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Washington Digs In Deeper on Its Support for Israel


Judging by developments over the past several weeks, it would appear that nothing going on in Washington matters quite as much as defending Israel no matter what the Jewish state does. The White House and its befuddled leader President Joe Biden are obsessed with every twist and turn of the Israel and media shaped narrative, basing it on two key words “terrorism” and “antisemitism.” It plays out like this: Israel is a victim of terrorism from enemies seeking to destroy it and those who criticize the Israeli “self-defense” response are motivated by nothing less than antisemitism. It is also being claimed ludicrously in Washington that Israel is fully capable of investigating itself if war crimes actually were committed, something that it never has done, note particularly the lack of any follow-up in cases involving the recent killing of American citizens.

The necessity to support what are obviously parts of a suspect exculpatory narrative has administration clowns like Karine Jean-Pierre, Matthew Miller, John Kirby and Antony Blinken falling over themselves trying to explain developments using arguments which are frequently clearly based on lies. Sometimes the lies are huge, like the Blinken claims that the US foreign policy does not favor Israel and treats everyone the same, or that a thorough State Department investigation has failed to sustain the claims that Israel is engaging in war crimes to possibly include genocide.

The United States is also reflexively turning on any institution or government that has managed to anger Israel and its vitriolic psychopath leader Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The recent decision by Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize Palestinian statehood brings to 145 the number of countries now taking that step. The move infuriated Netanyahu who summoned those countries’ ambassadors and called it a “reward for terror.” One wonders if the US will follow suit and either break diplomatic relations with those three otherwise friendly and even allied countries or in some other fashion punish or sanction them. That terrorism often operates in two directions and Israel has been a cruel, racist and capricious occupying power seems to have escaped the attention of the Washington punditry which is only engaged in finding in Israel a perpetual victim innocent of all charges.

And then there is the recent declaration by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague that it would be seeking warrants relating to possible war crimes for Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant as well as the leader of Hamas Yahya Sinwar, plus his deputies Mohammed Deif and Ismail Haniyeh. This produced a scream of anguish from the White House which first argued that the ICC has no jurisdiction as Israel, like the US, is not a signatory to the Rome Treaty that founded the court in 2002 even though Palestine is. Joe Biden also said on Monday that “Whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence—none—between Israel and Hamas.” He backed up this legally irrelevant statement with the usual assertion that “we will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.” The court, in fact, was created to address war crimes and genocides that had escaped normal investigation and prosecution and the 124 signatory nations to it are empowered to arrest those named individuals who have outstanding warrants if they should happen to enter their jurisdictions.

The second argument being made both by Netanyahu and the Biden squeakers is that Netanyahu and Gallant are demonstrably government officials, not terrorists, while Sinwar and his colleagues are, meaning that different standards must be used to judge their actions. Of course, the Jewish state’s mass murder of 40,000 civilians by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and its deliberate use of starvation just might fit most people’s definition of terror, but apparently is not convincing to Israel, the US Congress, White House and the Zionist controlled mainstream media.

Interestingly, as a side issue, since the United States is complicit in the war crimes being committed by Israel due to its funding and arming Netanyahu’s war, it too might wind up charged by the ICC. It would be a real wake-up call and might make many Americans, including myself, very happy to see Biden and Blinken in a prison cell! And by implication the ICC’s charges are also an indictment of Israel’s other Western allies. If Netanyahu is guilty of murder, extermination and deliberate starvation of civilians, so are those who arm and fund Israel while giving it political protection. That includes not only Joe Biden, but also Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer in Britain and other Western European leaders who are sitting on the fence and regretting the death rates while also providing arms to Netanyahu. For Washington, however, unlike its European allies, given that there is a real potential threat against the US political leadership, a very sharp response has been triggered. Twelve GOP Senators have issued a threat letter to the court that stated that the US would sanction justices and other staff working for ICC as well as their families, including blocking their ability to travel to or through the United States and going after their assets. It ended with “You have been warned!” Several other bills are also currently moving through Congress that will directly challenge the authority and mission of the court, all being done to protect Israel.

