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Australian Doctors Finally Speak Out! – Conference Of Conscience – Part 1

Zee Media | May 19, 2022

Over the past two years, no professional group has been silenced, threatened, or targeted more than Australian doctors. So many have stayed silent because of organisations such as AHPRA and various Medical Boards threatening to suspend or de-register them if they dare voice their genuine concerns as physicians.

For the first time in a conference of this nature, a group of brave Australian doctors have finally decided to speak out about what they and their patients have been subjected to, the ways the government and TGA have skewed the safety and efficacy data of the COVID-19 vaccines, purposeful suppression of early treatment that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and the danger of continuing the COVID-19 vaccination program.

Australia and the whole world is currently at risk. The World Health Organization who is largely responsible for millions of deaths globally is currently proposing a global Pandemic Treaty which seeks to give the WHO complete control over every country. More information about this can be found on

Stay tuned for Part 2.

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Dr. Zelenko has saved thousands of lives through his Z-Stack protocol, and has recently launched Z-DTox which he advises will help prevent blood clots, and help protect those with a compromised immune system, including those who have been vaccinated.

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Dr. Peter McCullough’s new book can be found on the link below:!po=24.2063

May 22, 2022 - Posted by | Science and Pseudo-Science, Timeless or most popular, Video | , , ,


  1. These doctors are very courageous in light of the bureaucratic medical tyranny that consumes this country, and are to be applauded for their stance. However, as yesterday’s federal election will more than likely show, nothing will change unless you go for the jugular in the system. And that jugular is the covid-19 ‘virus’. Many doctors still believe in it, despite its not having been isolated, analysed, or found to be pathogenic. It has not even been determined that the cause of the respiratory illness called covid-19 is caused by a virus, but because the government says so, everyone believes it.

    Even though they have medical training and understanding, many have not researched the subject to the point where they can see that they have been duped – sold a pile of bulldust. And without complete understanding and unanimity, there can be no organised opposition to a tyrannical perfidious government. And if the doctors are not in agreement about the nature of the ‘virus’ – or lack of it – then legal challenges against the ‘pandemic’ and states of emergency cannot be successful.

    So, although highlighting and explaining what is going on both in, and against, the profession is necessary, unanimity and solidarity in the science is absolutely essential. Uncertainty over the basics will only allow the government to pick you off individually, and make a legal challenge impossible.

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Bill Francis | May 22, 2022 | Reply

  2. As I’ve said here before, when I asked my doctor 2 years ago, if he was going to be Vaccinated, for Covid 19, his immediate response was “NO WAY”…..A few months ago, he strongly advised me to get the 3 vaccine doses. I was shocked, and I still have NOT been vaccinated with the rubbish on offer.

    To Hell with Corona crap, and now Monkey Pox as well. I have lost trust in the Medical profession in the past 2+ years……..They can be manipulated, just like anyone else.


    Comment by brianharryaustralia | May 22, 2022 | Reply

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