Aletho News


The joke’s on Stephen Colbert

“The most effective vaccine in the history of vaccines” – so says this comedian, who is making a bid for the Covid case record.

I read that comedian Stephen Colbert, the host of “The Late Show,” now has Covid … again.

According to this story, this is now at least the third time Colbert has contracted Covid.

This is the same Stephen Colbert who almost every night took great joy in making fun of people like myself, the national vermin who never got one shot.

But the joke is on Stephen Colbert. I’ve never had Covid and I’ve never gotten one jab.

Actually, I think I probably had “early Covid” in January 2020, which we can’t talk about. Still, this non-Covid did produce stellar natural immunity for myself and my two kids, who were also sick before they were supposed to be and who also have never contracted official (PCR-test) Covid.

And I think Jimmy Kimmel is a Covid multi-timer too.

Anyway, it’s good to see Late Night Karma at work.

… This short post also gives me an opportunity to share this fun graphic that Covid contrarian scientist Dr. Harvey Risch posted at  the Brownstone Institute’s Writer Group. One good graphic is worth a thousand words.

October 26, 2023 - Posted by | Civil Liberties | , ,

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