Aletho News


Radioactive Cloud/Fallout Over Europe From the Chernobyl Disaster

By Allen Roland:
Citations sourced from the Christian Science Monitor | March 16, 2011

Yesterday President Obama told KDKA-TV of Pittsburgh “that experts have assured him that a nuclear release from Japan will dissipate by the time it gets to Hawaii, much less the U.S. mainland” but I stopped believing Obama a long time ago and, besides, he lives on the East Coast ~ well out of harm’s way. By the way, General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt recently joined Obama’s team as a top economic advisor and GE designed the faulty nuclear containment systems that are now breaking down in Japan. So Obama is not about to say anything that could harm his more than cozy relationship with Wall Street and the financial elite ~ the public be damned.

The New York Times reports that GE marketed the Mark 1 boiling water reactors, used in TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi plant, “as cheaper to build than other reactors because they used a comparatively smaller and less expensive containment structure.” The same containment structures that are now breaking down ~ like BP, it’s all about greed, profit and lax oversight ~ and dam the safety concerns!

Contrary to Obama’s vacuous comments ~ “The worst case scenario is ~ the fuel rods fuse together, the temperatures get so hot that they melt together in a radioactive molten mass that bursts through the containment mechanisms,” said nuclear expert Joe Cirincione. “Some of the radioactivity could carry in the atmosphere to the West Coast of the US,” added Cirincione, head of anti-nuclear group Ploughshares Fund. He cited the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster to underline how far radioactivity can travel. “The radioactivity spread around the entire northern hemisphere,” from the devastated Ukrainian plant, he said.


On April 26 1986 a terrible disaster happened in Chernobyl in Ukraine. This is a radioactive radar that can see how high the radioactivity was. The more red the more dangerous.


Stephen Lendman

Chernobyl in 1986 killed nearly one million people and counting. Wide areas are affected by permanent contamination. Clean-up workers still risk radiation poisoning. Earlier ones suffered dreadful illnesses or died, mostly from painful cancers. In contaminated areas, the continuing effects include:

— a 100-fold increase in aggressive thyroid tumors;

— a 50-fold increase in leukemia, bone, brain, and other tumors;

— a 30% increase in “malformations” caused genetic mutations and other pathologies affecting cardio-vascular function, skeleton, muscular systems and connective tissues, as well as nervous system diseases and psychic disorders; and

— a 20% increase in premature births, besides an unknown number of spontaneous abortions, miscarriages, and still-born births.

Moreover, radiation contamination remains hazardous for thousands of years.

March 17, 2011 Posted by | Nuclear Power | Leave a comment

Dept of Education opens investigation into anti-Semitism at UC Santa Cruz following events protesting the occupation

By Adam Horowitz | Mondoweiss | March 17, 2011

The Chronicle of Higher Education is reporting that the U.S. Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights will investigate charges of anti-Semitism at the University of California at Santa Cruz based on a complaint that the university ignored concerns that criticism of Israel was “creating a hostile climate for Jewish people on the campus.”

You can read a letter from the Dept. of Ed announcing the investigation here.  The move is the first such investigation since the Department announced last October that they were expanding federal anti-bullying guidelines to include religious groups with “shared ethnic characteristics.” Previously, the relevant civil rights statute, Title VI, did not explicitly cover religion. This was a move applauded by Israel supporters, such as the Zionist Organization of America, who saw it as a way to criminalize activism critical of Israel on campus.

The lecturer who brought the complaint is Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, who teaches Hebrew at the school. You can read Rossman-Benjamin’s complaint to the Education Department here. Among the events she sites as examples of anti-Semitism on campus was a screening of the film Occupation 101 and another event called “Understanding Gaza.” This event featured speakers from Jewish Voice for Peace which she characterizes as “an extreme and disreputable fringe of American Jewry.” The Chronicle quotes her letter:

The anti-Israel discourse and behavior in classrooms and at departmentally and college-sponsored events at [Santa Cruz] is tantamount to institutional discrimination against Jewish students, which has resulted in their intellectual and emotional harassment and intimidation, and has adversely affected their educational experience at the university.

Reading over the complaint, it’s hard to believe that anyone took it very seriously. Rossman-Benjamin’s ulterior motive of silencing criticism of Israel is obvious, and she has even written openly about it. In a piece titled “Anti-Zionism and the Abuse of Academic Freedom” that she wrote for Dore Gold’s neocon thinktank the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Rossman-Benjamin laments:

The foregoing analysis has amply demonstrated that anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic discourse has found academic legitimacy on at least one major university campus and is allowed to flourish because faculty and administrators are unwilling to address, or even acknowledge, these abuses of academic freedom.

To answer how this case has found support at the highest levels of government it helps to look at who is helping push it forward, and how the Department of Education’s new policy was created in the first place.

The case is being heavily supported by an organization called Institute for Jewish and Community Research (IJCR) a San Francisco-based organization which is “devoted to creating a safe, secure, and growing Jewish community.” A large part of that work is focused on documenting and exposing “anti-Israelism and anti-Semitism.” This project is headed up by Kenneth L. Marcus, who incidently served as the Education Department’s assistant secretary for civil rights from 2002 to 2004, and was the Staff Director at the United States Commission on Civil Rights during the Bush Administration. In fact, Marcus helped lay the groundwork for the new Dept of Education bullying policy with a 2004 policy letter that advocated for the change.

Although Marcus must have been responsible for a wide array of civil rights concerns during his time in government, it seems there is one issue close to his heart. Here is a list of his publications as listed on his wikipedia page:

  • “The Second Mutation: Israel and Political Anti-Semitism”, inFocus Spring 2008 • Vol. II: No. 1
  • “Anti-Zionism as Racism: Campus Anti-Semitism and the Civil Rights Act of 1964”, February 2007 issue of the William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal (pp. 837-891, published by the students of the William and Mary Law School)
  • “The Resurgence of Anti-Semitism on American College Campuses”, Current Psychology, Vol. 26, Nos. 3 & 4, 2007
  • “The Most Important Right We Think We Have But Don’t: Freedom from Religious Discrimination in Education”. Nevada Law Journal, Vol. 7, p. 171, 2006
  • “Jurisprudence of the New Anti-Semitism”, Wake Forest Law Review, Vol. 44, 2009.

His IJCR also mentions his new book Jewish Identity and Civil Rights in America. Seems to be a bit of a one trick pony. Predictably, Marcus is celebrating the government’s decision and sees wide ranging ramification for the Rossman-Benjamin’s complaint. A IJCR press release quotes him as saying:

This case is extremely significant for four reasons. First, it is opened just as International Apartheid Week activities are being held around the world and illustrates the potential ramifications of extremist protest activities. Second, it follows right on the heels of a federal lawsuit alleging similar problems at the University of California Berkeley just a few days before and may illustrate a broad trend. Third, it is only the second major systemic anti-Semitism case that OCR has opened and may have important precedential value. Fourth, it is the first major case to follow OCR’s new campus anti-Semitism policy and may demonstrate whether OCR means what it says about its commitment to addressing hate and bias in federally funded higher education programs.

It’s hard to believe the complaint will be held up, but I also would never have thought it would go this far in the first place. Guess it helps to have friends in high places.

March 17, 2011 Posted by | Civil Liberties, Full Spectrum Dominance | 3 Comments

The middle class in Iraq destroyed. What can be done?

Christophe Callewaert | March 16, 2011

The handing over of the Ghent Charter in Defense of Iraqi Academia by Hans von Sponeck to Ms Marie-Paule Roudil, representative of UNESCO in Brussels, during the official signing ceremony, 8 March 2011

In the past eight years hundreds of academics have been killed in Iraq. They were not accidental victims of the violence prevailing in the country, but the target of a focused and systematic campaign to destroy the Iraqi state, researchers say. In Ghent specialists from all over the world gathered to investigate the humanitarian catastrophe.

MENARG (Middle East and North African Research Group) of Ghent University, the BRussells Tribunal, and numerous other organizations brought together the cream of Iraq specialists at the Aula in Ghent. For three days they have talked about the “least known humanitarian crisis” (in the words of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres).

These figures are staggering. The BRussells Tribunal collected 455 files on murdered academics. The number of teachers in Baghdad has fallen by 80 percent. In the two years after the start of the war in Iraq 84 percent of higher education institutions were looted, destroyed or burned. More than 335 students and staff died or were seriously injured by bombings of Al Mustansiriya University in Baghdad. Approximately 40 percent of the Iraqi middle class has fled the country.

The researchers say the destruction of academic life in Iraq is no side effect of the war. “This is the official theory of the Iraqi government. The academic community was -like the rest of Iraq- victim of ethnic and sectarian violence after the invasion. Our research shows that academics as a group are the target of violence,” said Pedro Rojo from CEOSI, who has written several books on Iraq.

Who was and is behind that violence? Pedro Rojo: “Firstly, the militias aligned to the government. They want to destroy the education system. There is also the Mossad (Israeli Security Agency, ed) that targeted scientists who have or may have had a hand in the production of weapons of mass destruction.”


But why would someone destroy the education of a country? According to the American Professor Raymond Baker Iraq is a clear case of “state ending”. The aim of the war was the destruction of the Iraqi state. The killings of academics are a part of that war strategy.

Former UN humanitarian coordinator in Iraq, Hans von Sponeck, said the attempt to destroy the Iraqi state started much earlier. “It started in 1990 with the sanctions after Iraq invaded Kuwait. The oil for food program could have been adequate, but it was not. The UN was simply abused as a tool to destroy Iraq. They could have saved at least primary education, but they did not. Then I realized that the US wanted to destroy the old Iraq to create a new Iraq,” said von Sponeck, who resigned in 2000.

The researchers in Ghent do not only want to accuse, but also try to formulate solutions. “We need a network of Iraqi and European researchers who through a thorough research can map the situation in Iraq,” said Pedro Rojo. “It is not enough to say that there is now a “blossoming” democracy in Iraq and that we can rebuild the country. The murderers are still waving the stick. Impunity is the problem. ”

Von Sponeck also calls for objective and fair research and investigation. “Non-ideological and no hidden agendas. So other people can better defend the Iraqi cause. Ending the occupation seems to be a prerequisite to have hope for change. At this time throughout the Arab world, young people are on the streets. An ideal time to those who give objective information,” said von Sponeck.

The Arab riots are encouraging. The Iraqi writer Haifa Zangana has hopes for her homeland. “Over the last two months there were constant demonstrations. Even in areas where there were never demonstrations before, like in the Kurdish provinces. The people on the streets formulate a rainbow of demands. But the repression has been merciless. 31 protesters have already been killed. And in the Western media there is a total blackout. As if there is no more occupation, as if democracy flourishes in Iraq again.”

Translation: Dirk Adriaensens, member of the BRussells Tribunal executive Committee

March 17, 2011 Posted by | Subjugation - Torture, Timeless or most popular, Wars for Israel | Leave a comment

Worse Than Chernobyl?

No Reactor is Safe

By RUSSELL D. HOFFMAN | CounterPunch | March 17, 2011

The latest news is that the Japanese military are dropping sea water on the reactors by helicopter.

That sounds very inefficient, very ineffective, and very dangerous.

I described this event to a loved one today as one of the worst catastrophes in the history of humanity. What will she tell her 13-year-old while he watches the news tonight? That Ace is STILL saying the worst may be yet to come? That we might have one spent fuel pool fire after another… and dry cask fires, too… and more reactor meltdowns, and more explosions?

That over the next 20 years there will probably be more than a million dead in Japan from this accident, and thousands dead here in America?

Do we tell them that? These are pretty hard things to have to try to explain to a child.

Do we tell them the poisons are particularly bad for youngsters, infants, and fetuses?

