Aletho News


Shame behind the silence of America over Israeli crimes

By Paul J. Balles | 5 June 2010

The Gulf Daily News (2 June 2010) headlined a front-page article “The silence of America”. Questions were submitted to the American embassy, the White House, US State Department and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The article concluded: THE RESPONSE WAS SILENCE. The questions posed in that article deserve a response, but not the twists provided by Israeli apologists or Zionist controlled Washington.

Why, after all the years of total blind US support for Israel, would anyone expect anything different? Here are the questions and my answers:

1. What will it take before the US even condemns Israel’s behaviour?

Answer: A provable catastrophe committed by Israel resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans. Israel’s behaviour has no judge other than Israel. Their behaviour will remain unchecked until a significant number of Americans suffer from the reality and become enraged.

2. How many people must die at the hands of Israelis before the US will take action against their behaviour? Ten people? 1,000? 10,000?

Answer: Consider how many Palestinian (6,348 between 2000 and 2009) and Lebanese (1,401 in two unprovoked raids) civilians have died unnoticed by America. Remember the provocation by Israel and the execution by America in Iraq; add another 1,366,350 innocents. To the Israelis, what’s another 10 murders in a humanitarian flotilla to Gaza?

3. Why is the US so against an independent inquiry into the flotilla incident?

Answer: The facts of such an inquiry, like the Goldstone inquiry into the carnage of Operation Cast Lead, would be ignored and the truth of its conclusions denied. Israel says “no independent inquiry”. America follows.

4. Any armed attack on any vessel in international waters would be deemed an act of piracy or war by most countries. Is the US definition of piracy and war different from the rest of the world?

Answer: If the pirates are Somalis, no. Pirates are pirates. If the pirates are Israelis, yes. Pirates become transformed into defence forces.

5. How would the US expect the crew or passengers of a civilian US ship to react if it was boarded by a foreign force in international waters? Would it expect them to defend themselves?

Answer: Bow, submit and genuflect if the foreign force is Israeli naval pirates. The victims of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty – an American military ship – were silenced even though the combined air and sea attack killed 34 (naval officers, seamen, two Marines and a civilian), wounded 171 and severely damaged the ship. At the time, the ship was in international waters.

6. The US says it does not consider itself to be at war with Islam, but how can it possibly hope for trust from the Muslim world and elsewhere when it tacitly backs such acts?

Answer: If the American position was honest, we would say, “We’re not at war with Islam; we’re only at war with Muslims.” When is the Muslim world going to waken to the American double talk that’s convenient only for Israel and America?

7. Does the US condemn the detention of four Bahraini civilians and others onboard the flotilla in international waters?

Answer: Fortunately, the Bahraini humanitarians have been released and returned home. The US has not and never will condemn Israel for being what ex-Israeli Gilad Atzmon described as “an inhuman murderous collective fuelled by a psychosis and driven by paranoia”.

The US response? President Obama expressed “deep regret at the loss of life”. Ultimately, Obama will follow Netanyahu’s attempt to justify the actions of the Israeli soldiers, saying they were “defending themselves” after being attacked. The same old political scam.

June 4, 2010 - Posted by | Progressive Hypocrite, War Crimes, Wars for Israel


  1. US is the Greater Israel


    Comment by abe nagano | June 4, 2010 | Reply

  2. If there’s one good thing to come of this I think it is that Israel is being exposed (over and over again) for the heartless, murderous state that it is. Apparently, since Americans are so thoroughly brainwashed, we need to be shown over and over again to get at the truth. I think each time something tragic like this happens, more people catch on. It’s difficult to get the message through with all the propaganda, but I would encourage all those who see the truth to continue to report it because it’s our job to wake the rest of the sleeping masses up. We cannot get discouraged if the going is slow. We cannot let our anger at their blindness stop us from trying to break through the seemingly impenetrable wall of lies we’ve been sold for so long. I am living proof that people can be shown the truth because I was once a strong supporter of Israel because of my religious upbringing. It wasn’t easy to break through, but if you seek the truth, if you ask for the truth, the truth finds its way to you. Belief systems (both political and religious) are difficult to change, but never impossible to change. Keep at it, our existence depends on those of us knowing the truth, speaking the truth.


    Comment by karen | June 4, 2010 | Reply

  3. Hard Calculations Behind the Massacres.

    Over the centuries, Jews became supreme masters of bargaining techniques. The TIME FACTOR acquired the primary importance in the calculations. Dragging time can make you a winner in the otherwise hopeless bargaining.

    How could it happen that the question of stolen land where not a square meter can legally belong to Jews, became the point of a “dispute” continuing for over 60 years?

    Look at the bargaining techniques. The only real question here is: Whose land is this? Obviously, all of it belongs to the Palestinians. But can you create a “dispute” and delay it by committing crimes on this land? Yes, you can. In this case, the world will be talking about your crimes, and the main question becomes postponed, hopefully – indefinitely. These crimes have to be repeated because the world cannot talk about one massacre for more than a few months. A new crime is committed when the previous one is no longer a hot topic and when people dangerously come back to the main question – Whose land is this?

    NEW CRIME PUTS ANOTHER BARGAINING CHIP ON THE TABLE. Israel is not actually a “lunatic”, the crimes serve its purpose. Should Palestinians be allowed to eat and how much? – this is a new question on the table. Let’s discuss it. Israel WANTS you to discuss its crimes – meanwhile, they are getting away with the theft of land for another year. They commit bigger and bigger crimes, not because they are “lunatics”, but because they need bigger and bigger crimes to be on the table for your discussions.

    “How about this?” – says Israel tomorrow, “We will allow them to eat, BUT WE WILL KEEP THE LAND.”

    “We leave them two olive trees untouched by fire, and a water well nearby, BUT WE WILL KEEP THE LAND.”

    “Five olive trees? OK! We give unilaterally five olive trees, BUT WE WILL KEEP THE LAND.”

    “We promise not to torture prisoners, (you can trust us), BUT WE WILL KEEP THE LAND.”

    Before you declare somebody a “lunatic”, have a closer look at him.


    Comment by Michael Pyshnov | June 4, 2010 | Reply

  4. By supporting Avigdor Lieberman, Israelis support a political equivalent of Son of Sam. Lieberman, an open racist with the criminal past, pretends to be the defender of Israel while his policies make the Holocaust Museums obsolete. He, and the Israeli right at large, are the deniers of the main lesson of Holocaust: “never again a bully can humiliate and kill defenseless people whose crime is their ethnicity.”
    Israelis believe that their state survival trumps the international laws and ethics. Hence the history of Israel — from cooperation with the former Nazis in South Africa and up to burning children alive with white phosphorus in besieged Gaza — is a story of moral degradation.
    The US-grown Bibi fights for his political future by parroting the Lieberman’s insane and hateful rhetoric that endangers the Israel’s future more than anything else. And what about AIPAC and the numerous European “Friends of Israel?” – They follow in lockstep the Lieberman line, similar to his predecessors in Russia, whom Solzhenitsin, a former longtime darling of the West, dared to describe in his book on a role of Jews in the Russian Socialist Revolution.
    The USSR is finally winning and bringing a demise of the West– via Israeli-Russian mafia. The rabid defenders of Israel are nothing more than ethno centrists, the “chosen,” which in a plain language means the racists. Similar to Bolsheviks, Zionists feel that the laws are of no importance in their “special” struggle for survival. Here comes Lieberman, the morally horrific creation of Zionism, the dubious defender of indefensible racist ideology.


    Comment by Anna-Marina | June 5, 2010 | Reply

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