And there’s more. Israel, which is frequently described as a “great US ally,” which it is not, and a “democracy,” which it is also not, is currently ranked in opinion polls as the most despised country in the world followed by the United States, which is rated as the country most likely to start a major war. The US, through direct Treasury transfers and various other “charity” gimmicks and trade subsidies, gives Israel, a tiny country, a huge $10 billion or so per year. This year, to fund the war, the flow has been closer to $30 billion and Biden has vowed that his mission is to keep Israel “secure” even if it means having to ignore the Constitution of the United States by engaging in a war that is not declared and which did not develop from a demonstrable threat to the United States or its vital interests. Israel, hardly a vital US interest in the real world, was completely capable of destroying Gaza without US help, it just would have had to spend its own money to do so.

The power of the Israel Lobby is such that, not only are Americans denied the truth by a twisted war narrative, critters in Congress are coming out of the woodwork to see what they can do to help “America’s greatest ally!” Bills in Congress include one particularly bizarre one that would legalize deporting to Gaza student-protesters who are arrested or detained while out demonstrating “pro-Hamas,” which is inevitably described as the felony referred to as “material support of terrorism!” The Republicans in Congress are currently taking the lead in launching legislation to benefit the Israelis, including some schemes that are so strange (or illegal) that they are worth noting. On May 17, legislation was introduced and referred to the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Cosponsored by two Republicans, Chief Deputy Whip Guy Reschenthaler of Pennsylvania and Ohio Representative Max Miller, H.R. 8445 went largely under the radar to provide direct support for those wishing to serve in the Israeli army. Miller is Jewish and Reschenthaler appears to be a Christian Zionist.

The Congressmen are proud of what they have done. “Over 20,000 American citizens are currently defending Israel from Hamas terrorists, risking their lives for the betterment of our ally,” said Reschenthaler in a recent statement. “This legislation will ensure we do everything possible to support these heroes who are standing with Israel, fighting for freedom, and combating terrorism in the Middle East.”

“As our closest ally in the Middle East continues to defend itself against terror, many brave Americans have decided to lend a hand,” added Miller. “I’m proud that this legislation extends important protections to those Americans who chose to risk their lives in the fight against terror.”

What H.R. 8445 aims to do is make a series of amendments to programs that ordinarily have only been available to active duty, reserve or National Guard members of the US military — the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). These amendments would do something absolutely unprecedented in extending the benefits provided by these programs to American citizens serving in a foreign military, in this case that of Israel.

The SCRA grants American servicemembers “legal and financial protections against default judgments in civil legal cases, reduces interest rates on any pre-service loans to a maximum of 6 percent, and provides protections against home foreclosures. USERRA ensures US servicemembers are covered by relevant “civilian job rights and benefits for veterans, members of reserve components, and even individuals activated by the President of the United States to provide Federal Response for National Emergencies.”

In effect, H.R. 8445 is a measure designed to provide federal government legal and financial protections to US citizens serving with the Israeli military in both Gaza and on the West Bank. Mostly consisting of dual national settlers from the United States, there are more than 23,000 US citizens serving in the IDF as of February 2024. Some Israeli army reservists living in the US have also been summoned back to Israel to fight. Twenty-one Americans in IDF units have been killed inside Gaza, another one died along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, and another was killed in Jerusalem while serving in Israel’s border police.

This number of American-Israeli soldiers is in part fed by the presence of an estimated 600,000 Americans living in areas that are under Israeli control, prior to October 7th. These settlers tend to be political hardliners supportive of the Netanyahu government’s war crimes and they often commit war crimes themselves directed against the local Palestinian population.

Pro-Israel sentiment runs deep in the White House but seemingly even more so in the GOP. Some Americans were rightly shocked when Representative Brian Mast of Florida shortly after the Hamas attacks on October 7th, arrived on the floor of the House of Representatives wearing his Israel Defense Forces (IDF) uniform. “As the only member to serve with both the United States Army and the Israel Defense Forces, I will always stand with Israel,” Mast wrote in a post on X, alongside several photos of him wearing the uniform.

Mast is a bit confused since as a US Congressman he is supposed to “always stand with America.” He should be impeached and shown the door, but, alas, there is little or no patriotic spirit in the federal legislature, which only asks itself “What have I done today for our good friend and ally Israel.” And worse might be coming. It is reported that “House Speaker Mike Johnson said on Wednesday that he’s ready to move forward with formally inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress but he’s waiting on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to sign on.” Another Bibi victory parade in front of a cheering US Congress could be coming right up! It is the ultimate tragedy for our times that a war criminal should be thus glorified and many are beginning to think that the “wag the dog” relationship will inevitably lead to nuclear war triggered by the reckless Jewish state that will inter alia destroy the United States of America. It is definitely something worth thinking about it!