“If you don’t understand what’s happening, you’re probably so young that you REALLY need to know!! It will affect YOUR life most of all!”

There’s no way to explain that.

Of course, you can always listen to the pro-nukers tell you not to worry because it can’t happen “here”, wherever “here” is for you. They will tell you the radiation levels from the Fukushima-Daiichi catastrophe will be little more than background levels by the time they get to you, wherever you are. They’ll say background radiation is harmless and might even be good for you. They’ll say it’s just a dusting. That’s it’s all going to land in China. That the deaths from Chernobyl didn’t happen.

They’ll say it all.

Radiation sickness isn’t pretty. People in Japan will be coming down with it in droves. Workers undoubtedly already are being visited behind plastic screens for the last time by their loved ones who, if they live close to the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, were also irradiated, but not as badly.

I spoke at a hearing last night, near my local nuclear power plant. It was a common council hearing in San Clemente, the city nearest the reactor. I’ve posted a You-Tube video from the event.

The public speaking portion of the evening started with this author. The reactor company was allowed to speak last, for as long as they wanted. The representative explained that the reactor was built to withstand all foreseeable earthquakes in the area, and all tsunamis that they could foresee as well. And that was that. No talk of new studies, no talk of building the wall higher, nothing like that. Everything’s fine at San Onofre, according to them.

Lately at all the hearings for San Onofre, the activists have been overwhelmed by plant employees, some of whom always speak, such as the union duckie, and some of whom just clap for their team and leave when its the activists’ turn to talk.

There were NO employees making themselves obvious at this hearing, besides the one management representative. I did not see a single logoed shirt, patch, or San-Onofre beeper this time. … Full article

March 17, 2011 Posted by | Deception, Nuclear Power | 1 Comment

Young Gazan fisherman shot in abdomen

17 March 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza
Yasser’s bullet wound

A young curly-haired boy snores solemnly in a hot room in Al-Shifa hospital in central Gaza City. He lays wrapped in a blanket and is connected to a drip. His brothers and cousins sit around his bed on yet another hospital visit. “This is the life we face as fishermen: the Israeli’s shoot at us daily and injuries are frequent,” says one of the visitors.Yasser Nasser Bakr, 19 years old, received a bullet in his abdomen on the morning of March 16th, while he was out fishing.

“We went out with a series of small hasakas (traditional fishing boats) at about 5.30 am this morning. At 6:30 AM the Israeli Navy started shooting at us. They shot around us and at the boats for about five minutes. They would stop and open fire again after a while. This was ongoing until Yasser was injured at approximately 10:30 AM,” says his brother who sailed with him. “I was petrified and just wanted one thing: to leave. However, this happens on a daily basis, so we cannot withdraw, we need to continue in these circumstances, otherwise we wouldn’t catch a single fish.”

At 1.5 nautical miles the fishermen met with the Israeli gunboat, which got as close as 30 meters to the fishing boats. “And they speak Arabic very well, insulting us and telling us to ‘get the hell out of of here,’ while we are righteously there according to their laws,” says Yasser’s brother.

Scan of Yasser’s upper body

A boy jumps up and demonstrates how only three days ago he laid down on the deck of the boat protecting his head with his arms after threats of the captain of the gunboat. “He said to us: ‘I’ll kill the child!’, while he was pointing his M16 machine gun to my face!” cries 17 year old Khalil.Gazan fishermen collectively suffer from Israel’s unilaterally imposed sea blockade of but 3 nautical miles, which cuts them off from the big schools of fish. The Bakr family has more misery accounted to Israel though. On July 5th 2010, Yasser’s brother, Ala’am Bakr was shot while fishing. On September 24th, the Bakr family suffered a tragic loss: Mansour Bakr was killed at sea. Just two months ago, the Navy arrested four members of the Bakr family. While they were released the same day, their boat remains confiscated, leaving these men and their families without income.

More visitors wander into the hospital room to visit Yasser, who wakes up with groans of pain. The fishermen show us videos of how they were attacked previously. When asked if they have a message to share with the outside world, they yelled: “We want the sea back, help us open the sea for us again.”

March 17, 2011 Posted by | Illegal Occupation, Subjugation - Torture, War Crimes | Leave a comment

Murdering Babies is “Permissible” When They’re Palestinian

What the Media Missed on Itamar

By ALISON WEIR | CounterPunch | March 17, 2011

US media have been widely and repeatedly reporting on the awful March 11 murder of three small Israeli children and their parents. While no one yet knows who committed this act, reports presume that the murderers were Palestinian, and for this reason the incident is receiving major attention. Various heads of state, including President Obama, have condemned it.

If it turns out that the murderer or murderers were Israeli, as some previously presumed “terrorists” have turned out to be, or a foreign worker who had previously threatened the family over unpaid wages, as some reports from the area suggest, it is likely that coverage of the incident will quickly vanish from U.S. headlines.

For now, however, American news reports continue to provide excruciating details about the atrocity. Given the amount of reportage, it is surprising how much significant information is omitted.

For example, none of these reports mention that the location of the murders, Itamar (near Nablus), is an illegal Jewish-only settlement on stolen Palestinian land in the midst of refugees whom Israel pushed off their ancestral land through massacres and ruthless military actions.

Nor do reports mention the frequency with which Israeli settlers beat, occasionally torture, and sometimes murder Palestinians of all ages, burn their crops, and hack down their groves of olive trees, the livelihood of many Palestinian villagers; hundreds, at least, of these trees, have been destroyed by rampaging Israeli settlers.

Religious extremism

Even lengthy articles on the tragic incident fail to mention the extremely relevant and chillingly ironic fact that Itamar was founded and is largely populated by fanatic Jewish extremists, many of whom believe that the killing of non-Jewish infants is religiously permitted, and sometimes mandated, as discussed in a best-selling book “The King’s Torah,” which was written by authors from the area and endorsed by numerous rabbis and religious schools (but opposed by most Israelis).

In their elaborate descriptions of the murder scene, U.S. articles neglect to mention that the building next door is the house of Chabad Lubavitch emissaries, a Hassidic movement in Orthodox Judaism, and features a photo of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, known for his astoundingly supremacist teachings.

Schneerson is widely revered by such settlers (and his followers in the U.S.); many believed him to have been the messiah. In their book “Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel,” professors Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky quote Schneerson’s teachings about the differences between Jews and non-Jews:

“… we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of ‘let us differentiate’ between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world…A non-Jew’s entire reality is only vanity…The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews…”

Which children matter?

Finally, news reports on the abhorrent Itamar murders fail to mention the frequent, tragic, and equally abhorrent killing of massive numbers of Palestinian children by Israelis.

For example, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Itamar incident was “the deadliest such attack against Jewish settlers in the area since 2002,” but didn’t bother to report that there have been numerous deadly attacks on Palestinians in the area in the intervening years, that dozens of Palestinian minors have been killed, many more injured and maimed, and even more Palestinian mothers, fathers, and grandparents killed.

This viewpoint is typical of U.S. media. Statistical studies show that primetime network news shows report on Israeli children’s deaths at rates up to 14 times greater than they report on Palestinian children’s deaths; regional newspapers report Israeli deaths at even more disproportionate rates.

Palestinian deaths are therefore often virtually invisible to American news consumers, even though they occurred first and are far greater in number.

In the round of violence that began in fall 2000, over 90 Palestinian children were killed before a single Israeli child; in total, approximately 1,500 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis, and approximately 130 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians during this period.

Since American media, in stark contrast to coverage of the Itamar victims, so rarely report on Palestinian victims and their weeping families, or provide details of their grisly deaths, at the end of this article is a partial list of these young, largely disappeared victims.

While this very incomplete list does little to balance the moving, detailed reporting on Israeli children’s deaths found in U.S. news media, and completely ignores the even greater number of children grieving for parents killed by Israeli forces, publishing it here at least provides the names of Palestinian victims, a rarity in American media coverage.

A few years ago an Israeli army officer emptied, at close range, the entire magazine of his automatic rifle into a 13-year-old Palestinian girl. Afterward he said he would have done the same even if she had been three years old. Because so many of his underlings reported this particular incident, he was eventually tried in an Israeli military court – but on minor offenses, not murder. He was acquitted of all charges.

It is hard to imagine the feelings of Americans if these were our children and if we were suffering this degree of unbearable loss. The population in the Palestinian Territories is less than 1/90th the population of the U.S.; there is hardly a Palestinian family that has not experienced tragedy.

Because Israel partisans consistently screen out the mass of significant information on this issue, and other editors, perhaps through ignorance, negligence, and/or timidity, go along, Americans receive the kind of highly filtered, lying-through-omission “journalism” that is so effectively creating fear, hatred, and ignorance of Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims – and that perpetuates the uniquely massive flow of American money to Israel, currently over $8 million per day. Israel, with a population of seven million, is reportedly about to ask for an additional $20 billion.

Regarding the as-yet unsolved murder of three children in Itamar, President Obama pronounced: “There is no justification and there can be neither excuse nor forgiveness for the murder of children.  I expect a similar condemnation, and I demand a similar condemnation, from the Palestinian Authority.”

Perhaps someday President Obama will have the integrity – and the courage – to make the same pronouncement about the murders of Palestinian children, and address it to the Israeli government.

A partial list of Palestinian Children Killed by Israelis

The following information is taken from “Remember These Children,” [ which works to document all Israeli and Palestinian children who have been killed, in the belief, sadly not shared by the U.S. media, that all of these children matter.

In the list below, “IDF” stands for Israeli Defense Forces, an offensive, occupying force; “Incursion” refers to an invasion of Palestinian land by Israeli military forces.  To reiterate: this is a partial list of children mostly 13 and under of the approximately 1,500 Palestinian minors killed by Israeli forces in the past 11 years; during the same period Palestinians killed about 130 Israeli minors.


Muhammad Saleh Muhammad al-Arja, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by Israeli sniper fire to his head near the Rafah boder crossing.

Math Ahmad Muhammad abu-Hadwan, 11, of Hebron, killed by IDF gunfire to his head in Tel Rumeida.

Abdul-Rahman Khaled Hammouda Khbeish, 4, of Balata refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his head.


Obeisi infant girl, of Nablus, died at an IDF checkpoint when her mother was prevented from crossing to reach the hospital.

Muhammad Ismael Hashem Nasr, 10, of Dahyet al-Bareed, near Jerusalem, killed by Israeli settlers.

Isra Ahmad, 11, of Nablus, died at an IDF checkpoint when she was prevented from reaching a hospital.

Mahmoud Ismael al-Darwish, 11, of Dura, near Hebron, killed by IDF shelling to his chest.

Yehya Fathi Muhammad al-Sheikh Eid, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to his face, neck and abdomen.

Iman Muhammad al-Haju, 4 months, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling while in her mother’s arms.

Suleiman Sami al-Masri, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his back.

Khalil Ibrahim Muhammad al-Moghrabi, 11, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to his head while playing with a friend near the border with Egypt.

Diya Marwan Hilmi al-Tmeizi, 3 months, of Ithna, near Hebron, killed, with her older brother, by Israeli settler gunfire to her head and back.

Ashraf Khalil Abdul-Minem, 8, of al-Judeidah, near Jenin, killed, with his brother, in an IDF helicopter missile strike during a targeted assassination.

Bilal Khalil Abdul-Minem, 10, of al-Judeidah, near Jenin, killed, with his brother, in an IDF helicopter missile strike during a targeted assassination.

Azhar Said Shalafa, 2, of Rafah, Gaza, died at an IDF checkpoint when her mother was prevented from taking her to the hospital.

Muhammad Subhi abu-Arrar, 14, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF sniper fire to his chest while playing in front of his home.

