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Russia Dismisses US Claims of Counterspace Weapon Satellite as Misinformation

Sputnik – 22.05.2024

MOSCOW – The recent statement by the US Department of Defense alleging that Russia launched a satellite carrying a counterspace weapon is misinformation and Moscow will not respond to it, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, US Defense Department spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said that Russia launched last week a satellite carrying a counterspace weapon that is presumably capable of attacking other satellites in low Earth orbit. Ryder claimed that Russia deployed the satellite without communicating this fact to the United States.

“I do not think we should respond to any misinformation from Washington. The Russian space program is developing as planned, launches of spacecraft for various purposes, including devices that solve the problem of strengthening our defense capability, are also not news. Another thing is that we always consistently oppose the deployment of strike weapons in low-Earth orbit,” Ryabkov told reporters.

If the United States wanted to ensure the safety of space activities, it should have reconsidered its approach to Russia’s space proposals, the senior diplomat added.

Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that US officials said Russia launched a research spacecraft into space in February 2022 intended to test components for a potential nuclear anti-satellite weapon.

In February, the US government claimed that Russia was developing a space-based anti-satellite weapon that poses a serious threat to US national security.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Russia has always been categorically opposed to deploying nuclear weapons in space. Russia’s activities in space are no different from those of other countries, including the US, Putin added.

Speaking about introduction of the Bulava ICBM into service, Ryabkov said that Russia does not violate the limits set by the New START Treaty.

The R30 3M30 Bulava (RSM-56 for use in international treaties, SS-NX-30 according to NATO classification) is a Russian three-stage solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile, designed to arm the advanced Borei-class nuclear-powered strategic missile submarines. It was officially reported that the missile is capable of carrying several hypersonic nuclear warheads with individual guidance. The Bulava is expected to form the basis of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces grouping until 2040-2045, according to Russian military statements.

May 22, 2024 - Posted by | Fake News, Mainstream Media, Warmongering, Russophobia | ,

1 Comment »

  1. Good, hope they take out all the weather modification


    Comment by raggs12 | May 22, 2024 | Reply

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