Aletho News


US Air Force C17 transport caught smuggling arms and drugs into Argentina

Pagina/12 Report – February 14, 2011

Translation by Aletho News:

Argentina’s foreign ministry has issued a press release stating that it will be making a formal protest over undeclared weapons and drugs brought into the nation at Ezeiza last Thursday.

A manifest provided by the US did not list war materiel and drugs which were seized by Argentine authorities.

Among the confiscated materiel were communications interception equipment, encrypted communications equipment, sophisticated GPS devices, high power rifles, a machine gun and narcotics as well as a full trunk of expired pharmaceuticals including stimulants. All boxes had the stamp of the 7th Army Airborne Brigade based in North Carolina.

The Argentine government estimates the value of the goods and the C17 transport expenses to exceed $2 million.

The unreported contents also included an odd brochure with the phrase “I am a United States soldier. Please report to my embassy I have been arrested by the country.” translated into fifteen languages.

US documents described the shipment as intended for an Argentine government approved Federal police training course.

Argentina reiterated that it does not wish for the internal security practices of Rio’s favelas or El Salvador’s gangs to be the model for the Argentine nation.

The Argentine government will be suspending the police training program.

Argentina’s ambassador to the US described the situation as “a shameful embarrassment” before returning the cargo to North Carolina.

It is noted that any Argentine, civilian or military, who attempted to smuggle weapons and drugs into the US would be arrested immediately.


Spanish language source:

La Argentina “formulará una protesta” formal ante los Estados Unidos por el intento de ingresar de forma ilegal “material camuflado” en un avión militar que llegó a Ezeiza el jueves pasado, tal como informó ayer Página/12. Según un comunicado de prensa difundido anoche por Cancillería, entre el material que se incautó tras la inspección “hay desde armas hasta diferentes drogas” que no habían sido declaradas en el manifiesto… lea mas

More Spanish language source material

February 14, 2011 - Posted by | False Flag Terrorism, Timeless or most popular, War Crimes | , , ,


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by masteradrian, atheonews. atheonews said: US Air Force C17 transport caught smuggling arms and drugs into Argentina […]


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  2. The C17 should have been destroyed along with the cargo, the occupants arrested and tried under Argentine law as drug smugglers, narco-terrorist.

    Shameful was not doing that. What I make of this is obsequiousness in the face of US covert action to build up elements of a coup.

    Obama is not in charge of Argentina is he? Are heads rolling in Washington, D.C. over this? No, nor in Argentina!


    Comment by Bill Mitchell | February 14, 2011 | Reply

  3. […] country Well thats a whitewash if I ever saw one. Looks like the CIA is in need of funding….. US Air Force C17 transport caught smuggling arms and drugs into Argentina Never in our history has Congress failed to increase the debt limit when necessary. Failure to […]


    Pingback by Argentina accuses US of trying to smuggle weapons into country | February 15, 2011 | Reply

  4. Simple play of the CIA to let the one plane get caught with cheap gear and expired goods. While at the same time, off to another place they are selling the goods 5-10 planes at a time. This plane was a decoy.


    Comment by Joker | February 15, 2011 | Reply

  5. I was looking for an article from around 2009 in which Hillary Clinton
    actually put pressure on the Mexican government to cover up the
    investigation of the plane that crashed with over 3 tons of cocaine
    aboard coming from South America with that coke after doing a
    rendition flight to Guantanamo.Both Bill and Hillary went from legal
    huge debts to huge unexplained offshore accounts after their stay at
    the White House.In truth their offshore accounts in the Caymans and
    probably in terrorist money laundering Sheik Mohamed Al Rashid bin
    Maktoum’s Dubai or whwerever else should be confiscated
    and an investigation of their criminal activities
    undertaken.Unfortunately Barack Osama Obama is part of their and the
    CIA’s and Israel’s criminal gang and until they are ousted it will
    only get worse.
    After all how much heroine was being produced in Afghanistan under the
    Taliban and how much is being produced and sent to Europe and the
    U.S.under W Bush CIA and now UNDER Barack Osama and Hillary Clinton
    and the CIA’s reign of terror !?
    Their cover up of the rendition plane as well as the Jeb Bush and
    Homeland Security connected Skyway Communications of Lakeland,Florida
    and Royal Sons holding company continues to be covered up.
    Hillary promises or lies about bringing traffickers to justice but
    unfortunately it appears that she is one.Skyway Communications is also
    a stock fraud against American investors that bought those DC 9s with

    [cia-drugs] Hillary Clinton flew on plane owned by company linked to
    CIA renditions and organized crime

    Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:10:13 -0700
    Hillary Clinton flew on plane owned by company linked to CIA
    renditions and organized crime publication date: Oct 15, 2007 Previous
    | Next October 15, 2007 — Hillary Clinton flew on plane owned by
    company linked to CIA renditions and organized crime On September 24,
    2007, a Gulfstream II (tail number N987SA) crashed landed in Yucatan,
    Mexico with 3.3 metric tons (3.7 tons) of cocaine on board.