Inas Samir abu-Zeid, 5, of Rafah, Gaza, killed, with her brother, by IDF shelling.
Suleiman Samir abu-Zeid, 7, of Rafah, Gaza, killed, with his sister, by IDF shelling.

Abdallah Atatrah, 3, of al-Tarm, near Jenin, died at an IDF checkpoint when the car carrying him was prevented from getting to the Yabad medical center after he fell into a swamp.

Khaled Arafat al-Batash, 2, of Hebron, killed by the IDF and Israeli settlers during a gas attack.

Riham Nabil Younis Abul-Ward, 10, of Jenin, killed by IDF gunfire to her head while in her classroom.

Abed-Rabo infant, newborn, of Bethlehem, died at an IDF checkpoint after its mother was denied access to medical care.

Akram Naim Abdul-Karim al-Astal, 6, of Khan Younis refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his brother and three cousins, by an IDF missile while on their way to school.

Anis Idris Muhammad al-Astal, 11, of Khan Younis refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his brother and three cousins, by an IDF missile while on their way to school.

Muhammad Rateb abu-Shahla, 12, of Jenin, killed by IDF shelling to his head.

Shadi Ahmad Abdul-Moti Arafeh, 13, of Hebron, killed in an IDF helicopter missile strike during a targeted assassination.

Burhan Muhammad Ibrahim al-Himuni, 3, of Hebron, killed in an IDF helicopter missile strike during a targeted assassination.

Muhammad Zakin, 8 hours, of Yamoun, near Jenin, died at an IDF checkpoint after his mother was denied access to medical care.

Rami Salahaldeen Muhammad Zurob, 13, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF helicopter fire to his head while playing in front of his house.


Muna Sami Ataya al-Bajasa, 13, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed, with her mother, by IDF tank fire to her head during an incursion.

Mahmoud Hasan Ahmad al-Talalka, 7, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen near the Nisanit settlement.

Maria Izaldeen abu-Sarieh, 9, of Jenin refugee camp, killed by IDF shelling to her head while in her home during an incursion.

Inas Ibrahim Eisa Saleh, 9, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Feb. 19 from IDF shelling during a targeted assassination.

Muhammad Hussein abu-Kweik, 8, of Amari refugee camp, killed, with his two sisters, by IDF helicopter fire during a targeted assassination.

Shaima Izaldeen Ibrahim al-Masri, 7, of Ramallah, killed by IDF helicopter fire during a targeted assassination.

Said Ali Ibrahim Subeih, 12, of Ramallah, died of head wounds sustained Feb. 28 from IDF gunfire.

Muhammad Mamoun Fayez abu-Ali, 10, of Tulkarm refugee camp, died of chest wounds sustained March 7 from IDF gunfire during an incursion.

Amani Odeh Muhammad al-Awawdah, 12, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with her mother, brother, sister and cousin, by an IDF land mine while riding on an animal drawn cart.

Salim Odeh Muhammad al-Awawdah, 10, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his mother, 2 sisters and cousin, by an IDF land mine while riding on an animal drawn cart.

Tariq Muhammad Salman al-Awawdah, 10, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his aunt and three cousins, by an IDF land mine while riding on an animal drawn cart.

Mujahed Arafat abu-Shabab, 2, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling.
Shaima Said Abdul-Rahim Hamad, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained March 15 from IDF gunfire.

Iyad Imad Muhammad al-Mughrabi, 11, of Askar refugee camp, died of head wounds sustained March 17 from IDF gunfire.

Riham Hussam Mustafa abu-Taha, 4, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained March 21 from IDF shelling.

Mahmoud Muhammad Musa abu-Yasin, 13, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, died of abdominal wounds sustained March 12 during a funeral.

Abdullah Samir Omar al-Shubi, 10, of Nablus, killed, with his family of seven, by an IDF missile during an incursion.

Anas Samir Omar al-Shubi, 4, of Nablus, killed, with his family of seven, by an IDF missile during an incursion.

Azzam Samir Omar al-Shubi, 7, of Nablus, killed, with his family of seven, by an IDF missile during an incursion

Salwa Khaled Dahaliz, 10, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her head near the Rafah Yam settlement.

Sumaya Najeh Abdul-Hadi al-Hasan, 6, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her head.

Isra Ghaleb Othman, 10, of Beitunia, near Ramallah, killed by IDF gunfire to her side.

Ahed Rasmi Ali Hamad, 5, of Hebron, killed by IDF gunfire during an incursion.

Qusay Farah abu-Aisha, 12, of Askar refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire while playing in his yard during an incursion.

Fadel Mahmoud abu-Zuheirah, 9, of Beitunia, near Ramallah, killed by IDF tank fire to his abdomen while in his home during an incursion.

Rifat Bassam Shehada Awad, 12, of Awarta, near Nablus, killed, with his two brothers, by an IDF armored personnel carrier.

Khayri Bassam Shehada Awad, 11, of Awarta, near Nablus, killed, with his two brothers, by an IDF armored personnel carrier.

Faraj Hekmat Udwan, 4, of Awarta, near Nablus, killed by an IDF armored personnel carrier.

Othman Fadel Khaled Masharqah, 7, of Jenin, killed by IDF shelling to his head and limbs during an incursion.

Asad Faysal Ersan Qarini, 10, of Jenin, killed by IDF gunfire to his head and foot during an incursion.

Huda Muhammad Said abu-Shaluf, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her head while at home during an incursion.

Fadi Ghassan al-Ajlouni, 8, of Hebron, killed by IDF gunfire.

Abed Khaled Muhammad Ismael, 11, of Artas, near Bethlehem, killed by IDF gunfire.

Abeer Muhammad Yousef Zakarna, 3, of Qabatiya, near Jenin, killed, with her brother and mother, by IDF shelling to her limbs.

Basel Muhammad Yousef Zakarna, 4, of Qabatiya, near Jenin, killed, with his sister and mother, by IDF shelling to his back.

Tamer Khaled Mahmoud abu-Siriyye, 10, of Tulkarm, killed by IDF tank fire to his chest while throwing stones.

Salem Sami Salem al-Shaer, 15, of Rafah, Gaza, died of back wounds sustained May 7, with his brother, from IDF gunfire during an incursion.

Anwar Elian Saleh abu-Said, 12, of Juhor al-Deek, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling.

Hussein Eid Hassan al-Matwi, 8, of al-Maghraqa, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to his heart near his home.

Abdul-Samad Hashem Shamlakh, 10, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his head while in his home during an incursion.

Ahmad Yousef Abdul-Aziz al-Ghazawi, 9, of Jenin, killed by IDF tank fire.

Fares Hussam Fares al-Sadi, 13, of Jenin, killed by the IDF when his neighbor’s house was blown up.

Sjoud Ahmad Turki Fahmawi, 6, of Jenin, killed by IDF tank fire to her chest and left arm during an incursion.

Jamil Yousef Abdul-Aziz al-Ghazzawi, 12, of Jenin, died of leg and thigh wounds sustained June 21, with his brother, from IDF tank fire.

Bassam Ghassan Ragheb al-Sadi, 6, of Jenin refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest.

Muhammad Shteiwi, 12, of Fara refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest.

Anwar Muhammad Kamal al-Hindi, 2, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed, with her mother, by IDF gunfire to her head.

Shukri Fayq Abdel-Haj Daoud, 10, of Qalqilya, died of head wounds sustained June 27 from IDF gunfire during curfew.

Ahmad Said Abdul-Jawad abu-Radaha, 7, of Amari refugee camp, killed by an IDF bomb.

Muhammad Mahmoud al-Huwaiti, 3, of Gaza City, killed, with his brother, in an IDF airstrike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.

Subhi Mahmoud al-Huwaiti, 5, of Gaza City, killed, with his brother, in an IDF airstrike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.

Ayman Raed Matar, 18, of Gaza City, killed, with his brother, sister and cousins, in an IDF airstrike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.

Dina Raed Matar, 2, of Gaza City, killed, with her brothers and cousins, in an IDF airstrike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.

Muhammad Raed Matar, 4, of Gaza City, killed, with his siblings and cousins, in an IDF airstrike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.

Dunia Rami Matar, 5, of Gaza City, killed, with her cousins, in an IDF airstrike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.

Ala Muhammad Matar, 11, of Gaza City, killed, with his cousins, in an IDF airstike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.

Ahmad Muhammad al-Shawa, 5, of Gaza City, killed, with his father, in an IDF airstike while at home during the targeted assassination of Salah Shehada.

Asma Tahseen Ahmad Ahmad, 9, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her back while playing in her front yard.

Hamzeh Muhammad Badawi Dweikat, 13, of Balata, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest and neck while in his home during curfew.

Ayman Atiya abu-Mugheiseb, 12, of Deir al-Balah, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Aug. 7 from IDF gunfire while in his backyard.

Ayman Bassam Nadid Fares, 6, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head while in his field near the Ganei Tal settlement.

Jihad Musa Muhammad al-Athra, 6, of Yatta, Hebron, killed by an Israeli settler vehicle.

Bahira Borhan Mefleh Daraghma, 7, of Tubas, killed, with her cousin, by an IDF missile strike during an assassination attempt.

Abdul-Salam Fawzi Abdul-Rahman Samreen, 11, of al-Bireh, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen during curfew.

Rawan Murad Eisa Hrezian, 3 days, of Hebron, died at an IDF checkpoint.

Rami Kahlil Ibrahim al-Barbari, 12, of Nablus, killed by IDF tank fire to his head during curfew.
Mahmoud Hamza Ahmad Zaghloul, 11, of Nablus, killed by IDF shelling to his heart.

Thaer Salah al-Hout, 12, of Rafah refugee camp, killed by IDF tank fire to his head during an incursion.

Shaima Kamal Yousef abu-Shamaleh, 8, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to her head while in her home during an incursion.

Nafez Khaled Mashal, 2, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen.

Muhammad Rifat abu-Naja, 9, of Rafah, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Oct. 17 from IDF gunfire.

Hamed Asad Hasan al-Masri, 2, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to his chest.

Jihad Tahseen Darweesh al-Faqih, 8, of Nablus, killed by IDF gunfire to his heart during an incursion.

Fawaregh infant, newborn, of Masarah, near Bethlehem, died at an IDF checkpoint after his mother was delayed on her way to the Bethlehem hospital.

Infant, Newborn, of Tel, near Nablus, killed by IDF gunfire.

Nada Kamal Muhammad Mahdi, 11, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her chest while at home.

Hanin Saud abu-Sita, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her pelvis.

Hanin Abdul-Kader Saleh abu-Suleiman, 8, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her head.


Abdul-Rahman Samer abu-Bakr, 10, of Nablus, died at an IDF checkpoint after he was prevented from reaching medical care.

Iyad Salim Othman abu-Shaer, 12, of Deir al-Balah, Gaza, died of neck wounds sustained Dec. 24 from IDF gunfire.

Ali Taleb Ghreiz, 8, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to his head.

Mustafa Ibrahim abu-Adwan, 10, of Khan Younis, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Feb. 7 from IDF shelling.

Aref Omar Afif Bisharat, 13, of Tammun, near Tubas, died of head wounds sustained Feb. 5 from IDF gunfire while throwing stones.

Husni Majdi al-Ghul, 8, of Qalqilya, killed by Israeli border police gunfire to his chest during an incursion.

Abdul-Rahman Mustafa Ali Jadallah, 9, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a funeral.

Ilham Ziad Hassan al-Assar, 4, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her abdomen and left foot during an incursion.

Christine George Antoine Sada, 10, of Aida refugee camp, killed by undercover IDF gunfire to her head and chest while riding in a car with her family during a targeted assassination.

Anas Jihad al-Kahlout, 12, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head.

