Aletho News


Israel closes Ibrahimi Mosque for Jewish new year

Palestine Information Center | September 3, 2013

52927_345x230AL-KHALIL — The Israeli Occupation Authorities decided to close the Ibrahimi mosque on Thursday and Friday, preventing the Muslim worshipers from praying in it or announcing Adhan (the call for prayer) from it.

The Israeli authority has informed the Islamic Endowment Department of its decision to close the Ibrahimi mosque on the so-called the official Jewish New Year’s Day to perform their Talmudic rituals without “being disturbed by Muslim worshipers”.

The Ibrahimi Mosque is an Islamic holy site that cannot be controlled by Jewish settlers, the Endowment Department said, noting that the call to prayer was prevented in the mosque 58 times under the pretext of disturbing settlers while performing their rituals in the Islamic site.

The Islamic Department pointed out that the repeated Israeli break-ins into the Ibrahimi mosque in total violation of Islamic religious feeling is a prelude to blur its Islamic identity.

September 3, 2013 - Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Illegal Occupation, War Crimes | ,

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