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Hamas: France peace conference a ‘waste of time’

MEMO | April 24, 2016

Hamas said it rejects the France-sponsored international peace conference between the Palestinians and the Israelis, which is scheduled to take place on May 30 in Paris.

“We consider it a waste of time and a free service for the Israeli government that continues its daily violations against the Palestinians,” Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told Anadolu Agency on Saturday.

Abu Zuhri also warned against agreeing to any deal that would harm the Palestinians and their national interests.

In March, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas affirmed his support for the French proposal.

Peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators collapsed in April 2014 over Israel’s refusal to release a group of Palestinian political prisoners despite earlier pledges to do so.

April 24, 2016 - Posted by | Deception, Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism | , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. Thanks; good post as usual. I generally find myself in concert with the views of Hamas.

    The last paragraph (“Peace talks…”) is of course partially true but is disingenuous: there were many reasons for the collapse. I’ve always believed that the preening, pompous, fawning-to-Zionism SECSTATE (sic) Kerry’s appointment of ZioMartin Indyk to “oversee and facilitate” the process, er, charade was the most visible and bottom-line manifestation of yet another outrageous act of injustice against the Palestinian people. The collapse/failure was a given (indeed, designed to be), an inevitability as sure as the rising of the sun in the east every morning.

    Viva Palestine!


    Comment by roberthstiver | April 24, 2016 | Reply

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