Amir Ahmad Muhammad Ayyad, 2, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest and abdomen during an incursion.

Elian Saad Elian al-Bashiti, 18 months, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to his head.

Tamer Nizar Fathi Arar, 11, of Salfit, killed by IDF sniper fire to his head during a demonstration.

Afnan Yasser Muhammad Taha, 1, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with her mother, in an IDF helicopter missile strike during the targeted assassination of her father.

Amal Nimer Salem al-Jarusha, 8, of Gaza City, died of wounds sustained June 10 in an IDF helicopter missile strike while playing in her yard during a targeted assassination.

Muhammad Sharif Jawdat Kabaha, 3, of Barta al-Sharkiya, near Jenin, killed by IDF tank fire to his head while waiting in a car with his family at a checkpoint.

Aya Mahmoud Noman Fayyad, 9, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to her chest while in her home.

Sana Jamil al-Daour, 9, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, died of head and neck wounds sustained Aug. 26 from IDF helicopter fire during a targeted assassination.

Thaer Monsur Noman al-Sayouri, 9, of Hebron, killed by IDF tank fire to his head while in his home during an incursion.

Muhammad Ayman Yousef Ibrahim, 7, of Tulkarm refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a targeted assassination.

Ibrahim Ahmad Frej al-Qreinawi, 10, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen while with his family in their yard during an incursion.

Atwa Yousef abu-Muhsen, 8, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during an incursion.

Muhammad Ziad Muhammad Baroud, 12, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF helicopter fire during a targeted assassination.

Muhammad Ismael Elian al-Hamayda, 10, of Deir al-Balah, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen while on his way to the mosque during an incursion.

Ahmad Muhanad Nafeh Meri, 11, of Jenin refugee camp, died of head wounds sustained Nov. 8 from IDF gunfire to his head while throwing stones at soldiers demolishing a home in Jenin.

Hani Salem Rabayah, 9, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head and neck.

Muayad Mazen Abdul-Rahman Hamdan, 9, of al-Bireh, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during an incursion.

Latifa, premature, of Deir Balut, near Ramallah, died, with her twin sister, at an IDF checkpoint after her mother was delayed access to medical care.

Moufida, premature, of Deir Balut, near Ramallah, died, with her twin sister, at an IDF checkpoint after her mother was delayed access to medical care.


Iman Samir Darwish al-Hams, 13, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her head, chest, limbs and abdomen on her way to school near the Tal Zarub army post.

[An Israeli officer who emptied his entire magazine into her, shooting her 17 times at close range, was acquitted of all charges by an Israeli court. He said that he would have done the same even if she had been three years old. He had been charged with minor offences.]

Tariq Majdi Abdul-Muati al-Sousi, 11, of Gaza City, killed by IDF helicopter fire while being driven home from school during a targeted assassination.

Motaz Nafez Hussein al-Sharafi, 11, of Gaza City, died of neck and head wounds sustained Feb. 28 from IDF helicopter fire during a targeted assassination.

Mahmoud Abdullah Hasan Younis, 10, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF sniper fire.

Fatma Muhammad Sharifi al-Jaled, 7, of Khan Younis, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained March 19 from IDF gunfire to her head while playing in her yard with friends.

Khaled Maher Zaki Walwil, 6, of Balata refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his neck while looking out of a window in his home during an incursion.

Iman Muhammad Khalil Talbiyeh, 12, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her head while in her kitchen.

Muna Hamdi Shehada abu-Tabak, 10, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her abdomen and left arm while on her way home.

Asma Ali abu-Qaliq, 4, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by IDF tear gas.

Ahmad Muhammad Ali al-Mughayer, 10, of Rafah, Gaza, killed, with his sister, by IDF sniper fire to his head while feeding birds on the roof of his home.

Mahmoud Tariq Mahmoud Monsur, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile during a peaceful demonstration near the Tal Zorub military post.

Mubarak Salim Mubarak al-Hashash, 11, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile during a peaceful demonstration near the Tal Zorub military post.

Walid Naji Said abu-Qamr, 12, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile during a peaceful demonstration near the Tal Zorub military post.

Iyad Muhammad Afana, 13, of Gaza City, died of head wounds sustained May 11 from IDF gunfire during an incursion.

Tamer Younis al-Arja, 3, of Rafah, Gaza, died of a heart attack from IDF shelling.
Hamed Yasin Hamed Bahlul, 16, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF helicopter fire near the zoo.

Islam Muhammad Mahmoud Husniya, 13, of Fawwar refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his head while throwing stones during a demonstration against the Israeli incursion in Rafah.

Rawan Muhammad Said abu-Zid, 4, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her head and neck while going to the store with her big sister to buy candy.

Hani Mahmoud Khaled Kandil, 13, of Nablus, killed by IDF gunfire to his head at close range during an incursion.

Omar Muhammad Awad abu-Zaran, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire near his home.

Ihab Abdul-Karim Ahmad Shatat, 9, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to his chest while walking to the grocery store.

Safah al-Shaer, 4, of Rafah, Gaza, died of wounds sustained July 1 from IDF gunfire.

Samr Omar Hasan Fawju, 3, of Rafah, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained July 8 from IDF gunfire while standing near her home.

Ali Abdul-Rahim Ashraf abu-Alba, 12, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF helicopter fire to his abdomen during an incursion.

Khaled Jamal Salim al-Asta, 8, of Hosh al-Jitan, near Nablus, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest while in his home.

Munir Anwar Muhammad al-Daqs, 10, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by Israeli tank fire to his chest near his home during an incursion.

Maram Moufid Abdul-Aziz al-Nahleh, 11, of Nablus, killed by IDF gunfire to her face while at home during an incursion.

Raghdah Adnan Abdul-Muati al-Asar, 9, of Khan Younis refugee camp, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Sept. 7 from IDF sniper fire while sitting at a desk in her United Nations-administered school near the Neve Dekalim settlement.

Saber Ibrahim Iyad Asaliya, 12, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his back while trying to escape during an incursion.

Luay Ayman Muhammad al-Najjar, 4, of Khuza, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to his head while playing near his home during an incursion.

Iman Samir Darwish al-Hams, 13, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her head, chest, limbs and abdomen on her way to school near the Tal Zarub army post.

Samah Samir Omar Nasr Musleh, 10, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to her abdomen at the entrance to her home.

Ghadir Jaber Hussein Mukhemar, 9, of Khan Younis refugee camp, Gaza, died of chest wounds sustained Oct. 12 from IDF gunfire while in her classroom at a United Nations-administered school.

Hisham Hassan Husni Ashour, 10, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest at a neighborhood gathering.

Rania Iyad Ahmad Aram, 7, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her neck while preparing to leave for school from her home near the Nouria army post.

Rana Omar Abdul-Hadi Siyam, 8, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire while eating lunch in her home near the Neve Dekalim settlement.


Mahmoud Kamel Muhammad Ghaben, 12, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with two brothers and three cousins, by IDF shelling while tending their family’s land.

Rajeh Ghassan Kamal Ghaben, 10, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with five cousins, by IDF shelling while tending their family’s land.

Omar Ramadan Muhammad al-Qrenawi, 6, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Jan. 13 by IDF tank fire during an incursion.

Rahma Ibrahim Musa abu-Shams, 3, of Deir al-Balah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her head while eating breakfast in her home near the Tal Katif settlement.

Ahmad Ismael Muhammad al-Khatib, 12, of Jenin refugee camp, died in an Israeli hospital of head and abdominal wounds sustained Nov. 3 from IDF gunfire while carrying a toy gun. Ahmed’s organs, donated by his father, saved the lives of three Israeli children and a 54-year-old Israeli woman.


Aya Muhammad Suleiman al-Astal, 9, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire near the Kissufim crossing.

Raed Ahmad Adel al-Batash, 11, of Gaza City, killed, with his brother, by an IDF missile during a targeted assassination.

Akaber Abdul-Rahman Izzat Zayd, 9, of Yamoun, near Jenin, killed by IDF gunfire to her head while riding in her uncle’s car to get medical stitches removed during an incursion.

Bilal Iyad Muhammad abul-Einein, 5, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile during the targeted assassination of his father.

Hadeel Muhammad Rabih Abdullah Ghaben, 8, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to her head while doing homework in her home.

Muhanad Hamdi Farouq Aman, 6, of Gaza City, killed, with his mother and aunt, by an IDF missile during a targeted assassination.

Haithem Ali Eisa Ghalya, 5 months, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with his mother, father and four sisters, by IDF shelling from an offshore warship while having a family picnic at Waha beach.

Hanadi Ali Eisa Ghalya, 18 months, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with her mother, father, brother and three sisters, by IDF shelling from an offshore warship while having a family picnic at Waha beach.

Sabrin Ali Eisa Ghalya, 4, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with her mother, father, brother and three sisters, by IDF shelling from an offshore warship while having a family picnic at Waha beach.

Maher Ashraf Farouq al-Mughrabi, 8, of Gaza City, killed, with his brother and father, by an IDF missile while gathered at the site of a targeted assassination.

Samia Mahmoud Ziad al-Sharif, 5, of Gaza City, killed by an IDF missile while going to her local grocery store during a targeted assassination attempt.

Muhammad Jamal Shukri Ruqa, 6, of Gaza City, killed by an IDF missile while going to his local grocery store during a targeted assassination attempt.

Majzarah Shaban Abdul-Qader Ahmad, 12 hours, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed, with her mother and uncle, by an IDF missile during a targeted assassination attempt.

Anwar Ismael Abdul-Ghani Atallah, 12, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained July 5 from IDF gunfire.

Rawan Farid Shaban Hajaj, 6, of Gaza City, killed, with her older brother, while in their home when the IDF bombed their neighborhood gas station.

Walid Mahmoud Ahmad El-Zeinati, 12, of Gaza City, died of wounds sustained July 6 in an IDF missile strike.

Huda Nabil Abdul-Latif abu-Salmeya, 13, of Gaza City, killed, with her parents, two brothers and four sisters, in IDF airstrikes on their family home.

Iman Nabil Abdul-Latif abu-Salmeya, 12, of Gaza City, killed, with her parents, two brothers and four sisters, in IDF airstrikes on their family home.

Yehya Nabil Abdel-Latif abu-Salmeya, 10, of Gaza City, killed, with his parents, brother and five sisters, in IDF airstrikes on their family home.

Aya Nabil Abdel-Latif abu-Salmeya, 9, of Gaza City, killed, with her parents, two brothers and four sisters, in IDF airstrikes on their family home.

Nasrallah Nabil Abdul-Latif abu-Salmeya, 7, of Gaza City, killed, with his parents, brother and five sisters, in IDF airstrikes on their family home.

Nadi Habib Abdullah al-Attar, 10, of Atatra, near Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with his grandmother, by IDF shelling while riding on an animal-drawn cart.

Khitam Muhammad Rebhi Tayeh, 11, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling while on her way to the grocery store.

Bara Ahmad Hussein Habib, 2, of Gaza City, killed by an IDF missile fired from a drone to his head and abdomen during a targeted assassination.

Shahid Samir Ata Oukal, 8 months, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed, with her sister and mother, by IDF shelling.

Maria Samir Ata Oukal, 5, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed, with her sister and mother, by IDF shelling.

Anis Salem Jadua abu-Awad, 11, of Rafah, Gaza, killed in an IDF airstrike.

Shahed Saleh Omar al-Sheikh Eid, 3 days, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling.

Raja Salam abu-Shaban, 3, of Gaza City, killed by an IDF missile.

Nidal Abdul Aziz al-Dahdouh, 14, of Gaza City, killed by IDF sniper fire.