    The plane had recently been sold to Donna Blue Aircraft, Inc. of
    Coconut Creek, Florida, a firm owned by two Brazilians, and re-sold,
    shortly before the crash, to two Florida businessmen. N987SA had also
    flown patterns to and from Guantanamo Bay similar to those flown by
    CIA rendition aircraft Before being sold to Donna Blue, the Gulfstream
    had been owned by Air Rutter International, a firm with offices in
    Garden City, New York; Long Beach and Irvine, California, whose owner
    is Arik Kislin, the son of Sam Kislin. N987SA was owned by Kislin’s
    business partner, William Achenbaum, an owner, along with Arik Kislin,
    of Manhattan’s Hotel Gansevoort.

    Air Rutter leased out the aircraft. WMR has learned that another Air
    Rutter Gulfstream II (tail number N216RR) has flown presidential
    candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, including a January 2007 stop in Des
    Moines, Iowa. The plane, which has a crew of 3, including a jump seat
    for a flight attendant, and can handle up to 13 passengers, has a
    fully galley, a private lavatory, plush leather seats, conference
    seats and table, CD/DVD entertainment system, a 21 inch monitor,
    satellite telephone system, and even an espresso machine.

    On October 9, 2007, WMR reported: Arik’s uncle, Semyon (Sam) Kislin, a
    member of the New York City Economic Development Board and immigrant
    from Odessa, has poured substantial political donations into the past
    campaigns in New York of Hillary Clinton and [Rudolph] Giuliani. He
    has also contributed to past campaigns of New York Senator Charles
    Schumer, former Republican Senator Alphonse D’Amato, and President
    Bill Clinton. The Center for Public Integrity has previously reported
    that a 1996 Interpol report connected Sam Kislin’s Trans Commodities,
    Inc. to two reputed Uzbek mobsters, Lev and Mikhail Chernoy.

    The Interpol connected Kislin’s firm to the Chernoys’ fraud and
    embezzlement schemes. Kislin confirmed that Mikhail Chernoy had been
    employed by his Trans Commodities firm. The Chernoy brothers are
    citizens of Israel. [The Chenoys have been linked to a worldwide
    empire of front companies and corporate shells in Monaco, the Bahamas,
    Cyprus, Switzerland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Israel, the Cayman Islands,
    Western Samoa, London, Isle of Man, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands,
    Brighton Beach (Brooklyn), Liechtenstein, and Vanuatu].

    Between 1994 and 1997, Sam Kislin and his wife Ludmila, gave Giuliani
    $14,250 in contributions. In 1997, after Giuliani maxed out on his GOP
    contributions, $9.7 million, Kislin donated $30,000 to Giuliani
    through the Liberal Party, the other ticket on which Giuliani was
    running for re-election as mayor. In May 1999, Sam Kislin co-chaired a
    Giuliani Senate race fundraiser at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers in
    New York. The gathering raised $2.1 million for Giuliani’s aborted
    senate campaign. Arik Kislin contributed $1000 to Giuliani’s 1995
    mayoral campaign and his Blonde Management shared office space with
    Sam Kislin’s Trans Commodities. Sam Kislin, his wife Ludmila, their
    son David, and daughter Regina gave $2000 to Schumer’s 1998 Senate

    Sam also gave Schumer’s opponent, D’Amato, $1000. Sam Kislin is also a
    prominent supporter of the United Jewish Appeal and Israel. Arik
    Kislin gave Hillary Clinton $4000 in 2006, specifically on Sept. 12,
    2006. That same day an Olya Kislin also donated $4000 to Hillary
    Clinton. On October 1, 2007, the New York Post reported that an
    ex-employee of Air Rutter, Mark Billey, subsequently arrested on
    federal child sex charges, said he noted a number of armed U.S.
    Marshals at Air Rutter’s facilities in Long Beach, however, given the
    connection between the firm and Clinton, the federal agents may have
    been part of Senator Clinton’s Secret Service detail.

    Clinton has made several fundraising visits to the Los Angeles area
    over the past year. On October 9, WMR also reported that Arik Kislin
    is associated with another airline company, Skookum Air, Inc.
    Government records indicate that Clinton’s N216RR was owned by Skookum
    Air, as well as Air Rutter International, with the actual registered
    owner listed as GS-II Holdings, LLC, a firm registered in Delaware
    with offices listed at 35 E. 21st St. Suite 500, New York, NY. On
    October 4, 2007, when Senator Clinton visited Chicago to attend a
    “Republicans for Hillary” fundraiser at the Hyatt Regency, N216RR was
    parked at Chicago Midway Airport.