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is

May 23, 2024 - Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, War Crimes | , , , ,


  1. Opening Note: I am not a Christian and I do not agree with much of Hoffmann’s own ideas on religion. That said, this is important for clearly outlining the toxic combination of supremacist Judaic lore and Holocaust industry BS, to use Finkelstein’s terminology of the misuse of the atrocities perpetrated against Jews during WWII in the interest of Israel and Zionism, the latter of which is clearly a determined effort at world domination – with its capital to be centered in Jerusalem – as Jewish writer and historian Israel Shamir has pointed out:

    “Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews, the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters. The Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme capital of the world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the earth.”

    They are succeeding perhaps beyond even their own craziest/most psychopthic imaginations. If things continue, the Jewish Zionist narrative of history is the only one that will be beyond reproach; everything else is fair game.

    You can debate the motivations, methods and numbers behind the Nakba or the Armenian genocide or anything else under the sun. Do it in your histroy classes, do it in over a few drinks at tbe corner pub, do it whenever and wherever…and have fun! That’s free speech and enquiry, that’s intelligent, and that is the most basic building block of the most rudimentary form of participatory democracy. It’s also how anyone even remotely intellectually curious retains his or her sanity. So carry on!

    Just don’t apply these same principles to anything the organized Jewish Zionist community has declared inviolable, or you will be righteously silenced via character assassination, being denied employment and means of survival, up to and including being thrown in jail.

    Would anyone be surprised to see Greenblatt et al attempt to get the death penalty on the books for those who don’t adhere to the organzied Jewish community’s preferred version of reality? At this point, one would be surprised if they didn’t.

    For those looking at things primarily through the lens of power, what does this tell you about where power lies?

    In Genocide Denials and the Law, Amherst College Law Prof. Lawrence Douglas argues that all denial of homicidal gas chambers is an extension of Nazi propaganda. It is certainly true that today’s Hitler sympathizers and neo-Nazis comprise large segments of the denial movement. I would estimate however, that 10 to 15% are purely in pursuit of forbidden knowledge. In and of itself the act of investigating details of history cannot be “anti” anyone. It is a purely intellectual undertaking. It was the reason Sir Flinders-Petrie, an auto-didact who arrived in Egypt as an amateur archaeologist renowned for his knowledge and insatiable curiosity, made major discoveries including the Merneptah Stele and Proto-Sinaitic script.

    It is a disservice to the Holocaust to treat it as a religion possessed of a liturgy rather than a history, and a remit to prosecute and jail heretics (some of whom have been imprisoned in Austria, Germany, Canada and Britain, and fined and fired in Australia, France and Switzerland). These repressive acts tend to increase the attraction of historical investigation of a forbidden topic.

    The overarching problem here is the blind, thoughtless partisanship according to which Holocaust denial is made illegal in order to prevent the revival of Nazism. The good end supposedly justifies the bad means.

    Genocide Denial Law as Applied Only to One People

    “The Holocaust falls into that unique category of criminal malevolence whose enormity puts it beyond the purview of traditional standards of law and reason.” —Kenneth Lasson, Professor of Law, University of Baltimore

    “I believe the true line of research lies in the noting and comparison of the smallest details.” —Sir William Matthew Flinders-Petrie

    Despite some slight window-dressing to the contrary, Genocide Denials and the Law published by Oxford University, is handbook for punishing human beings for doubting the existence of homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz. All other doubts about all the other acts of genocide that have occurred throughout history are permissible.

    Genocide Denials and the Law begins with an axiom from which its remaining 320-some pages proceed: “For historians, denials of genocide (or of any other crime against humanity) does not raise any serious issue. Indeed, they can demonstrate easily the absurdity of the deniers’ arguments.”

