Aletho News


How to fight for Covid truth

By Guy Hatchard | TCW Defending Freedom | May 6, 2023

The writer is in New Zealand.

Every day brings more news of extreme efforts to promote biotech vaccines and cancel those asking questions.

For example Dr Mark Tykocinski, an immunologist with a spotless academic record who is president of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia may be about to lose his job. His sole mistake appears to be liking tweets by former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson who questions vaccine safety.

British MP Andrew Bridgen has been expelled from the Conservative Party. According to Bridgen, a senior UK politician has privately admitted to him that he may well be right about Covid vaccine harms, but said the government is expecting to suppress public information about Covid vaccine adverse effects for the next 20 years, citing ‘lack of political appetite’ for a public disclosure.

Statistician Professor Norman Fenton was locked out of his Twitter account following a complaint that he had broken German law by claiming Covid data manipulation was creating the appearance of vaccine efficacy, when in fact there was none. The German government is the main sponsor of BioNTech, the co-creator of the Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine. Fortunately the complaint was not upheld and Fenton was reinstated.

Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand) has announced that from May 1, pregnant people (!) aged 16 to 29 years can now get an additional Covid-19 booster. They don’t seem to have noticed that stillbirths and miscarriages rose following the Covid vaccine rollout, or the absence of any data to confirm ‘safety’ assurances for pregnant women – quite the reverse, in fact.(See this article.) Is it possible that the NZ government have a lot of boosters left over after a poor response to their latest bivalent vaccine campaign and are now trying to offload them via deceptive advertising to mothers who naturally want to do the best for their child?

Highly vaccinated Portugal has seen a 73 per cent rise in emergency callouts for heart attacks. This mirrors the 83 per cent rise in heart attack hospitalisation in Wellington, NZ.

The continuing attacks from the media and vaccine advocates mean that some people must be seriously worried that the scientific data about vaccine harms is beginning to resonate with a wider audience. We are winning the argument.

Last week I reported correspondence from our Minister of Statistics Dr Deborah Russell MP in which she downplayed the significance of rising excess deaths in New Zealand. This appeared to be the result of misinformed policy rather than real statistics. Does the New Zealand government, in line with the UK, wish to hide Covid vaccine adverse effect statistics from the public until it becomes a matter of distant history? You tell me.

Should we be protesting on the streets?

In fact both the vaccinated and unvaccinated have been injured by government policy and experimental biotechnology. Even the pro-vaccine, pro-zoonotic origin NY Times has conceded that evidence is mounting that Covid came from a lab leak. We have a common cause.

It would certainly suit those who wish the pandemic gravy train and the biotech boom to continue, if the population were to remain polarised and the adverse effects hidden. At this time, it is my belief that launching ad hominem attacks, participating in lawful protests or expressing violent sentiments (never a good idea) will simply play into the hands of those from the media, corporates, medical professions and governments who are hoping that public concern can continue to be managed, marginalised and cancelled.

But this doesn’t mean remaining silent, we should be raising our voices and using our pens. I do believe we should always talk rationally and factually about issues that matter. This is an election year in New Zealand, when there is a higher chance of being heard. We can talk to candidates and demand answers, or even become candidates. In an election year, politicians know that all votes will matter. We can raise a voice of reasoned intelligence, express ourselves calmly, cite research, and send letters to our politicians. Politicians cannot find papers to back their views; published research is now firmly on our side of the debate. Our points cannot be dismissed.

Again and again I come back to ‘knowledge matters’. It might still be possible to nip dictatorial control in the bud before it gains more traction.

May 5, 2023 - Posted by | Full Spectrum Dominance, Science and Pseudo-Science, Timeless or most popular, War Crimes |

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