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US commander claims major naval buildup in Caribbean not aimed at toppling Maduro

A map produced by the US Southern Command shows that most drug routes enter the US via the Pacific and then Central America (Business Insider)
Press TV – April 19, 2020

The top US military commander for Latin America has claimed that the Navy’s purported expansion of counter-narcotic operations in the Caribbean is not a military force aimed at toppling Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro despite Washington persisting provocations against Caracas.

Chief of US Southern Command Adm. Craig Faller asserted in an interview that Washington’s recent decision to double anti-narcotics assets in Latin America was planned months ago and not “directly” tied to Maduro’s indictment in a US court on allegations of leading a “narco-terrorist” conspiracy that supposedly sent 250 metric tons of cocaine a year to the United States.

“This is not a shift in US government policy,” Faller further claimed, despite boasting that enhanced interdiction efforts would harm Maduro’s finances and staying power. “It’s not an indication of some sort of new militarization in the Caribbean.”

The naval deployment announced this month is reportedly one of the largest US military operations in the region since its invasion of Panama in 1989 to topple its president and former CIA operative Gen. Manuel Noriega from power and take him to the US to face drug charges.

The operation involves major war-making resources such as Navy warships, AWACS surveillance aircraft and on-ground Special Forces rarely deployed before in the region.

Faller, however, further claimed that economic and diplomatic pressure — not the use of military force — continue to be Washington’s preferred instruments to oust the Venezuelan president from power.

He then went on to claim that growing instability in Venezuela is leading to an “uptick” in piracy in the Caribbean without citing any statistics or evidence to support his assertion.

Faller also said the recent sinking of a Venezuelan naval ship after it allegedly rammed an Antarctic-hardened cruise ship without passengers near Curacao reflected the readiness of the Venezuelan armed forces.

“It was a bad day for them,” he mockingly said. “Their lack of seamanship and lack of integrity is indicative of how it all played out.”

The hawkish US commander also pointed out that the coronavirus pandemic did force some in the US military to rethink the timing of the current deployment out of concern for the safety of American troops, adding that while controls to protect the workforce have been enhanced, it was determined that over the long term, the US is positioned to take advantage of the disruption in narcotics supply chains caused by the coronavirus outbreak as drug cartels scramble to source precursor chemical and other inputs.

“We thrive in uncertainty and are going to try and capitalize on that,” Faller boasted.

April 19, 2020 - Posted by | Deception, Militarism | , ,


  1. “This is not a shift in US government policy,” Faller further claimed, despite boasting that enhanced interdiction efforts would harm Maduro’s finances and staying power. “It’s not an indication of some sort of new militarization in the Caribbean.”

    Has the U.S. Government made any statements at all about the Opiate addiction problem affecting the USA, particularly since the USA Armed Forces attacked Afghanistan after “9/11”?
    Opium production has compounded since the USA took control of the Opium fields, and Afghanistan’s Opium production has made its way into the USA, seemingly without any interference, or apprehension by the USA government.
    Similarly, Cocaine imported from Columbia seems to enter the USA with ease, without any action being taken by the USA Government, against the Columbian “American Stooge” Government in that country.


    Comment by brianharryaustralia | April 19, 2020 | Reply

  2. Right, like I would ever believe what some US commander says. Shut up, assholes. Go fuck yourselves.


    Comment by Tsisageya 1 | April 20, 2020 | Reply

    • I guess that’s the opposite of, “Thank you for your service.”


      Comment by Tsisageya 1 | April 20, 2020 | Reply

  3. America’s wars for Israel have truly gotten on my last nerve. I am ashamed of my government. Israel shames itself. Whores.
    It took me long enough, I guess.


    Comment by Tsisageya 1 | April 20, 2020 | Reply

    • Those who say they are Jews, but they’re not. They are liars.


      Comment by Tsisageya 1 | April 20, 2020 | Reply

      • Even if they are truly jews, all the worse.


        Comment by Tsisageya 1 | April 20, 2020 | Reply

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