    Recently, N216RR has been put up for sale.


    ”Increasing suspicion even more was the suggestion, in a report of a
    committee of the European Parliament, that in addition to having been
    used in drug trafficking the Gulfstream II had flown CIA rendition
    flights to Guantanamo.” – Daniel Hopsicker ,

    Mexico,CIA,Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine, Homeland ‘Security’

    ”Increasing suspicion even more was the suggestion, in a report of a
    committee of the European Parliament, that in addition to having been
    used in drug trafficking the Gulfstream II had flown CIA rendition
    flights to Guantanamo.” – Daniel Hopsicker ,

    Subject : rendition,cocaine plane, guantanamo, yucatan

    Republicans,Drugs and Money: Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine,
    Homeland ‘Security’,Money Laundering,Stock Fraud by Tony Ryals

    In April,2006 it was revealed that a plane owned by Skyway
    Communications of Lakeland,Florida and Royal Sons holding company
    using Huffman Aviation(where Mohamed Atta trained before 9/11),as its
    address and paradoxically rented by the Howard Dean’s Democrat
    presidential campaign of 2004 had been busted by the Mexican army at
    the Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche airport on the Yucatan Peninsula with
    over 5.5 tons of cocaine on board.


    Comment by Tony Ryals | February 15, 2011 | Reply

  6. […] weapons into the country, Argentina accuses US of trying to smuggle weapons into country … US Air Force C17 transport caught smuggling arms and drugs into … 4 Americans Face Weapons Smuggling Charges in Argentina – Los …  Jan 13, 1987  […]


    Pingback by Russia Attacked | Gandalf's Staff | February 15, 2011 | Reply

  7. we’ve been down this road of CIA front ops using chartered bizjets, inclusive of the Washington Redskin’s G-5 for renditions, and nobody ever gets prosecuted.

    is there any surprise that the U.S.S.A. is now gonna blatantly use military transports, like when they were doing so under Ollie North’s orders during Iran Contra, flying C-130’s full of arms SOUTH and turning them around and landing in Mena, AR and other fields like MIA, full of cocaine??

    if the scumvarmint can’t sell weapons of death, it’s main Rothschilds enforcer, the OWL+CIA=DUH! boyz in Langley/Tel Aviv/London, will just shift gears and get into the narco / small arms gigs.

    Might as well put MM Enterprises on the tails of those McChord C-17’s, Mike Nichols should have shot his ‘Catch-22’ right at McChord AFB in Washington, where all this recent monkey business is coming out of..


    Comment by Hale Bopp III | February 16, 2011 | Reply

  8. Drug trafficking connected U.S.Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been prying into Argentina President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s personal life previously.Why doen’t Hillary answer some question about her involvemnt with grug trafficking polanes and their owners ?
    Could any of this have to do with Argentina’s
    siding with Palestinians over Israel ? Hillary is a known prostitute of Zionists and Jewish mafiosi after all.

    WikiLeaks on Latin America:Clinton asks personal questions about Argentina President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner

    A secret U.S. diplomatic cable published by Wikileaks reveals requests
    by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on the mental health and
    decision-making style of Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de

    The cable bearing Clinton’s name was dated Dec. 31, 2009, and sent to
    the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires. It asks:

    How is Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner managing her nerves and anxiety?
    How does stress affect her behavior toward advisors and/or her
    decisionmaking? What steps does Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner or her
    advisers/handlers, take in helping her deal with stress? Is she taking
    any medications? Under what circumstances is she best able to handle
    stresses? How do Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s emotions affect her
    decisionmaking and how does she calm down when distressed?

    The cable also inquires about the health and decision-making style of
    Nestor Kirchner, Fernandez’s husband and the former president. Nestor
    Kirchner died suddenly late last month. In the 2009 cable, questions
    then turn to the interpersonal dynamic between the two Kirchners.

    “How do Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Nestor Kirchner divide up
    their day?” it asks. “On which issues does Cristina Fernandez de
    Kirchner take the lead and which issues does she leave to Nestor

    Clinton made no direct reference to any specific leaked cables in
    statements she made on Monday at the State Department in Washington,
    and no statements in response to the leaked cable were reported Monday
    from Fernandez de Kirchner in Argentina.

    — Daniel Hernandez in Mexico City


    Comment by Tony Ryals | February 17, 2011 | Reply

  9. Crisis Management training in the medic kit there is Morphine in multiple forms standard issue. Problem here as with most of the world that you all buy what ever is written because if its on the net it must be true. humans have a inherit ability to use information in their own twisted way and for their gain. Can any of you please tell me one country/government including indigenous peoples that “DO NOT” have blood on their hands? Hoomans you’re all mostly the same. Now start the attacks on me.


