Aletho News


Two Arab League observers wounded in protestor attack in Syria

KUNA – 1/10/2012

KUWAIT – Two Kuwaiti military officers have been lightly wounded in an attack by protestors on a team of the Arab League observers in Syria, the Kuwaiti Army announced on Tuesday.

– The team of the Arab League mission in Syria was attacked by unknown protestors, said a statement released by the directorate of morale guidance and public relations of the general staff of the Kuwaiti Army.

The attack resulted in injuring, lightly, two Kuwaiti officers of the mission, the official statement said. The two Kuwaiti officers were transported to hospital where they were given the necessary treatment, it said.

Now, the officers are in good health condition and have resumed their duties at headquarters of the Arab mission. A team of the Arab mission, including officers from Kuwait, the UAE, Iraq, Morocco and Algeria was attacked during a mission in the northern city of Lakatia, on Monday.

On Jan 8, the Kuwaiti Army announced sending a number of officers to join the Arab League observers’ mission currently monitoring the situation in Syria as part of the Gulf Cooperation Council’s team within the delegation.

A statement by the army said this comes virtue of the decisions of the ministerial council of the Arab League regarding the Arab Initiative and the protocol concerning League observers in Syria.

The GCC had decided to send a team of officials representing all member countries to serve within the Arab League monitoring mission and within the restraints and guidelines of International Law and agreements.

January 10, 2012 - Posted by | False Flag Terrorism

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