Aletho News


Australian Painter Forced to Remove His Mural Showing Russian, Ukrainian Soldiers Hugging

‘Peace before Pieces’ by Peter Seaton, AKA CTO. Image from
Samizdat – September 5, 2022

Australian artist Peter Seaton was forced to paint over his latest work, dubbed “Peace Before Pieces” showing a Russian and a Ukrainian soldier hugging each other, after pressure from the local Ukrainian community and Ambassador to Australia Vasyl Myroshnychenko, who branded the work “offensive”. The mural, was painted on a building in Melbourne, just a couple days ago, but the artist has been forced to remove his creation.

Seaton apologized for painting the mural and explained that his intention has always been to emphasize the importance of reaching peace. He noted that he has dedicated a lot of thought to the issue before coming up with the painting and said he discussed it a lot with other people.

“The original intention was to focus our efforts on this war towards a negotiation of peace, to avoid nuclear disaster […] I felt it was the best way I could portray a message of peace which is something I am fundamentally about,” Seaton said.

His efforts, however, did not impress Ambassador Myroshnychenko, who claimed the peace-promoting work of the artist was “utterly offensive to all Ukrainians” and he said that Seaton should have “consulted the Ukrainian community in Melbourne” before painting the mural. Myroshnychenko demanded that the work be promptly removed.

The Russian embassy in Australia reacted to the news of mural’s removal sarcastically:

“A mural recently unveiled in Melbourne was slammed for not reflecting the concept of fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. The artist had to destroy his work. New normal for freedom of artistic expression in Australia: check with Ukrainian Embassy before painting,” the embassy said.

Russia proposed a diplomatic resolution to the conflict to Ukraine soon after the start of the special military operation on February 24th, but after a month of talks, Kiev halted the process for good.

Instead, the Ukrainian leadership has since been claiming it would fight Russia until it seizes the territories it sees as theirs and will hold talks only after that. Moscow maintains that it is always ready to return to the negotiations table but sees no initiative on the Ukrainian side.

September 5, 2022 - Posted by | Full Spectrum Dominance, Militarism | ,


  1. “Offensive.” Bul*sh*t.

    And bul*sh*t on Seaton for apologizing. No principles? No cojones?

    Where are the citizens of Melbourne and beyond Down Under? sitting on the sidelines?

    Liked by 2 people

    Comment by roberthstiver | September 5, 2022 | Reply

  2. The ambassador had better worried about his shrinking country.

    Liked by 3 people

    Comment by Balthasar Gerards | September 5, 2022 | Reply

  3. [“A mural recently unveiled in Melbourne was slammed for not reflecting the concept of fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian…]
    Ukraeli Embassy…says it all.
    From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
    The best thing any sovereign nation should do is to kick out embassies (spy stronghold’s), overthrow their tyrannical governments, and seize their so-called power back to the people. It’s time to throw off the shackles of the western jelite’s and their banks, throw off the shackles of NATO and EU and the Herrod’s/Pharisee’s of the US/UK/EU/NATO/UN and the rest of the alphabetical tyrants.

    Liked by 2 people

    Comment by Sparrow | September 5, 2022 | Reply

  4. jews do not want peace.

    Liked by 3 people

    Comment by Sharon Gibbly-Mooney | September 5, 2022 | Reply

  5. “His efforts, however, did not impress Ambassador Myroshnychenko, who claimed the peace-promoting work of the artist was “utterly offensive to all Ukrainians”

    In the immortal words of famous British Prostitute, “Mandy Rice-Davies”(The Profumo Affair)…..”Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?”
    The Ukranian Ambassador sounds like he is really enjoying this disgusting War. Maybe he should show his integrity by, Joining the Ukraine Army and help with the fighting……No? I thought not.

    Liked by 2 people

    Comment by brianharryaustralia | September 5, 2022 | Reply

  6. I am tempted to ask the outraged Ukrainians why they are not saving their country, why do they prefer Australia, why did they leave that lovely Nazi free country, province, republic or the next reincarnation it may prefer.


    Comment by lutz barz | September 8, 2022 | Reply

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