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US lawmakers threaten ICC against issuing arrest warrants for Israeli officials

The Cradle | April 30, 2024

A bipartisan group of US lawmakers has threatened the International Criminal Court (ICC) with “retaliation” if international arrest warrants are issued against senior Israeli officials for war crimes committed in Gaza.

According to officials who spoke with Axios, “legislation to that effect is already in the works.”

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Michael McCaul told the US publication that the legislation would call for sanctions against ICC officials “involved in investigating the US and its allies.“

Representative Brad Sherman is quoted as saying that Washington should “think of whether we stay a signatory“ to the Rome Statute — the treaty that established the ICC and established four core international crimes: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.

Neither Washington nor Tel Aviv are among the 124 states that remain signatories of the ICC Rome Statute of 1998.

“We have to think about talking to some of the countries that have ratified [the treaty] as to whether they want to support the organization,“ he added.

“If unchallenged by the Biden administration, the ICC could create and assume unprecedented power to issue arrest warrants against American political leaders, American diplomats, and American military personnel,“ House Speaker Mike Johnson said in a statement issued on 29 April.

The Republican lawmaker also called on the White House to “immediately and unequivocally demand that the ICC stand down” and “use every available tool to prevent such an abomination.”

Based in The Hague, Netherlands, the ICC has been investigating war crimes committed by the Israeli military in Gaza. The court says it is also probing alleged violations by Palestinian resistance groups.

After reports broke earlier this month saying the ICC was looking to issue arrest warrants against top Israeli officials – including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant – the US and its allies began pressuring the court to back out, claiming the warrants could “jeopardize” a ceasefire deal for Gaza.

“Group of Seven nations have begun a quiet diplomatic effort to convey that message to the Hague-based court,” diplomatic sources who spoke with Bloomberg are quoted as saying.

Israel has been accused of genocide by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), also based in The Hague.

An interim ruling at the start of the year determined that Israel was plausibly guilty of the crime of genocide and ordered it to stop genocidal acts during its war on Gaza and take measures to guarantee the efficient provision of humanitarian aid to the strip.

In 2002, two years after Washington withdrew from the Rome Statute, then-president George W Bush signed into law the “American Servicemembers Protection Act of 2002,” which authorizes the use of military force in the Netherlands to “liberate” any US citizen or citizen of a US-allied country held by the ICC.

April 30, 2024 - Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, War Crimes | , ,


  1. The Jewish mafia wants exceptions to allow war criminals a pass for their crimes. Thus, their lackeys in Congress and the media put on a full-court press to assure the criminals will not be brought to account.

    Pure evil.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by rediscover911com | April 30, 2024 | Reply

  2. In a relatively short time (around 10 – 20 years), arrest warrants for every American ‘lawmaker’, government official, many corporate executives (Boeing, Lockheed etc) and ‘media influencer’ will be sworn out.

    Their actions already constitute crimes against humanity and aiding and abetting genocide.

    Nuremberg is going to look like picnic compared with the ‘justice’ that will be meted out.

    By the way, it will be based on ‘confessions’ provided by the culprits themselves.

    “…. the US Army formed the “Simpson Commission” to investigate the alleged misconduct.  Judge Edward L. Van Roden was part of this commission. According to Van Roden’s book, American Atrocities in Germany, out of 139 cases of treatment of alleged German “war criminals” who were investigated by the commission—and who were subsequently put on trial by the American Military Tribunal in Dachau after World War II—”137 of these Germans were tortured by having their testicles crushed.”

    Lt. William Perl  was an Austrian Jew who had emigrated to America in 1940. He was the chief interrogator of Germans. Indeed many of the interrogators at Nuremberg were German or Austrian Jews who had emigrated to America before WWII and were known as the ‘Ritchie Boys’. There were roughly 9,000 of these Jews in America and they specialised in the “interrogation” of German prisoners.

    three out of four interrogators at Nuremberg were Jewish:

    “You know how I have despised anti-Semitism,” he said. “You know how strongly I feel toward those who preach intolerance of any kind. With that knowledge, you will understand when I tell you that this staff is about seventy-five percent Jewish.”

    The Presiding Judge at Nuremberg was also—coincidence?—a Jew. His name was A.H. Rosenfeld and he was a colonel in the American army. Col. Rosenfeld cheerfully admitted to torturing German prisoners of war as a matter of policy. “We couldn’t have made those birds talk otherwise,” he remarked cynically. “It was a trick, and it worked like a charm.”

    Those ‘arrested’ will be interrogated in the same manner as the Israeli and Americans interrogate their prisoners (Abu Ghraib, Bagram and 100 ‘black sites’). From a Napoleon Letter to Louis Alexandre Berthier in November 1798: “The barbarous custom of having men beaten who are suspected of having important secrets to reveal must be abolished. It has always been recognised that this way of interrogating men, by putting them to torture, produces nothing worthwhile. The poor wretches say anything that comes into their mind and what they think the interrogator wishes to know.”

    After a fair and legal trial, they will be hung by their necks until dead, dead, dead.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by peterjohnarnold | May 1, 2024 | Reply

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