Hussam Ahmad Muhammad al-Sarsawi, 12, of Gaza City, died of wounds sustained Aug. 27 from IDF tank fire.

Iman Usama Fadel al-Harazin, 2, of Gaza City, killed in an IDF airstrike while walking with her father.

Suhaib Adel Zerei Mahmoud Qudaih, 13, of Abasan al-Kabira, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile while in his home.

Bara Riyad Muhammad Fayyad, 4, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Nov. 1 from IDF shelling of his home.

Saad Majdi Said al-Athamna, 8, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with 16 family members, by IDF shelling while asleep at home.

Mahmoud Amjad al-Athamna, 12, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with 16 family members, by IDF shelling while asleep at home.

Maram Ramez Masoud al-Athamna, 2, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with 16 family members, by IDF shelling while asleep at home.

Maisa Ramez Masoud al-Athamna, 6 months, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with 16 family members, by IDF shelling while asleep at home.

Abdul-Aziz Salman Muhammad Salman, 10, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by IDF tank fire to his abdomen while playing by al-Zawia mosque.

Ayman Abdul Qader abu-Mahdi, 10, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Nov. 25 from IDF gunfire while playing near his home.

Jamil Abdul-Karim Jamil Jabji, 5, of Askar refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire from a jeep to his head while throwing stones.


Abir Bassam Abed-Rabo al-Aramin, 10, of Anata, near Jerusalem, died of head wounds sustained Jan. 17 from an IDF percussion grenade while in her schoolyard during a demonstration against the annexation wall.

Saifadeen Said Khalil Jundiyah, 9, of al-Shejaya, near Gaza City, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling from a tank while sitting in front of his home during an incursion.
Ahmad Iyad Hiles, 16, of al-Shejaya, near Gaza City, Gaza, killed by an IDF shell during an incursion.

Ibrahim Ali abu-Nahl, 16 months, died of heart disease at the Erez checkpoint, after Israel denied him entry for treatment at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv.

Sana Muhammad Yusuf al-Hajj, 6 months,died of kidney disease at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked a necessary pediatric dialysis unit, after Israel denied her entry for medical treatment.

Amir Shahir Abdullah al-Yazji, 9, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of meningitis at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary vaccines, after Israel denied him entry for treatment at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv. An urgent transfer request, submitted five days earlier, went unanswered.

Hala Rohi Muhammad Zanoun, 3 months, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, died of a heart defect and severe skin infections at the European Hospital in Khan Younis, which lacked necessary medical equipment, after Israel denied her entry for treatment at Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer.

Razan Muhammad Kamel Atallah, 6, of Rafah, Gaza, died of cerebral atrophy, after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Yusuf Iyad abu-Maryam, 5, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of cancer after Israel denied him entry to receive medical treatment. Because hospitals in Gaza lacked necessary equipment to administer chemotherapy, the Palestine Ministry of Health had requested transfer to an Israeli hospital on Oct. 11.


Ibrahim abu-Jazar, 2, of Rafah, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Ibrahim abu-Jazar, 2, of Rafah, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Shirin Ismail Abdullah abu-Shawareb, 11, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, died of heart problems at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary equipment, after Israel denied her entry for medical treatment. Doctors had requested transfer to an Israeli hospital on Dec. 27. On Jan. 10, believing permission for a transfer had been granted, Shirin’s father took her to the Erez checkpoint, where Israel again denied her entry.

Amir Muhammad Hashem Muhammad al-Yazji, 5, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, along with his older brother and uncle, by an IDF missile which struck their car on al-Nafaq Street in the al-Daraj neighborhood of Gaza City.

Hamid Maher abu-Hamda, 90 days, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness that required medicine not available in the Gaza Strip after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Faten Majdi al-Hafnawi, 10, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Tamer Muhammad Abdul-Riziq abu-Shar, 9, of Wadi al-Salqa, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head while he and his family attempted to flee their home during an incursion.

Said Muhammad Said al-Aidi, 2, of Rafah, Gaza, died of a congenital liver defect after he was denied permission by Israel to return to Abul-Rish Hospital for Children in Cairo for medical treatment. Treatment at the hospital had begun in December 2006 and required Said to return again in six months.

Shihab Muhammad Khleif, 20 days, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of a heart defect after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Muhammad Amin abu-Watfa, 12, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of a brain hemorrhage after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Muhammad Nasr Abdul-Aziz al-Boray, 7 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by shrapnel from IDF missiles to his head and chest while in his home when IDF aircraft destroyed the neighboring Ministry of Interior building. Muhammad was the only child of parents who struggled with infertility for five years before he was born.

Ali Munir Muhammad Dardunah, 6, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his first cousin and a distant cousin, by IDF missile fire from a helicopter while playing soccer near his home with friends.

Dardunah Deeb Khalil Dardunah, 10, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF missile fire from a helicopter while playing soccer near his home with friends.

Salah Zaki Mansour, 10, of al-Shouka, near Rafah, Gaza, killed, with his brother, by an unexploded IDF ordinance while attempting to salvage it for scrap metal.

Muhammad Zaki Mansour, 12, of al-Shouka, near Rafah, Gaza, killed, with his brother, by an unexploded IDF ordinance while attempting to salvage it for scrap metal.

Adel Khalil Barbakh, 11, of al-Shouka, near Rafah, Gaza, killed by an unexploded IDF ordinance while attempting to salvage it for scrap metal.

Saifadeen Said Khalil Jundiyah, 9, of al-Shejaya, near Gaza City, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling from a tank while sitting in front of his home during an incursion.

Ibrahim Ali abu-Nahl, 16 months, died of heart disease at the Erez checkpoint, after Israel denied him entry for treatment at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv.

Sana Muhammad Yusuf al-Hajj, 6 months,died of kidney disease at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked a necessary pediatric dialysis unit, after Israel denied her entry for medical treatment.

Amir Shahir Abdullah al-Yazji, 9, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of meningitis at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary vaccines, after Israel denied him entry for treatment at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv. An urgent transfer request, submitted five days earlier, went unanswered.

Rawan Samih Diab, 13 months, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, died of kidney inflammation at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary equiptment, after she was denied treatment at an Israeli hospital.

Hala Rohi Muhammad Zanoun, 3 months, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, died of a heart defect and severe skin infections at the European Hospital in Khan Younis, which lacked necessary medical equipment, after Israel denied her entry for treatment at Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer.

Razan Muhammad Kamel Atallah, 6, of Rafah, Gaza, died of cerebral atrophy, after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Yusuf Iyad abu-Maryam, 5, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of cancer after Israel denied him entry to receive medical treatment. Because hospitals in Gaza lacked necessary equipment to administer chemotherapy, the Palestine Ministry of Health had requested transfer to an Israeli hospital on Oct. 11.

Dua Hani Habib, 6 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of a bone marrow disorder after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Ibrahim abu-Jazar, 2, of Rafah, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Shirin Ismail Abdullah abu-Shawareb, 11, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, died of heart problems at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary equipment, after Israel denied her entry for medical treatment. Doctors had requested transfer to an Israeli hospital on Dec. 27. On Jan. 10, believing permission for a transfer had been granted, Shirin’s father took her to the Erez checkpoint, where Israel again denied her entry.

Amir Muhammad Hashem Muhammad al-Yazji, 5, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, along with his older brother and uncle, by an IDF missile which struck their car on al-Nafaq Street in the al-Daraj neighborhood of Gaza City.

Hamid Maher abu-Hamda, 90 days, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness that required medicine not available in the Gaza Strip after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Faten Majdi al-Hafnawi, 10, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Sana Muhammad Yusuf al-Hajj, 6 months,died of kidney disease at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked a necessary pediatric dialysis unit, after Israel denied her entry for medical treatment.

Amir Shahir Abdullah al-Yazji, 9, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of meningitis at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary vaccines, after Israel denied him entry for treatment at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv. An urgent transfer request, submitted five days earlier, went unanswered.

Rawan Samih Diab, 13 months, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, died of kidney inflammation at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary equiptment, after she was denied treatment at an Israeli hospital.

Hala Rohi Muhammad Zanoun, 3 months, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, died of a heart defect and severe skin infections at the European Hospital in Khan Younis, which lacked necessary medical equipment, after Israel denied her entry for treatment at Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer.

Razan Muhammad Kamel Atallah, 6, of Rafah, Gaza, died of cerebral atrophy, after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Nada Iyad al-Agha, 13, of Khan Younis, Gaza, died of liver disease after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Yusuf Iyad abu-Maryam, 5, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of cancer after Israel denied him entry to receive medical treatment. Because hospitals in Gaza lacked necessary equipment to administer chemotherapy, the Palestine Ministry of Health had requested transfer to an Israeli hospital on Oct. 11.

Dua Hani Habib, 6 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of a bone marrow disorder after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.


Ibrahim abu-Jazar, 2, of Rafah, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Shirin Ismail Abdullah abu-Shawareb, 11, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, died of heart problems at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary equipment, after Israel denied her entry for medical treatment. Doctors had requested transfer to an Israeli hospital on Dec. 27. On Jan. 10, believing permission for a transfer had been granted, Shirin’s father took her to the Erez checkpoint, where Israel again denied her entry.

Amir Muhammad Hashem Muhammad al-Yazji, 5, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, along with his older brother and uncle, by an IDF missile which struck their car on al-Nafaq Street in the al-Daraj neighborhood of Gaza City.

Hamid Maher abu-Hamda, 90 days, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness that required medicine not available in the Gaza Strip after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Faten Majdi al-Hafnawi, 10, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Tamer Muhammad Abdul-Riziq abu-Shar, 9, of Wadi al-Salqa, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head while he and his family attempted to flee their home during an incursion.

Said Muhammad Said al-Aidi, 2, of Rafah, Gaza, died of a congenital liver defect after he was denied permission by Israel to return to Abul-Rish Hospital for Children in Cairo for medical treatment. Treatment at the hospital had begun in December 2006 and required Said to return again in six months.

Shihab Muhammad Khleif, 20 days, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of a heart defect after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Muhammad Amin abu-Watfa, 12, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of a brain hemorrhage after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Ali Munir Muhammad Dardunah, 6, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his first cousin and a distant cousin, by IDF missile fire from a helicopter while playing soccer near his home with friends.

Dardunah Deeb Khalil Dardunah, 10, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF missile fire from a helicopter while playing soccer near his home with friends.

Salwa Zaidan Muhammad Ghali Assaliya, 13, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with her older sister, by an IDF missile while in her home.

Salsabeel Majid Muhammad abu-Jalhoum, 2, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile while in the garden of her home.

Nael Zuhair Shukri abu-Oun, 12, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile while standing in the street with friends.
Safah Raed Ali Said abu-Saif, 12, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, died of wounds sustained from IDF gunfire to her abdomen while in her home. Bled to death when IDF soldiers prevented ambulances from reaching her.

Amira Khaled Faraj abu-Aser, 20 days, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to her head while in the home of family friends in Deir al-Balah during an incursion.

Iman Amin al-Safi, 4, of Khan Younis, Gaza, died of heart disease after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Salsabeel Ibrahim Tabasi, 9 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of acute pneumonia after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Yusuf Wasim Mushtaha, 2 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of kidney disease after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Muhammad Ihab Haniya, 14 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of a heart defect after Israel denied him permission four times to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment for “security reasons” and threatened to destroy his medical file if additional requests were made.

Nuralhuda Khamis al-Kilani, 7 months, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Muhammad Ziad al-Ajala, 63 days, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of an atrioventricular septal heart defect at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City after he was twice denied entry to Israel to receive medical treatment.

Masad Ahmad Eid Hassan abu-Metiq, 1, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with his mother, brother and two sisters, by shrapnel from an IDF missile while eating breakfast in his home during a targeted killing.

