Aletho News


Lavrov responds to nuclear weapons claim

Samizdat | April 19, 2022

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has rejected claims that Moscow could resort to the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.Lavrov was questioned on the issue during an extensive interview with India Today in Moscow on Tuesday.

When the journalist mentioned that “President Zelensky said that Russia plans to use tactical weapons,” the foreign minister didn’t even let her finish the question. “He says many things,” Lavrov said.

He reminded that Russia had never mentioned the use of nuclear weapons as an option during its military operation in the neighboring country, and the Ukrainian leader was the only one to speak about this.

Lavrov reiterated the notion that “there could be no winners in a nuclear war,” and assured that Russia would only rely on conventional weapons in Ukraine.

Zelensky claimed that Moscow could use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine during his interview with CNN on Friday.

April 19, 2022 - Posted by | Fake News, Mainstream Media, Warmongering, Russophobia | ,


  1. “When the journalist mentioned that “President Zelensky said that Russia plans to use tactical weapons,”

    “He reminded that Russia had never mentioned the use of nuclear weapons as an option during its military operation in the neighboring country, and the Ukrainian leader was the only one to speak about this.

    How would a journalist know that anyway?…….. Just another “Presstitute” by the sound of her…….

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by brianharryaustralia | April 19, 2022 | Reply

  2. FM Lavrov is the only diplomat on the planet worth the word. Well, there may be another or two…(I once liked Syria’s FM (?Musallem?), don’t know if he’s still there; also the now-replaced (?Jawad Zarif?) of Iran….)

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by roberthstiver | April 20, 2022 | Reply

  3. puke the Israelis first and last to prevent all wars.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by NobodySAIDboo | April 20, 2022 | Reply

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