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Coronavirus: the Plot Thickens

A Timeline

By Godfree Roberts • Unz Review • March 13, 2020

This timeline supports the thesis that the Covid-19 outbreak is a repeat of the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. If it is proven, then the US Government’s attempt to simultaneously blame China and hide its own culpability for Covid-19, combined with the FAA’s 737Max fiasco, will damage our international standing–and boost China’s–as much as the Global Financial Crisis did.


September 2008: The first cases of H1N1 swine flu were reported in California and Texas in late March, 2009, but subsequent genetic analysis suggests that H1N1 began in September of 2008, the start of the ‘flu season, six months before it was first detected. A similar six month lag suggests a September, 2019 birthdate for Covid-19, and for the same reasons: the CDC was asleep at the wheel and the most vulnerable Americans have limited access to health care. Like H1N1, Covid-19 cases may have gone undetected amongst the 100,000 annual deaths from ‘flu and pneumonia.

April, 2019: An outbreak of severe vaping-associated lung illness is exclusively confined to the United States.

July, 2019: The CDC halted research at Fort Detrick and cited “national security reasons” for not releasing information about its decision.

August, 2019: First Vaping Death Reported by Health Officials “Amid the lack of information, investigators scrambled to find shared links to the respiratory problems. Officials said earlier this week that many patients, most of whom were adolescents or young adults, had described difficulty breathing, chest pain, vomiting and fatigue.”

December, 2019. A Chinese medical researcher is arrested in Boston trying to take biological samples back to China. Not agricultural samples, not samples with IP value, just ‘biological’. Zheng Zaosong, from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, confessed to taking material from a lab in Boston. FBI Special Agent Kara Spice found 21 wrapped vials containing a “brown liquid” that appeared to be “biological material”. Zheng’s roommate, also a researcher, told FBI agents that two labmates of Zheng had succeeded in getting specimens to China. Were those ‘biological samples’ lung tissue, sputum and swabs? Did the Chinese researchers detect a Coronavirus outbreak and, finding the CDC as unresponsive then as it is today, both warn Chinese health authorities and hand them hard evidence that they can now use?

January 202o: Malaysian PM Matthias Chang speculates that the US is waging biological warfare on China.

January 28, 2020: Harvard Chemistry Professor Arrested, Handcuffed, And Accused Of Lying About Ties To China. Charles Lieber, Chair of Harvard’s Chemical Biology department, led a research group in China focusing on using nanotechnology to identify viruses.

February 23, 2020. Chinese scientists found genomic evidence that the seafood market in Wuhan is not the source of the novel coronavirus. Their genetic data suggests the virus was introduced from elsewhere and had already circulated widely among humans in Wuhan before December 2019, probably beginning in mid- to late November.

February 27, 2020: On Taiwan TV a prominent virologist explained flow charts suggesting that the coronavirus originated in the US.

March 6, 2020: Question: How did the virus come to the United States? Answer: “The first known patients in the U.S. contracted the virus while traveling in other countries or after exposure to someone who had been to China or one of the other affected areas. But now, a few cases here cannot be traced to these risk factors. This is concerning because it suggests the illness may be spreading across communities for which the source of infection is unknown, which we call community spread/transmission. Dr. Emily Landon, University of Chicago Medicine.

March 11, 2020: White House classifies coronavirus deliberations. The meetings at HHS were held in a secure area called a “Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility,” or SCIF, usually reserved for intelligence and military operations. HHS has SCIFs because theoretically it would play a major role in biowarfare or chemical attacks.

Mar 13, 2020: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lijian Zhao demands US authorities reveal what they’re hiding about the origins of Covid-19. “Pointing to a video of CDC director Robert Redfield admitting the US had several deaths from Covid-19 before they were able to test for it, Zhao called on the American watchdog to come clean, ‘When did patient zero begin in the US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make your data public! The US owes us an explanation!”’

Ongoing: Researchers have greatly advanced their understanding of viral evolution since H1N1 a decade ago and finding patient zero is now more science than art. Recently, a team of Chinese researchers claimed to demonstrate that Covid-19 was born in September, 2019, but British researchers (who had discovered the earlier H1N1 date) were not convinced. Note: Though the site is for virologists and evolutionary biologists, you can follow the argument from the introductions and conclusions of each paper.

Larry Romanoff’s Essential Context:

March 14, 2020 - Posted by | Timeless or most popular | ,


  1. Reblogged this on Vasaire.


    Comment by Vasaire | March 19, 2020 | Reply

  2. Go back to Seattle spring 2017.
    Physician reports cluster of respiratory illnesses among healthcare workers at the busiest medical center South King country. All cases complicated by reactive airway disease, asthma.
    Potential causes
    1. Major hospital demolition, renovation and construction project $75 million. So, illnesses might be attributable to atomized debris (gypsum) or biological pathogens (aspergillus, recent Seattle Children’s cluster)

    2. Hantavirus, no human deaths among sick hospital workers, but dead mice and rats found in clinic at center of construction project and sick workers.

    3. Medical center closed to new admissions at tail end of flu season when decade peak of influenza cases 45 million, 801,000 hospitalized, and 65,000 deaths nationwide

    Physician who reported concerns was initially rebuffed by a manager with nursing assistant credentials and told to quit or “suck it up”. Senior manager, an unlicensed social worker, would terminate the physician’s employment. Medical center then would organize a 3 year campaign of defaming the reputation of the complainant doctor.
    WA state Dept of Labor&Industry would “investigate” the “doctor’s concerns” 2 years later without performing A. air sampling for contaminants, B. dust surface sampling, C. air, water or surface sampling for respiratory pathogens or D. surveillance of patient and staff records subjected to the adverse environment

    4. The physician’s suspicion that the respiratory illness cluster was related to a viral pathogen (possibly RSV respiratory syncytial virus or new strain influenza rather than construction related) was ignored by hospital administrators.

    5. Dept of Labor&Industry “dropped” the investigation because hospital staff convinced her the complainant physician was “mentally insane.”


    Comment by Zst | April 4, 2020 | Reply

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