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Biden endorses G20 Declaration to censor “disinformation”

By Christina Maas | Reclaim The Net | November 24, 2022

During the summit held in Bali, Indonesia, the G20 Leaders signed a declaration endorsing the censorship of “disinformation.” The Biden administration endorsed the declaration by publishing it on the White House website.

The G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration mainly focused on climate change, including Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). However, the leaders have linked SDGs with online censorship.

Section 24 of the declaration says there is a need to censor online disinformation.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the digital ecosystem and digital economy,” the section began. “We recognize the importance of digital transformation in reaching the SDGs.”

It adds that for there to be “trust in the digital economy,” they should “create an enabling, inclusive, open, fair and non-discriminatory digital economy that fosters the application of new technologies, allows businesses and entrepreneurs to thrive, and protects and empowers consumers.”

The G20 leaders believe there is a need to censor “false” information for digital infrastructure to thrive: “We acknowledge the importance to counter disinformation campaigns, cyber threats, online abuse, and ensuring security in connectivity infrastructure.”

The White House endorsing a declaration that calls for more censorship is not surprising considering it is the subject of the lawsuit filed by Missouri’s and Louisiana’s Attorneys General alleging collusion between the government and social media companies to censor viewpoints surrounding Covid and more.

November 24, 2022 - Posted by | Civil Liberties, Full Spectrum Dominance, Science and Pseudo-Science | , ,


  1. Why is it that nobody ever cites a clear example of disinformation, detailing precisely which points are wrong information, contrasting them to correct information? It seems that we are all talking about some undefined threat in the Universe, against which all nations must legislate, establishing enforcement methods and staffing to bring about the needed control. And who are the ones who determine the correctness or falseness of information? Is it Biden, Schwab, Gates, Soros, Tedros and such? Why are there no law suits to force such criminals to state precisely what the false information is?


    Comment by Peter | November 24, 2022 | Reply

  2. “During the summit held in Bali, Indonesia, the G20 Leaders signed a declaration endorsing the censorship of “disinformation.” The Biden administration endorsed the declaration by publishing it on the White House website”.
    Will the Disinformation coming out of the “White House Pres Secretaries” LIES be censored as well?

    “We will know that our disinformation is complete, when everything the American people believe is False”…..William Casey, CIA Director 1980-81.
    “We know that Sadam Hussein is determined to keep his Weapons of Mass Destruction, and is determined to make more”…..(“Colon Bowell”)
    “If he declares he has none, then we will know that Sadam Hussein is again, misleading the World”….Ari Fleischer White House Press Secretary.
    “The fact that an opinion is widely held, is no evidence whatsoever, that it is not utterly absurd”…Bertrand Russell.
    “In politics, Absurdity is not a handicap”…….Napoleon.
    “The people will believe what the Media tells them to believe”……George Orwell.
    It is the absolute right of the State, to supervise the formation of public opinion….Joseph Gobbells.
    “It is the function of the CIA, to keep the World unstable, and to teach American people to hate, so we will let the establishment spend any amount of money on Arms”…..John Stockwell, CIA Director
    “The crimes of the USA throughout the World, have been systematic, constant, clinical, remorseless, and fully documented, but, nobody talks about them”……Harold Pinter,(dec’d).

    So, my point is, will the G20, NOW start censoring DISINFORMATION from the USA and European Governments?
    Will the “Disinformation” about “9/11” be investigated? Or the Kennedy Assassination? Or the “USS LIBERTY”?
    People have an intrinsic right to have an honest opinion, OK???


    Comment by brianharryaustralia | November 25, 2022 | Reply

    • I totally agree with your position and your well placed questions and hope that others will awaken and start pushing back materially against the real misinformation and its real sources. Misinformation cannot exist as long as both sides of the question are freely aired, so that independent minds can weigh the facts and arrive at a reasoned conclusion. Even then, not everyone will reach a correct conclusion, if preconceived notions are allowed to interfere with simple truth.


      Comment by Peter | November 25, 2022 | Reply

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