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Why Doctors Push COVID-19 Vaccination so Hard

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH | Courageous Discourse | December 7, 2022

Patients commonly ask me why their other doctors push COVID-19 vaccination so hard still to this day with alarming safety statistics, loss of efficacy, and now a complete lack of human trial data with the bivalent boosters?

The answer may come by following a money trail from HHS and CDC called “COVID-19 Community Corps” that early in 2021 made undisclosed individual payments to hundreds of organizations to promote mass vaccination. There were notable medical groups including the American Medical Association, American Association of Family Physicians, American Association of Nurse Practitioners, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Association of Pediatrics, and the American Medical Student Association.

More investigation is likely to reveal that federal money received was temporally linked to e-mail blasts, town hall meetings, and many other activities pushing mass vaccination.

Could COVID-19 Community Corps money to the AMA have been the reason why the AMA launched its campaign to “abolish” the use of ivermectin in 2021 so the public would be panicked into taking more shots?

How could the pediatric associations take federal money before the clinical trials for their patients were completed or the vaccines approved via EUA?

Did they promote the vaccines to pediatricians before clinical trial results were known?

Finally, how could federal dollars flow to gynecologists/obstetricians when pregnant women and those of childbearing potential where excluded from randomized trials reported just a few months before the HHS initiative?

These broad acts of public bribery, corruption, and vaccine racketeering worked to put millions of lives danger as we learned about the risks of COVID-19 vaccination in 2021.

As we sit here today, the CDC VAERS system through November 25, 2022, is reporting 15,508 US deaths after COVID-19 vaccination, 22% occurred within 96 hours of the shot. There have been 15,505 Americans disabled, 9266 with heart damage, and 356,269 office visits, urgent care encounters, or hospitalizations attributed to vaccine side effects.

Never again can we allow our public health agencies use unchecked financial power to promote any medication or vaccine to healthcare providers. Corruption and indoctrination are deadly.

December 7, 2022 - Posted by | Corruption | , , , ,


  1. Does it not seem likely and reasonable for intelligent, non suicidal people to be asking themselves such questions? But the majority of the world’s “herd” has not, taking themselves and their kids in for more vaxxes and boosters despite the increasing news of bad results. So the next question is…”could those vaxxes be impairing the minds of the recipients, exacerbating the original cognitive dissonance which led them to the vaxx station to begin with? A wise person looks at the results of his/her actions and adjusts in ways that lead away from mistakes, not into doubling up on them.
    Today I saw a person in a grocery store, wearing a face shield over the mask, believing that he/she? was protected from something.


    Comment by Peter | December 7, 2022 | Reply

  2. I wonder why the American people simply accepted the Government’s ruling that these Covid 19 vaccines were protected by law, in case the American people suffered injuries and/or death, by accepting the vaccine.
    Didn’t that raise an alarm bell with the American people? It certainly raised alarm bells in my head.
    I have not, and will not accept these “Pox Doctors cures”.


    Comment by brianharryaustralia | December 7, 2022 | Reply

    • I, too, Brian, wondered from the start of 2020 why more people didn’t question the many paradoxes surrounding the covid fiasco. After I watched the interview between Dr. Zelenco and Rudy Giuliani on the successful treatment of covid patients with Hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azythromycin, I enthusiastically expected that President Trump would spread the good news over the entire world and the plandemic would be over. In fact, Trump did mention HQC and perhaps even took it himself. When all this was followed by absolute silence I was surprised and became very suspicious. I was in Greece at the time buying up all the HQC and IVM that I could lay my hands on, suspecting a lock down on those over the counter drugs. When that happened, I was certain that this plandemic was a contrived activity. The closed minded reaction of people all over the world made me wonder if they or I was crazy. Since my military induction days, when vaccination was unavoidable, I have not accepted a single vaccination of any kind and enjoy good health in my eighties. Thinking seems to be practiced by a minority, while the majority prefer to blindly follow pied pipers. You can see that this is true when you consider that people rush to get injected with a product that has been produced in 6 months, with no tests as to immediate or future side effects, by a company (Pfizer) that controls the FDA, CDC and has paid the largest fine in history for prior fraud. How does one justify taking the shots???

      Liked by 1 person

      Comment by Peter | December 8, 2022 | Reply

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