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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Could Follow His Own Advice and Not Call Vladimir Putin a Gangster and Thug

By Adam Dick | Ron Paul Institute | June 24, 2023

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. posted at Twitter on Friday some advice for President Joe Biden: Don’t refer to the leader of China’s government with the insulting descriptor of “dictator.” And the advice went further, indicating Biden should avoid using similar language to describe leaders of other nations as well.

In the first of a series of Friday tweets, Kennedy commented, “It’s Diplomacy 101 that a President doesn’t send his senior diplomat to speak to a foreign leader, then insult that leader the next day.” In this tweet Kennedy linked an article regarding Biden having in a recent speech called China leader Xi Jinping a “dictator.”

In the second of his series of tweets, Kennedy further stated:

Maybe Biden is trying to appear ‘tough on China.’ But absurd, unhinged, and personally insulting remarks don’t make you tough. There is a level of unavoidable tension between great powers like China and the U.S. that doesn’t need to be artificially aggravated by antagonistic rhetoric.

Kennedy, however, does not appear to have followed this advice in his own presidential campaign.

In his campaign that began on April 19, Kennedy has volunteered his assessment that Russia President Vladimir Putin is a “gangster” and a “thug” at least two times. You can hear Kennedy make such comments six minutes and 19 seconds into a report on Kennedy’s interview with Noel Phillips and 41 minutes and 8 seconds into Kennedy’s interview with Freddie Sayers at UnHerd.

If Biden calling Xi a dictator is unacceptable under Kennedy’s take, why would Kennedy’s use of these other descriptors for the leader of Russia’s government — another great power — be acceptable?

Copyright © 2023 by RonPaul Institute

June 24, 2023 - Posted by | Progressive Hypocrite | , ,

1 Comment »

  1. Yeah, agreement and appreciation to this. Can’t imagine someone who wants to partner-up to the Zionist state (and its partnered, moneyed campaign donors) a “gangster” and “thug”- nation is something he should consider, if ever there is to be push-back to the war on its non-citizen ‘citizens’, as well as the ever escalating war on its neighbors. All of which involves America, for America is its benefactor and complicit-in-war crimes in both. And that is why,

    Israel is not an ally to America. It is the opposite.

    Ask the living and the dead of the USSLiberty, ad nauseam. What cowardice and traitorous compliance has taken hold of America and its politicians.


    Comment by michael | June 24, 2023 | Reply

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