    We are informed that the Holocaust cannot be subjected to questions because those who would seek to uphold the truth of execution gas chambers would be tricked into losing. Here’s the argument from Genocide Denials and the Law:

    To entertain the theses or to debate Holocaust revisionists (deniers) would be to fall into Arthur Schopenhauer’s exposition of the pitfalls of “controversy,” whereby, in a debate between homicidal gas chamber affirmers and homicidal gas chamber deniers, the deniers could triumph through tricks such as “argument ad auditores” in which an “invalid objection” is raised which “only an expert sees to be invalid” (p. xvii).

    In other words, people can’t be trusted to form their own judgments. The experts must do their thinking for them and the state must intervene through the promulgation of an official truth and declare holocaust denial illegal. No controversy must be allowed to arise because the non-expert public would be too readily gulled.

    Nota bene (and this is the clincher): All other skepticism about other forms of war crime, genocide and holocaust are legal however, including Deborah Lipstadt’s infamous denial of the 1945 Allied holocaust in the city of Dresden.

    In Germany, they tell us, Holocaust deniers can be punished on the grounds that their doubts have harmed the self-esteem of Judaic people: “…deniers can be convicted with the offenses of insult or defamation, since the courts consider this expression to be an attack on the personality, that is the self-conception (Selbstverständnis) of Jews living today in the country.”

    This was partly the basis of the conviction in France under the Gayssot Act, of Robert Faurisson, following the publication of a newspaper interview in which he contested the existence of homicidal gas chambers. He appealed his conviction to the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations, Robert Faurisson v. France (1996.) The United Nations ruled that “(S)ince the statements made by the author, read in their full context, were of a nature as to raise or strengthen anti-semitic feelings, the restriction served the respect of the Jewish community to live free from fear of an atmosphere of anti-semitism” (p. xxxiii).

    Holocaust Denialism Law (as it has come to be known), is tilted toward the demands of ethno-chauvinists. Denials by Zionists of holocausts against Palestinians in Gaza and Lebanese in Beirut in the summer of 1982, and against Germans in Dresden, are never the subject of prosecution. The “strengthening” of anti-Arab or anti-German “feelings” is not an issue.

    In ruling against French philosopher Roger Garaudy’s appeal of his conviction in France for writing his 1996 book, Les Mythes fondateurs de la politique Israelienne, (translated into English and published in the U.S. as The Founding Myths of Modern Israel), the European Court of Human Rights wrote in 2003: “Denying crimes against humanity is…one of the most serious forms of racial defamation of Jews and of incitement to hatred of them…and thus its counter to the fundamental values of the (European Human Rights) Convention, as expressed in its Preamble, namely justice and peace” (p. xxxvi).

    The obvious question is whether “denying crimes against Arabs and German civilians is one of the most serious forms of racial defamation of Arabs and Germans and of incitement to hatred of them…and thus its counter to the fundamental values of the (European Human Rights) Convention.”

    European, Canadian and Australian laws banning holocaust denial do not remotely take into account the impact on the people of Lebanon of the denial of the Israeli holocaust in Beirut in the summer of 1982, or the impact on Palestinians of the denial of the Israeli holocaust in Gaza from December, 2008 through January, 2009, and since October, 2023.

    Is not denying those crimes against humanity “one of the most serious forms of racial defamation” of Arabs and of incitement to hatred of them? But no such linkage appears possible.

    The European Court, whether or not it is actually conversant with Talmudic theology and Zionist ideology, seems to have been mentally colonized by the supremacism of those two belief systems, given that its legal rulings reflect the superior/inferior dichotomy inherent in them.


    Comment by power and double standards | May 23, 2024 | Reply

  2. Essential, discouraging reporting by the tireless Dr. Giraldi. How low we have sunk into the abyss.

    “Interestingly, as a side issue, since the United States is complicit in the war crimes being committed by Israel due to its funding and arming Netanyahu’s war, it too might wind up charged by the ICC. It would be a real wake-up call and might make many Americans, including myself, very happy to see Biden and Blinken in a prison cell!” I, too, would be very happy!!!!!

    (As I wrote at another blog yesterday, I’d like to see ALL Zionist agents and complicit actors sealed in a large prison cell [say, about the size of Gaza…say!: how about Guantanamo??!!]…and populated jointly with thousands of cockroaches and rats and ticks and bedbugs.)


    Comment by roberthstiver | May 23, 2024 | Reply

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