating to Judaism and Zionism. Even Jews speak out that Zionist, a political movement, claiming that they do NOT represent them. Zionist could careless about Judaism. Most are Secular. There seems to be several different beliefs about the beliefs of Jews. While Zionists might be Jews… not all Jews are Zionists. Speaking out against Zionism is not Anti-Semitic… it is stating that one doesn’t agree that Israel has a right to kick people out of their homes to create a land for Zionists, who seem to want to take over the Middle East. It is also stating that one doesn’t believe Jews alone have a right to statehood… so do the Palestinians, Zionists and probably few of the current day Jews can be traced back to Ancient Judeans or Judahites. The Hebrew Bible and the Israelite beliefs in the Hebrew Bible is not Jewish or Judaism. Please do your homework in an objectively thorough way.


      Comment by K | March 18, 2016 | Reply

  3. “Secure is the verbosian halls of academia, poor Rachel never noticed her chosen people drenched in Palestinian Blood.”

    That’s the caption for Rachel’s brain dead vid.


    Comment by mot | June 7, 2010 | Reply

  4. This article is posted as an argument for the (false) proposition that anti-zionism and anty-judaisme (or “anti-semitism””) are one and the same thing. Thank You, editors of “ΑΛΗΘΩΣ” for having “helped the needy and shown them the way”. (“Alethos” means “in truth”. Each Easter this greeting is heard in Greece, where it means “Intruth: he is indeed arisen” — quite cantrary to any creed spewn aut of Jerusale/Judea or THe City of London after Jesie James-son from Gallilee supposedlee turned the tables over.

    We of Christian decent descent ho have served in defence of that anti-christian and anti-semittic state at times should despice the autorress (one miss Turkienitc) for all of the following reasons: In th IDF, we never went for being there to help all the Wold’s Jews come back to Israël_ — but only that we felt some strange need to be able to defentd our families at need.

    In posting this text of hers , Aletho News is degrading a woman who pretends to be a scholar or a scientist to her (well: very well-deserving) lowest rank, both as female and doubious ass scholar . No woman (nor man) should suffer the indignity of being thus exposed and . The playwright Henrik Ibsen alredy observed 150 yeara ago , that “If you take the existential lie away from an average person, then you take his (or her) happiness away for ever”. Likewise with this non-academic and non-scientific nobody when it comes to her lacking ability to present any cogent argument. She should have been spared this opportunity to expose herself, because this is an affront to thinking women, thinking Zionist, thinking afficionados of Jews or of Jewish traditions and so forth. And especially to those men among us who believe that women are able to present cogent, clear and cunning sets of reasoned argumentation.

    Shame on “Alethos” for putting out writings by Zionist imbeciles of sub-intelligent ability! “Alethos should have tried to find someone able to be more cogent. –BUT I S THAT POSSIBLE AT ALL????


    Comment by Tollef Ås/秋涛乐/טלפ וש | May 22, 2024 | Reply

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