Hana Ahmad Eid Hassan abu-Metiq, 3, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with her mother, sister and two brothers, by shrapnel from an IDF missile while eating breakfast in her home during a targeted killing.

Rudeina Ahmad Eid Hassan abu-Metiq, 4, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with her mother, sister and two brothers, by shrapnel from an IDF missile while eating breakfast in her home during a targeted killing.

Saleh Ahmad Eid Hassan abu-Metiq, 5, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with his mother, brother and two sisters, by shrapnel from an IDF missile while eating breakfast in his home during a targeted killing.

Nasim al-Biouk, 4 months, of Rafah, Gaza, died of heart disease after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Yusuf Muhammad Zakut, 2 days, died of an unspecified illness at al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary equipment, after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Salwa Nahed abu-Tawahin, 8 months, of Deir al-Balah, Gaza, died of blood cancer at Shuhada al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir al-Balah, which lacked necessary equipment, after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment. The permit request was submitted twenty days prior to her death.

Ward Hashim Sabiha, 10 days, died of kidney disease at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, which lacked necessary medicine, after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Sujud Khalil al-Farra, 1 week, died, with her sister, of an unspecified illness at al-Naser Hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza, which lacked the necessary drug “Alservictant,” due to Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. A third triplet sister died two days later.

Faiza Khalil al-Farra, 1 week, died, with her sister, of an unspecified illness at al-Naser Hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza, which lacked the necessary drug “Alservictant,” due to Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. A third triplet sister died two days later.

Aya Hamdan Hamdan al-Najjar, 8, of Khuza, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile while playing near her home.

Hamada Saleh Hamada, 4 months, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of heart disease after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Hasan abu-Mamar, 17, of Khan Younis, Gaza, died of cancer after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Ayat Anwar Daheik, 8 months, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, died of heart disease after Israel denied her permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Imad Ismail al-Oweini, 6, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, died of kidney disease after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Wasim Iyad Hamdan, 10 months, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, died of an unspecified illness after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Ahmad Husam Yusuf Musa, 11, of Nileen, near Ramallah, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration against the annexation wall.

Ahmad Eid abu-Amra, 3 months, of Deir al-Balah, Gaza, died of heart disease after Israel denied him entry to receive medical treatment.

Ali al-Dahdouh, 27 days, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of heart disease after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

al-Mutasim Bila Muhammad Jundiya, 2, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of cerebral palsy after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Muhammad Ala al-Sarhi, 5 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of heart disease after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Abu-Rideh infant boy, of Nablus, died at an IDF checkpoint while his mother was prevented from reaching the hospital for more than forty minutes.

Hadi al-Hassainah, 3, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of protein deficiency in his brain after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Muhammad Ramzi al-Imawi, 18 months, of Jabalya, Gaza, died of cerebral atrophy after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Odeh Saleh Abdul-Al, 7, of Rafah, Gaza, died of a heart and lung disorder after he was denied permission by Israel to return to Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv for medical treatment.

Abdul-Rahman Hani Akram Khuziq, 10 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of cerebral atrophy after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Tamer Hassan Ali al-Akhras, 5, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Ahmad Riyad Muhammad al-Sinwar, 3, of al-Zahra City, near Deir al-Balah, Gaza, killed by the IDF in al-Zahra City, near Deir al-Balah.

Uday Abdul-Hakim Rajab Mansi, 6, of Deir al-Balah, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Deir al-Balah.

Samar Anwar Khalil Balousha, 6, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with four sisters, by an IDF missile while sleeping in her home.

Dina Anwar Khalil Balousha, 7, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with four sisters, by an IDF missile while sleeping in her home.

Jawaher Anwar Khalil Balousha, 8, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with four sisters, by an IDF missile while sleeping in her home.

Muath Yasir al-Abed abu-Teir, 6, of Abasan al-Kabira, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Abasan al-Kabira.

Sidqi Ziad Mahmoud al-Absi, 4, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with two brothers, by an IDF missile while in his home.

Ahmad Ziad Mahmoud al-Absi, 12, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with two brothers, by an IDF missile while in his home.

Wisam Akram Rabi Eid, 12, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by the IDF near the Zemu roundabout in the northern Gaza Strip.

30       December 2008
Lama Talal Shehada Hamdan, 4, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with her sister, by an IDF missile strike while standing near her home in the al-Rayes area of Beit Hanoun. Her brother died the next day from injuries sustained during the attack.

Haya Talal Shehada Hamdan, 12, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with her sister, by an IDF missile strike while standing near her home in the al-Rayes area of Beit Hanoun. Her brother died the next day from injuries sustained during the attack.

Ismail Talal Shehada Hamdan, 9, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Dec. 30 in an IDF missile strike which also killed two of his sisters.

Al-Muez Ledinallah Jihad al-Nasla, 3, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with his sister, by IDF bombs while on his way to the market in the al-Nada apartment buildings near a water reservoir in Izbat Beit Hanoun.


Muhammad Iyad Abed-Rabo al-Astal, 12, of al-Qarara, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed, with his brother and distant cousin, by an IDF missile fired from a drone, on their return home from picking sugar cane at a nearby field. Two of the boys died at the scene, while the third died on his way to the hospital.

Abed-Rabo Iyad Abed-Rabo al-Astal, 8, of al-Qarara, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed, with his brother and distant cousin, by an IDF missile fired from a drone, on their return home from picking sugar cane at a nearby field. Two of the boys died at the scene, while the third died on his way to the hospital.

Abdul-Satar Walid Abdul-Rahim al-Astal, 10, of al-Qarara, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed, with two distant cousins, by an IDF missile fired from a drone, on their return home from picking sugar cane at a nearby field. Two of the boys died at the scene, while the third died on his way to the hospital.

Muhammad Musa Ismail al-Silawi, 10, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with 14 others, by an IDF missile fired from a drone at a mosque in Jabalya refugee camp during sunset prayers.

Hani Muhammad Musa al-Silawi, 6, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with 14 others, by an IDF missile fired from a drone at a mosque in Jabalya refugee camp during sunset prayers.

Ziad Muhammad Selmi abu-Snaima, 10, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile while in the streets of al-Nasr, near Rafah.

Baha Muayad Kamal abu-Wadi, 8, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Asma Ibrahim Husain Afana, 12, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Shatha al-Abed Muhammad al-Habbash, 10, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with her cousin, by an IDF missile while at home in Gaza City’s al-Tufah neighborhood.

Farah Amar Fuad al-Helu, 1, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with her grandfather, by IDF gunfire while at home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Suheir Ziad Ramadan al-Nimr, 11, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with her brother, by IDF shelling while at home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Mahmoud Sami Yahya Asaliya, 3, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by an IDF shell while in his home.

Ibrahim Kamal Subhi Awaja, 9, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Beit Lahya.

Jihad Samir Fayez Erhayem, 9, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Wadi Amin Omar Omar, 3, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Beit Lahya.

Hamza Zuhair Riziq Tantish, 12, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with his older brother, by an IDF shell while on the roof of his grandfather’s house in Beit Lahya.

Wiam Jamal Mahmoud al-Kafarneh, 2, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Jan. 4 in an IDF attack on Beit Hanoun.

Arafat Muhammad Arafat Abdul-Dayem, 12, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by the IDF in an attack on the funeral of his cousin, a paramedic who was killed in the line of duty by the IDF on Jan. 4.

Sayed Amr Riziq Saber abu-Eisha, 12, of Shati refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his father, sister and brother, by an IDF missile while in his home.

Ghaida Amr abu-Eisha, 8, of Shati refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with her father and two brothers, by an IDF missile while in her home.

Muhammad Amr abu-Eisha, 10, of Shati refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his father, sister and brother, by an IDF missile while in his home.

Fatheia Ayman Salim al-Dabbari, 4 months, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling in al-Shouka, near Rafah.

Muamen Mahmoud Talal Allaw, 12, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling while in his home.

Nasr Ibrahim Helmi al-Samouni, 5, of Gaza City Gaza, killed with two brothers, an older brother, an uncle, a first cousin, seven distant cousins, and nine other relatives, by IDF bombs while at home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Muhammad Helmi Talal al-Samouni, 6 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with his first cousin, nine distant cousins, and eleven other relatives, by IDF bombs while at home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Azza Salah Talal al-Samouni, 6, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with her first cousin, nine distant cousins, and eleven other relatives, by IDF bombs while at home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Huda Nael Faris al-Samouni, 7, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with two first cousins, eight distant cousins, and eleven other relatives, by IDF bombs while at home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Ahmad Helmi Atiyah al-Samouni, 4, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with ten distant cousins and eleven other relatives, by IDF bombs while at home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Al-Mutasem Bilah Muhammad Ibrahim al-Samouni, 1 month, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with ten distant cousins and eleven other relatives, by IDF bombs while at home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Aya Usama Nayif al-Sersawi, 6, of al-Shejaya, near Gaza City, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling while in her home in al-Shejaya, near Gaza City.

Muhammad Salam Awad al-Tarfawi, 4, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by the IDF near the al-Je’el gas station on al-Karama street in Jabalya.

Ismail Haider Eleiwa, 7, of al-Shejaya, near Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with two brothers and a sister, by IDF shelling while at home in al-Shejaya, near Gaza City.

Lana Haidar Eleiwa, 10, of al-Shejaya, near Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with three brothers, by IDF shelling while at home in al-Shejaya.

Muamen Haidar Eleiwa, 12, of al-Shejaya, near Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with two brothers and a sister, by IDF shelling while at home in al-Shejaya.

Shahid Muhammad Amin Hiji, 3, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Nada Radwan Naim Mardi, 6, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Beit Lahya’s al-Seyafa neighborhood.

Ahmad Jabr Jabr Hweij, 6, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Dec. 27 during an IDF attack on Gaza City’s al-Tufah neighborhood.

Ahmad Shaher Fayq Khudair, 10, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Jan 3 in an IDF attack on Beit Lahya’s al-Seyafa neighborhood.

Islam Odeh Khalil abu-Amsha, 12, of al-Shejaya, near Gaza City, Gaza, killed by an IDF tank shell in Gaza City’s al-Tufah neighborhood.

Muhammad Iyad Fayez Misbah Hashim al-Daia, 7 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with two brothers, three sisters, his parents, paternal grandparents, six first cousins, two aunts, and an uncle, by IDF bombs at his grandfather’s home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Ala Iyad Fayez Misbah Hashim al-Daia, 7, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with three brothers, two sisters, her parents, paternal grandparents, six first cousins, two aunts, and an uncle, by IDF bombs at her grandfather’s home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Ali Iyad Fayez Misbah Hashim al-Daia, 10, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with two brothers, three sisters, his parents, paternal grandparents, six first cousins, two aunts, and an uncle, by IDF bombs at his grandfather’s home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Sharafeddin Iyad Fayez Misbah Hashim al-Daia, 5, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with two brothers, three sisters, his parents, paternal grandparents, six first cousins, two aunts, and an uncle, by IDF bombs at his grandfather’s home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Raba Iyad Fayez Misbah Hashim al-Daia, 6, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with three brothers, two sisters, her parents, paternal grandparents, six first cousins, two aunts, and an uncle, by IDF bombs at her grandfather’s home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Khitam Iyad Fayez Misbah Hashim al-Daia, 5 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with three brothers, two sisters, her parents, paternal grandparents, six first cousins, two aunts, and an uncle, by IDF bombs at her grandfather’s home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Bara Ramez Fayez Misbah Hashim al-Daia, 2, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with a sister, her parents, paternal grandparents, ten first cousins, two aunts, and an uncle, by IDF bombs at her grandfather’s home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Salsabil Ramez Fayez Misbah Hashim al-Daia, 5 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with a sister, her parents, paternal grandparents, ten first cousins two aunts, and an uncle, by IDF bombs at her grandfather’s home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Yusif Muhammad Fayez Misbah Hashim al-Daia, 2, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with three sisters, his mother, paternal grandparents, two aunts, and two uncles, by IDF bombs at his grandfather’s home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Amani Muhammad Fayez Misbah Hashim al-Daia, 6, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with two sisters, a brother, her mother, paternal grandparents, two aunts, and two uncles, by IDF bombs at her grandfather’s home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Qamr Muhammad Fayez Misbah Hashim al-Daia, 5, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with two sisters, a brother, her mother, paternal grandparents, two aunts, and two uncles, by IDF bombs at her grandfather’s home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Arij Muhammad Fayez Misbah Hashim al-Daia, 3, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with two sisters, a brother, her mother, paternal grandparents, two aunts, and two uncles, by IDF bombs at her grandfather’s home in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Abdul-Jalil Hasan Abdul-Jalil al-Hels, 8, of Shati refugee camp, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile that struck a police vehicle parked nearby in Shati refugee camp.

