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German nuns ‘rented’ orphaned boys to businessmen for ‘gang bangs & orgies’ – suppressed report seen by media

RT | February 3, 2021

A report being withheld from the public documents horrific acts of rape and sexual abuse against young boys that were facilitated by nuns belonging to the Cathoic Archdiocese of Cologne in Germany, according to the Daily Beast.

The investigation’s findings, which concluded last month and stemmed from a lawsuit brought against the archdiocese by victims, have not been publicly released, but the contents of the report are said to have been leaked to several media outlets.

Sections of the 560-page report purportedly seen by the Daily Beast detail how nuns who ran a convent in Speyer, Germany between the 1960s and 1970s “rented” orphaned boys to businessmen and clergy, who abused the children, sometimes for weeks at a time, before ‘returning’ them.

According to the outlet, some of the orphans were forced to participate in “gang bangs and orgies” before being returned to the convent where the nuns would discipline them for having “wrinkl[ed] their clothes or being covered in semen.”

The report concluded that 175 children, most of them boys between the ages of 8 and 14, were abused over two decades. Some of the children were intentionally barred from being adopted or taken into a foster home so the nuns could continue to hire them out, the probe allegedly found.

However, the investigation declined to directly blame the nuns involved in the sick scheme, arguing instead that the abuse was the result of “systematic” management errors and the “leniency” accorded to those accused of taking part in the abominable crimes, the Beast reported.

The details were leaked to the press after the archdiocese refused to make the report public, demanding that journalists who viewed the documents sign a confidentiality agreement. All those who attended a press conference announcing the conclusion of the investigation reportedly walked out, refusing to abide by the Church’s terms.

The Archdiocese of Cologne said it had withheld the report because it had failed to fully explain its methodology. However, Bishop Karl-Heinz Wiesmann, who leads the archdiocese, told the media the abuse report was “so gory,” it was not suitable for public viewing. The bishop claims he was so disturbed by the report, he had to take a month away from his duties after reading it.

The shocking revelations come less than a year after a separate investigation found Berlin’s educational authorities and senate had supported and defended placing foster children into the care of known pedophiles. The 30-year policy, which ended in 2003, led to a number of serious cases of abuse, the investigation discovered.

February 3, 2021 - Posted by | Civil Liberties, Corruption, Timeless or most popular | ,


  1. I hope and pray that the guilty ones pay in the deepest hell as God despises people who do such a thing to innocent children.

    Liked by 2 people

    Comment by chockylover | February 3, 2021 | Reply

  2. “Sections of the 560-page report purportedly seen by the Daily Beast detail how nuns who ran a convent in Speyer, Germany between the 1960s and 1970s “rented” orphaned boys to businessmen and clergy, who abused the children, sometimes for weeks at a time, before ‘returning’ them”.

    All over the World stories of sexual abuse of children(both sexes) have been covered up by the Catholic Church. Here in Australia, extensive paedophilia has been uncovered and our highest reining Catholic, Cardinal Pell was found guilty in a criminal court, also found guilty in an appeals court, and finally, in the Supreme Court of Australia he was released with no jail term, and now resides in the Vatican, Safe from any further prosecution..

    The Catholic Church is a foul organisation with crimes being committed all over the World with impunity.

    If the hierachy of the Church are unafraid of the Wrath of Jesus, why should WE fear this “Mythical God”

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by brianharryaustralia | February 3, 2021 | Reply

    • Hello Brian Harry I’m an Australian too and you might have heard of an entertainer by the name of Bert Newton. It is said that he taught 15 year old boys in his dressing room behind a locked door. You perhaps have heard how Newton’s actor son has mental problems. Any wonder, huh. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and do not belong to any denomination and let me tell you the guilty ones if they do not repent will go to a terrible place of punishment forever. Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

      Comment by chockylover | February 3, 2021 | Reply

      • I am completely unaware of what you say about Newton. If it is true, the Press have protected him from exposure. You believe in your GOD, but, the exposure of the Churches(all of them) over the years, and the TOTAL LACK of realistic punishment, has left me drained of any faith in “someone living in the sky”(which is completely illogical, and utterly unverifiable). It simply defies logic.
        You’re welcome to believe it, I don’t.

        “Hell is empty, and all the Devils are here”…..Shakespeare(The Tempest)
        “Jesus is just Santa Claus for Adults”……..Christopher Hitchens
        “God did not create Man…Man created God”……Voltaire
        “ALL religions are made by men”…..Napoleon
        “When one man suffers from delusion, they call it insanity, when many men suffer from delusion, it is called Religion”….Robert Persig
        “Religion, so pathetically absurd and infantile, that it is humiliating and embarrassing to think that the majority of the people will never rise above it”…..Sigmund Freud
        “Jesus loves you……and he needs money”……George Carlin.


        Comment by brianharryaustralia | February 4, 2021 | Reply

  3. For God’s sake, how depraved can ‘human’ beings be? If there is indeed a God, His wrath should be on full display and manifested throughout the “kingdom.”

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by roberthstiver | February 3, 2021 | Reply

    • I agree with you Mr. Silver but the God I worship is slow to anger and He will punish them in due time. He sent the Great flood remember and saved a family and animals in a big wooden ship. There is a big fight for the souls of men in the heavenlies right now. Give you life to Jesus Christ while there is still time. I know that my God and His son will be victorious one day. Impatience happens to me too. Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

      Comment by chockylover | February 4, 2021 | Reply

      • Much appreciated and well taken. I have next to my computer (have memorized it) my go-to Bible passage: Matt. 11:28-30. Jesus gives me His promised rest, but perhaps I’m not diligent in taking full avail of it. It is difficult when the Jeffrey Epsteins, and now the German Catholics, try my soul. Regards, Bob Stiver (not Silver!)


        Comment by roberthstiver | February 4, 2021 | Reply

        • Sorry about that the T looked like a L. We must be patient which is very hard I know. Don’t forget the likes of Bill Gates, Soros and so many more. Yes His promised rest, I suffer from not much sleep and look forward to the day I will see my dear departed Mother and best friend again which I have not seen for 11 years. God bless you.

          Liked by 1 person

          Comment by chockylover | February 4, 2021 | Reply

  4. “He sent the Great flood remember and saved a family and animals in a big wooden ship”.

    How did they get an 800 pound Gorilla onto the ship?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by brianharryaustralia | February 4, 2021 | Reply

    • Barry Harry I understand you are disillusioned and wonder if God is real why does He not do something. When my precious Mother died of breast cancer when I was 30 I nearly lost my faith. The Lord sent me a woman 15 years older than me to be a sort of foster Mum. In the Bible Jesus and Paul warn of false prophets and wolves in sheep’s clothing that will deceive many. In I Peter 4 verses 17 & 18 it states He will come in judgment to His House aka church first and then the world. It of course sickens me that these horrible things happen and I wonder why God does not do any thing. Please hang in there and read the new testament. It will all be worth it in the end I promise. As for the ark being big enough for a big gorilla, the craft was huge. There is proof all over the world of a great flood like sea shells being found on top of Mount Everest. I’m a 64 disabled woman with no family or husband or friends save for my best friend who lives in another state these past 11 years. The other lives many miles away but I will not lose my faith in God no matter what happens, These days are like the days of Noah Jesus warned about in Matthew. Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

      Comment by chockylover | February 4, 2021 | Reply

      • Best wishes to you……We agree to disagree.

        Liked by 1 person

        Comment by brianharryaustralia | February 4, 2021 | Reply

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