    Comment by booboo | February 18, 2011 | Reply

    • Yes “booboo”, I’ve read the explanations that have been posted at FOX Latino. Three problems arise with the excuses for the drugs.

      Why a full trunk?

      Why were the pharmaceuticals expired?

      Why were the drugs not listed on the manifest?

      Yes, we humans are “mostly the same” as you contend. But some of us end up in prison when we cross borders with undeclared morphine while others walk away free.

      Let’s not forget that when General Schneider, Commander-in-chief of the Chilean Army, was assassinated in Chile in 1970 (in an attempt to subvert democracy) it was done with a weapon that had come to Chile in a diplomatic pouch.


      After the 1970 Chilean presidential election, a plot to kidnap Schneider was developed. “Neutralizing” Schneider became a key prerequisite for a military coup; he opposed any intervention by the armed forces to block Allende’s constitutional election. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) supplied a group of Chilean officers led by General Camilo Valenzuela with “sterile” weapons for the operation which was to be blamed on Allende supporters and prompt a military takeover[1][2].

      First and second attempts

      “On the evening of October 19, 1970, a second group of coup-plotters loyal to General Roberto Viaux, equipped with tear gas grenades attempted to grab Schneider as he left an official dinner. The attempt failed because he left in a private car and not the expected official vehicle. The failure produced an extremely significant cable from CIA headquarters in Washington to the local station, asking for urgent action because “Headquarters must respond during morning 20 October to queries from high levels.” Payments of $50,000 each to Viaux and his chief associate were then authorised on the condition that they made another attempt. On the evening of October 20, they did. But again there was only failure to report.”[3]

      Final attempt

      On October 22, 1970, the coup-plotters again attempted to kidnap Schneider. His official car was ambushed at a street intersection in the capital city of Santiago. Schneider drew a gun to defend himself, and was shot point-blank several times. He was rushed to a military hospital, but the wounds proved fatal and he died three days later, on October 25.

      The attempt to kidnap him was because Schneider was the army Commander-in-Chief and considered a constitutionalist, which in practical terms meant that he would not support a coup. This incident and his death provoked national outrage, and caused the citizens and the military to rally behind the just-elected Allende, who was ratified by the Chilean Congress on October 24. It also helped to ensure an orderly transfer of power to Allende.

      Military courts in Chile found that Schneider’s death was caused by two military groups, one led by Viaux and the other by General Camilo Valenzuela. Viaux and Valenzuela were eventually convicted of charges of conspiring to cause a coup, and Viaux also was convicted of kidnapping. The lawsuit asserted that the CIA had aided both groups, but the charges were never satisfactorily proved, with the exception of the tens of thousands of dollars and also machine guns given to them by the CIA.

      On October 26, 1970, President Eduardo Frei Montalva named General Carlos Prats as Commander-in-Chief to replace Schneider. Ironically this happened at the same time that $35,000 were given by the CIA to the kidnappers as “humanitarian” assistance.


      Comment by aletho | February 18, 2011 | Reply

      • Please Wiki (I can add/edit anything I like/dislike) Pedia? and Dis-information from the Argentine Gov? As I said Hoomans… Hey got to love the ability to write FREE without worrying that you could end up missing as so many did/do in Argentina and many other bordered lands. the mistake made if any was not doing whats called a bag dump prior to heading to a so called friendly invited land(s). In today’s world “nothing/no one” is friendly I respect your views as many others but there’s always more to it…..Follow the Green Bricked road and (and possible discount for making nice) Never forget “Madres de la Plaza de Mayo” And what is till missing….Good tidings..Oh and if it they where expired then it is only a label correct…My my how “we” crucify ….


        Comment by booboo | February 18, 2011 | Reply

        • “booboo”,

          Do you have any contradictory information? Or just rambling nonsense?

          You seem only able to make feeble attempts at muddying the water. Rather than seeking truth, you seek to promote ignorance.

          The facts laid out above about the arms smuggling for the Chilean assassination are widely reported. Much of the information was disclosed under oath at the US congress’ Church committee hearings in the late 70’s. First person testimony backed by documentary evidence. It’s as solid as history gets.

          Nice veiled threat there about ending up “missing”. I suppose that would apply to those that expose the truth, not to those that try to cover it up (such as yourself).


          Comment by aletho | February 18, 2011 | Reply

  10. […] US Air Force C17 transport caught smuggling arms and drugs into Argentina […]


    Pingback by les nouvelles internationales « RodolphepilaertROOTS | March 29, 2011 | Reply

  11. There’s no such thing as sayanim
    There’s no such thing as sayanim
    There’s no such thing as sayanim…


    Comment by hp | February 26, 2015 | Reply

  12. […] US Air Force C17 transport caught smuggling arms and drugs into Argentina […]


    Pingback by Trust Issues | thoughtcascadeblog | March 29, 2016 | Reply

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