Adam Mamoun Saqr Ramadan al-Kurdi, 3, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Jabalya refugee camp.

Zakaria Yahya Ibrahim al-Tawil, 5, of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling at a house in Block 2 of Nuseirat refugee camp.

Hassan Ata Hassan Azzam, 20 months, of al-Mughraqa, near Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with his brother and father, by the IDF in al-Mughraqa.

Ibrahim Suleiman Muhammad Baraka, 12, of Bani Sheila, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Bani Sheila.

Nur Muin Shafiq Deeb, 3, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with two brothers, a sister, and a first cousin, by IDF shelling while at home near al-Fakhoura school in Jabalya refugee camp.

Aseel Muin Shafiq Deeb, 10, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with three brothers and a first cousin, by IDF shelling while at home near al-Fakhoura school in Jabalya refugee camp.

Lina Abdul-Monim Nafez Hasan, 10, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling while at home near al-Fakhoura school in Jabalya refugee camp.

Muhammad Basem Ahmad Shaqoura, 9, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling while at home near al-Fakhoura school in Jabalya refugee camp.

Marwan Hasan Abdul-Muamin Qdeih, 5, of Abasan al-Kabira, near Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by an IDF shell near his home in Abasan al-Kabira.

Ranin Abdullah Ahmad Saleh, 12, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Jabalya refugee camp.
Shahid Husein Nazmi Sultan, 8, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Jabalya refugee camp.

Anas Aref Baraka, 8, of Wadi al-Salqa, near Deir al-Balah, Gaza, died in an Egyptian hospital of head wounds sustained Jan 4. from IDF gunfire in Deir al-Balah.

Abdullah Muhammad Shafiq Abdullah, 11, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Jan 6. from IDF shelling near al-Fakhoura school in Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza.

Suad Khaled Muhammad Abed-Rabo, 7, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with her sister, by IDF tankfire to her chest after her family, waving white flags, left their home in Izbat Beit Hanoun to search for water.

Amal Khaled Muhammad Abed-Rabo, 2, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed, with her sister, by IDF tankfire to her chest after her family, waving white flags, left their home in Izbat Beit Hanoun to search for water.

Tawfiq Khaled Ismail al-Kahlout, 12, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with a brother, an older brother, father and distant cousin, by an IDF missile while riding in a car through the Beit Lahya Housing Project.

Radwan Muhammad Radwan Ashour, 12, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with his brother, by an IDF missile in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Abdul-Rahman Muhammad Radwan Ashour, 11, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with his brother, by an IDF missile in Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Hussam Raed Rizq Subuh, 12, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling while standing among a crowd of people in Beit Lahya’s al-Salateen neighborhood.

Basma Yasser Abed-Rabo al-Jilawi, 5, Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by IDF bomb shrapnel in Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza.

Yousef Awni Abdul-Rahim al-Jaru, 2, Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with his mother, a Ukranian national, by an IDF tank shell in Gaza City’s al-Tufah neighborhood.

Amr Ibrahim Khalil Balousha, 10, of al-Zahra, near Gaza City, Gaza, killed in al-Zahra City.

Bara Iyad Samih Shalha, 7, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by the IDF in the Beit Lahya Housing Project.

Shahid Saadallah Matar abu-Halima, 18 months, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by the IDF in the Beit Lahya Housing Project.

Ghainma Sultan Fawzi Halawa, 11, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Jabalya.
Ala Ahmad Fathi Jabr, 13, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by IDF tankfire in Jabalya.

Fatima Raed Zaki Jadallah, 11, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling while at home in the camp’s Tal al-Zatar area.

Rana Fayez Muhammad Salha, 12, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with his mother, two brothers and a sister, by an IDF missile while at home in Beit Lahya.

Baha Fayez Muhammad Salha, 5, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with his mother, brother and two sisters, by an IDF missile while at home in Beit Lahya.

Rula Fayez Muhammad Salha, 2, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with her mother, two brothers and a sister, by an IDF missile while at home in Beit Lahya.

Ali Kamal Ali al-Nethur, 11, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed, with his brother, by an IDF missile while fleeing an apartment building in Jabalya under IDF attack.

Abdul-Rahman Ahmad Haboush, 4, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Gaza City’s al-Tufah neighborhood.

Zakaria Hamid Khamis al-Samouni, 8, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Jan. 4 during an IDF attack on Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Amal Najib Muhammad Aloush, 12, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling in Jabalya.

Tasnim Yasir Jabr al-Rafati, 3, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile strike targeting her father while at home in Jabalya.

Faris Talat Asad Hamouda, 2, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Gaza City’s Tal al-Hawa neighborhood.

Haitham Yasir Yousef Marouf, 11, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile in Beit Lahya.

Ayat Kamal Mahmoud al-Bana, 12, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by IDF tankfire in Jabalya.
Fadallah Imad Hasan al-Najjar, 2, of Jablya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile strike on Jabalya refugee camp.

Nashat Raed al-Firi, 12, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile strike on Jabalya.
Abdul-Rahman Muhammad Atiya Ghaben, 15, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by IDF bombs in Beit Lahya.

Basim Talat Jamil Abdul-Nabi, 12, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his brother, by an IDF missile while playing on the site of a demolished house in Jabalya refugee camp.

Qasim Talat Jamil Abdul-Nabi, 7, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his brother, by an IDF missile while playing on the site of a demolished house in Jabalya refugee camp.

Hamza Saadallah Matar Masoud abu-Halima, 8, of Atatra, near Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with two brothers and his father, by IDF bombs in Beit Lahya.

Ziad Saadallah Matar Masoud abu-Halima, 10, of Atatra, near Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with two brothers and his father, by IDF bombs in Beit Lahya.

Aisha Ibrahim al-Said al-Najjar, 4, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Jabalya.

Hadeel Jabr Diab al-Rafati, 9, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Jabalya, Gaza.

Khalil Muhammad Musa Bahar, 12, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling in Gaza City’s al-Shaf neighborhood.

Hala Isam Ahmad al-Mnei, 1 month, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Jan 13 in an IDF attack on Beit Lahya.

Haneen Fadel Muhammad al-Batran, 10, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Gaza City’s Tal al-Hawa neighborhood.

Shaima Adel Ibrahim al-Jadba, 9, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling while at home in Gaza City’s al-Tufah neighborhood.

Bara Ata Hasan al-Ermaliat, 1, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with two sisters and her mother, by IDF shelling in Beit Lahya.

Arij Ata Hasan al-Ermaliat, 2 months, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with two sisters and her mother, by IDF shelling in Beit Lahya.

Husam Muhammad Shaban Eslim, 7, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed, with his brother and first cousin, by an IDF missile strike during a targeted assassination.

Ahmad Usama Muhammad Kurtom, 7, of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Gaza City’s Rimal neighborhood.

Anwar Salman Rushdi Abdul-Hai abu-Eita, 7, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with two cousins and an older relative, by an IDF missile in Beit Lahya.

Malak Salama Abdul-Hai abu-Eita, 3, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with her brother, cousin, and an older relative, by an IDF missile in Beit Lahya.

Ahmad Salama Abdul-Hai abu-Eita, 10, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with his sister, cousin, and an older relative, by an IDF missile in Beit Lahya.

Muhammad Atef Muhammad abul-Husni, 12, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Jabalya.

Iman Isa Abdul-Hadi al-Batran, 11, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with her mother, sister, and three brothers, by an IDF missile fired from an Apache helicopter while at home in Bureij refugee camp’s Block 4.

Bilal Isa Abdul-Hadi al-Batran, 6, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his mother, two sisters, and two brothers, by an IDF missile fired from an Apache helicopter while at home in Bureij refugee camp’s Block 4.

Izaldeen Isa Abdul-Hadi al-Batran, 3, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed, with his mother, two sisters, and two brothers, by an IDF missile fired from an Apache helicopter while at home in Bureij refugee camp’s Block 4.

Muhanad Amr Khalil al-Jdeili, 8, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile while at home in Bureij refugee camp’s Block 7.

Rawan Ismail Muhammad al-Najjar, 7, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling in Jabalya.

Bilal Muhammad Shehada al-Ashkar, 6, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with his brother, by IDF shelling near a U.N.-administered school in Beit Lahya.

Muhammad Muhammad Shehada al-Ashkar, 4, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, killed, with his brother, by IDF shelling near a U.N.-administered school in Beit Lahya.
Aseel Munir Matar al-Kafarna, 1, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Beit Hanoun.

Fawzia Fawaz Ahmad Saleh, 5, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed, with her brother, by IDF shelling in Jabalya.

Ahmad Fawaz Ahmad Saleh, 10, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed, with his sister, by IDF shelling in Jabalya.

Rakan Muhammad Musa al-Ir, 5, of Izbat Abed-Rabo, near Jabalya, Gaza, killed, with his brother and older sister, by an IDF missile in Izbat Abed-Rabo.

Ibrahim Muhammad Musa al-Ir, 12, of Izbat Abed-Rabo, near Jabalya, Gaza, killed, with his brother and older sister, by an IDF missile in Izbat Abed-Rabo.

Angham Rafat Atallah al-Masri, 10, of Beit Hanoun, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile in Beit Hanoun.

Isa Muhammad Iyada Rimeliat, 12, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by the IDF in Rafah refugee camp’s al-Shaboura section.

Abdullah Nasr Abdullah al-Sdoudi, 7, of Nuseirat, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Jan. 18 in an IDF attack on Nuseirat.

Nancy Said Muhammad Waked, 6 months, of Gaza City, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Jan. 18 in an IDF attack on Gaza City’s al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Muhammad Yahya Said Baba, 11, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Jan. 10 in an IDF attack on Beit Lahya.

Sundus Said Hasan abu-Sultan, 4, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, died of wounds sustained on Jan. 17 in an IDF attack on Jabalya refugee camp.

Dima Said Ahmad al-Zahal, 5, of Beit Lahya, Gaza, died of wounds sustained Jan. 7 in an IDF attack on Beit Lahya.

Zaynaldeen Muhammad Zurub, 7 months, died of a lung infection in the Gaza Strip’s European Hospital after Israel denied him permission to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment. His parents tried for several weeks prior to his death to obtain a permit from Israel to take him to Jerusalem for treatment.

Muhammad Taysir Muhammad Zumlot, 11, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, died in al-Amal Hospital in Gaza City, Gaza, of head wounds sustained Jan. 6 from IDF bombing while at home in Block 2 of Jabalya refugee camp. His grandmother and father were also killed in the attack.


Hamza Samar Muhanna abu-Maria, 7 months, of Beit Omar, Near Hebron, died of IDF tear gas inhalation May 7 while in her home during a demonstration.


