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EU may sanction Tucker Carlson over Putin interview – Newsweek

RT | February 7, 2024

American journalist Tucker Carlson could be banned from visiting the European Union after interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin, Newsweek said on Wednesday, quoting one former and two current MEPs.

The former Fox News host was spotted in Moscow last weekend and revealed on Tuesday that he would be interviewing Putin. The interview will be posted on X (formerly Twitter), with the platform’s owner Elon Musk guaranteeing it won’t be censored, Carlson said.

Former Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt, now a member of the European Parliament, has already called for Carlson to be banned from the bloc.

“As Putin is a war criminal and the EU sanctions all who assist him in that effort, it seems logical that the External Action Service examine his case as well,” Verhofstadt told Newsweek. The EAS is responsible for the bloc’s foreign policy and can recommend sanctions, which need to be approved by the European Council.

Verhofstadt is best known for having served as the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, and for championing the idea of the bloc becoming an “empire.” He is not a lone voice in demanding a ban on Carlson, however.

The journalist “is no longer a newsman, but a propagandist for the most heinous regime on European soil,” former Spanish MEP Luis Garicano told Newsweek. The London School of Economics alumnus now teaches at two US universities.

“Carlson wants to give a platform to someone accused of crimes of genocide – this is wrong,” Estonian MEP Urmas Paet told the outlet, falsely characterizing the International Criminal Court (ICC) claims against the Russian president. Moscow has rejected the case as politically motivated.

“So, for such propaganda for a criminal regime, you can end up on the list of sanctions. This concerns primarily a travel ban to EU countries,” added Paet, the former foreign minister of the Baltic state.

Announcing his interview on Tuesday, Carlson said “We’re not here because we love Vladimir Putin. We are here because we love the US and want it to remain prosperous and free.”

Americans were ignorant of “history-altering developments” arising from the Ukraine conflict, because English-language media have lied to them, mostly by omission, Carlson said. “That’s wrong. Americans have the right to know all they can about a war they are implicated in.”

The US and its EU allies have sent over $200 billion in military and financial aid to Kiev since the conflict escalated in 2022, while arguing they are not directly involved.

February 7, 2024 - Posted by | Full Spectrum Dominance, Russophobia | ,


  1. That whole idea is asinine.


    Comment by Theodore Marsh Dance | February 7, 2024 | Reply

  2. Of course they will ban him The US/UK will censor and ban anyone who doesn’t go along with the prevailing narrative spun by the Anglo-American military-financial oligarchy. Their narrative says unequivocally, that Putin invaded Ukraine, unprovoked. Period! 

    Putin filled in the blanks with Russia’s motives for initiating the SMO, pointing a finger at the 2014 US coup in Ukraine and NATO’s refusal to give Russia security guarantees. It is therefore high time European nations stopped behaving like a pack of US doormats serving US interests, and start acting like sovereign nations again. One thing is certain. Going on now is a civilization transforming change. A new system of win-win will soon replace the zero sum game played by Western bankers. Unfortunately for the bankers the US speculative Dollar system will implode. Not because of some alien force, but because it has violated the universal laws of the Creator looting and indebting nations to death through mass starvation and the spread of disease.  It is therefore the case that the British monetarist system itself has run its course. And like a cancer it will also kill the host. 

    The BRICS+ on the other hand led by China, these nations are trading more and more in local currencies. The Yuan is used in trading and there is nothing the City of London and Wall Street can do about it. The way Putin described it was, “the Sun cannot be stopped from rising. We have to adapt to it.” 

    We must all work toward making sure that mankind survives the death of the Anglo-American oligarchical system as it thrashes about, rattling its sabre, before it slinks away forever into the dustbin of history.  


    Comment by Thomas Lee Simpson | February 11, 2024 | Reply

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