Aletho News


S Korea, US to hold new war games

Press TV – December 2, 2010

The United States and South Korea have announced that they plan to hold new maneuvers off the Korean Peninsula early next week.

The two countries have just finished joint four-day war games. In addition, China’s push for the revival of the six-party nuclear negotiations with North Korea was refused by Washington, Seoul and Tokyo.

In a statement, the US State Department Spokesman Philip Crowley said that the US has ruled out any possibility of going back to the negotiating table.

China previously had urged the resumption of the six-party talks as a substitute for action with the intention of easing tension in the Korean peninsula but its call for dialog was strongly criticized by the US.

US expects China, North Korea’s only ally, to act “more responsibly” and use its “growing capabilities” and influence to calm the situation.

Meanwhile, the foreign ministers of the US, South Korea and Japan are expected to meet in Washington on Monday and discuss the crisis in the Korean Peninsula and other security issues in the region, Reuters quoted US officials, who declined to be named, as saying.

December 1, 2010 - Posted by | Militarism

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