Alison Weir is President of the Council for the National Interest and Executive Director of If Americans Knew, a nonprofit organization that provides information on Israel-Palestine. She splits her time between Sacramento and Washington DC. She can be reached at

March 17, 2011 Posted by | Deception, Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Subjugation - Torture | Leave a comment

The Korean War: The “Unknown War”

The Cover-up of US War Crimes

By Sherwood Ross | March 16, 2011

The Korean War, a.k.a. the “Unknown War,” was, in fact, headline news at the time it was being fought (1950-53). Given the Cold War hatreds of the combatants, though, a great deal of the reportage was propaganda, and much of what should have been told was never told. News of the worst atrocities perpetrated against civilians was routinely suppressed and the full story of the horrific suffering of the Korean people—who lost 3-million souls of a total population of 23-million— has yet to be told in full. Filling in many of the blank spaces is Bruce Cumings, chair of the Department of History at the University of Chicago, whose book “The Korean War” (Modern Library Chronicles) takes an objective look at the conflict. In one review, Publishers Weekly says, “In this devastating work he shows how little the U.S. knew about who it was fighting, why it was fighting, and even how it was fighting.

Though the North Koreans had a reputation for viciousness, according to Cumings, U.S. soldiers actually engaged in more civilian massacres. This included dropping over half a million tons of bombs and thousands of tons of napalm, more than was loosed on the entire Pacific theater in World War II, almost indiscriminately. The review goes on to say, “Cumings deftly reveals how Korea was a clear precursor to Vietnam: a divided country, fighting a long anti-colonial war with a committed and underestimated enemy; enter the U.S., efforts go poorly, disillusionment spreads among soldiers, and lies are told at top levels in an attempt to ignore or obfuscate a relentless stream of bad news. For those who like their truth unvarnished, Cumings’s history will be a fresh, welcome take on events that seemed to have long been settled.”

Interviewed in two one-hour installments by Lawrence Velvel, Dean of the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover, producers of Comcast’s “Books of Our Time” with the first installment being shown on Sunday, March 20th, Cumings said U.S. coverage of the war was badly slanted. Hanson Baldwin, the military correspondent for The New York Times, described “North Koreans as locusts, like Nazis, like vermin, who come shrieking on. I mean, this is really hard stuff to read in an era when you don’t get away with that kind of thinking anymore.” Cumings adds, “Rapes were extremely common. Koreans in the South will still say that that was one of the worst things of the war (was how) many American soldiers were raping Korean women.”

Cumings said he was able to draw upon a lot of South Korean research that has come out since the nation democratized in the 1990s about the massacres of Korean civilians. This has been the subject of painstaking research by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Seoul and Cumings describes the results as “horrific.” Atrocities by “our side, the South Koreans (ran) six to one ahead of the North Koreans in terms of killing civilians, whereas most Americans would think North Koreans would just as soon kill a civilian to look at him.” The numbers of civilians killed in South Korea by the government, Cumings said, even dwarfed Spaniards murdered by dictator Francisco Franco, the general who overthrew the Madrid government in the 1936-1939 civil war. Cumings said about 100,000 South Koreans were killed in political violence between 1945 and 1950 and perhaps as many as 200,000 more were killed during the early months of the war. This compares to about 200,000 civilians put to death in Spain in Franco’s political massacres. In all, Korea suffered 3 million civilian dead during the 1950-53 war, more killed than the 2.7 million Japan suffered during all of World War II.

One of the worst atrocities was perpetrated by the South Korean police at the small city of Tae Jun. They executed 7,000 political prisoners while Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. military officials looked on, Cumings said. To compound the crime, the Pentagon blamed the atrocity on the Communists, Cumings said. “The Joint Chiefs of Staff classified the photographs of it because they make it clear who’s doing it, and they don’t let the photographs out until 1999 when a Korean finally got them declassified.” To top that off, the historian says, “the Pentagon did a video movie called ‘Crime of Korea’ where you see shots of pits that go on for like a football field, pit after pit of dead people, and (actor) Humphrey Bogart in a voice-over says, ‘someday the Communists will pay for this, someday we’ll get the full totals and believe me we’ll get the exact, accurate totals of the people murdered here and we will make these war criminals pay.’ Now this is a complete reversal of black and white, done as a matter of policy.” Cumings adds that these events represent “a very deep American responsibility for the regime that we promoted, really more than any other in East Asia (and that) was our creation in the late Forties.” Other atrocities, such as the one at No Gun village, Cumings terms “an American massacre of women and children,” which he lays at the feet of the U.S. military.

Initially, reporters from U.S. magazines’ “Look,” “Saturday Evening Post,” “Collier’s,” and “Life,” could report on anything they saw, the historian said. They reported that “the troops are shooting civilians, the South Korean police are awful, they’re opening up pits and putting hundreds of people in them. This is all true.” Within six months, though, U.S. reporters were muzzled by censors, meaning, “you can’t say anything bad about our South Korean ally. Even if you see them blowing an old lady’s head apart, you can’t say that.” Even though his writings on Korea years after the war ended were not censored, New York Times reporter David Halberstam wrote a book on the Korean War (The Coldest Winter) in which “he doesn’t mention the bombing of the North (and) mentions the three-year U.S. occupation of South Korea in one sentence, without giving it any significance,” Cumings said. Besides rape, the Pentagon was firebombing North Korean cities more intensively than any of those it firebombed during World War II. Where it was typical for U.S. bombing to destroy between 40 and 50 percent of a city in that war, the destruction rate in North Korea was much higher: Shin Eui Ju, on the Chinese border, 95 percent destroyed; Pyongyang, 85 percent; and Hamhung, an industrial city, 80 percent.”By the end of 1951, there weren’t many bombing targets left in North Korea.”

Cumings believed that Douglas MacArthur, the General who commanded U.S. forces in Korea was prejudiced against Asians and badly underestimated their fighting capabilities. On the day the North Koreans invaded the South in force on June 25, 1950, MacArthur boasted, according to Cumings, “‘I can beat these guys with one hand tied behind my back’ and within a week he wants a bunch of divisions, and within a month he’s got almost all of the trained American combat forces in the world either in Korea or on their way to Korea.” MacArthur’s slight of the fighting trim of North Korean units was shared by other high American officials. “(John Foster) Dulles, (then U.S. delegate to the United Nations) even says things like, ‘They must put dope into these guys (because) I don’t know how they can fight so fanatically.'” Cumings goes on to explain, the North Korean soldiers “had three or four years of fighting in the Chinese Civil War (for the Communists), so they were crack troops, and our intelligence knew about these people but completely underestimated them, and a lot of Americans got killed because they underestimated them.” Again, when the CIA had warned MacArthur that 200,000 Chinese troops were crossing the border into North Korea, MacArthur said, “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry about it, Chinamen can’t fight.” However, the Chinese routed U.S. forces, clearing them out of Korea in two weeks. “Sometimes I wonder why the world isn’t worse off than it is,” the historian reflected, “because people make such unbelievably stupid decisions that will affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of people (based) on stupid biases.”

The U.S. use of air power to inflict widespread devastation had a profound impact on future North Korean military practice. To escape the rain of death the North Korean military—starting at the time of the Korean War—built 15,000 underground facilities, putting whole factories, dormitories, and even airfields underground. “So you have jets flying into the side of mountains,” Cumings says, as well as 1 million men and women under arms in a nation of 24 million—so that one in every 24 people is in the military. The U.S. military believes the North Koreans have built their nuclear weapons facilities underground—plural, that is, as it is possible they have one or two backups if a facility is destroyed by an enemy attack. While the U.S. today is concerned that North Korea is developing the means to deliver a nuclear weapon, Cummings said the country “has been under nuclear threat since the Korean War. “Our war plans, for decades, called for using nuclear weapons very early in a new war. That’s one reason there hasn’t been a new war,” Cumings said. The armistice that terminated the peninsular war banned the introduction of new and different quality weapons into the region but the U.S. in violation of the pact inserted nuclear-tipped “Honest John” missiles into Korea in 1958. “They said, ‘Well, they’re (always) bringing in new MiGs and everything, so we can do this.’ But to go from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons essentially obliterated the article of the (armistice,) Cumings said. The U.S. has relied so heavily on nuclear deterrent in Korea that one retired general said it has reached a point where “the South Korean army doesn’t think it has to fight in a new war because we’re going to wipe out the North Koreans,” Cumings continued.

The historian said the North Koreans detonated their first nuclear device in 2006—-of about one-half kiloton equivalent (compared to the 20-kiloton bomb that leveled Hiroshima). Three years later, they detonated a 4- to 5-ton kiloton range bomb that could “certainly blast the hell out of a major city.” While Cumings doubts the North Koreans have yet to miniaturize a bomb so that it can ride on one of their medium-range missiles, there is nothing stopping them from, say, putting such a device aboard a freighter and detonating it upon reaching its port of destination. Cummings noted the North Koreans are “very good at manufacturing missiles” and have medium-range missiles “that are among the best in the world outside of the American bailiwick.” These are sold to Iran and Pakistan and, if fired from Korea, could reach all of Japan and the U.S. base on Okinawa, as well as all of South Korea. Any new war on the Korean peninsula, the historian says, “would be an absolute catastrophe” even though the general consensus is that the North Koreans have been unable yet to miniaturize a nuclear warhead.

Getting back to the Korean War, historian Cummings believes that all parties to the war bear some responsibility for its outbreak: “What they did was take an existing civil conflict that had been going on five years and take it to the level of a conventional war, and for that, they bear a lot of responsibility.” Both sides initiated pitched border battles from 1947 onward and the general in charge of the U.S. advisory group said “the South Koreans started more than half of these pitched battles along the 38th parallel border with North Korea between May and December of 1949,” Cumings discovered. “Hundreds of soldiers were dying on both sides and in August there nearly was a Korean War, a year before the one we know…(as the North Koreans pushed) down to the Ongjin Peninsula in the Yellow Sea south of the 38th Parallel” (but which is not contiguous to the rest of South Korea.)

Both the North’s Kim Il-sung and the South’s Syngman Rhee wanted to fight all-out at the time but were restrained by their American and Soviet advisers, respectively. The following year, after his troops came back from China, Kim Il-sung stationed his crack Sixth Division just north of Seoul and when hostilities broke out captured the South Korean capital in just three days. The South did not develop the kind of military that the North Koreans did, and this is one of the truly hidden aspects of the Korean War. …The North Koreans had tens of thousands (50,000)of fighters in the Chinese Civil War they sent across the border as early as Spring of 1947,” Cumings said. This gave the North Koreans a cadre of battle-tested fighters that routed the Seoul government’s troops.

Because of the troops North Korea furnished the Chinese Communists, deep ties were forged between the two countries. “China was a kind of reliable rear area for training and for cementing a very close relationship,” Cumings said. “Our people in Washington (didn’t) begin to understand this….There (were) a lot of hard-liners in the Chinese military that really liked North Korea.” Nor did U.S. intelligence apparently take into account how repressive U.S. actions in South Korea might make its citizens unwilling to fight all-out for a U.S.-backed government run by strongman Rhee. American military officials in South Korea in the late Forties “were outlawing left-wing parties, knocking over left-wing people’s committees and things like this, for two years” on their own initiative, Cumings said. But the development of the containment doctrine and the start of the Cold War in 1947 put the official U.S. imprimatur on their ad hoc policies.


Sherwood Ross formerly worked for major dailies and wire services. He is a media consultant to MSLAW. Reach him at

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March 17, 2011 Posted by | Mainstream Media, Warmongering, Militarism, Timeless or most popular, War Crimes | , , , , , , | Leave a comment