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Israeli minister says Brits will ‘pay the price’ for ‘anti-Semitic’ boycotts


RT | September 7, 2016

Israel’s Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan is in London this week meeting British officials hoping to agree on a joint plan to tackle Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activism in the UK.

The Likud politician has recently been made responsible for a new task force launched to tackle the movement, which calls for the boycott of Israeli goods in protest against the illegal settlement of Palestinian land.

“Great Britain is the world center of the anti-Israel BDS campaign,” Erdan claimed ahead of his visit.

BDS supporters “would have no rest” under his watch and should “pay the price” for their actions.

In February, a new law brought in by the Tory government banned public bodies from supporting BDS initiatives, arguing that the actions undermined “community cohesion” and “Britain’s economic and international security.”

The policy was enforced on local authorities without a parliamentary vote.

“I’m going [to Britain] to battle the boycott and delegitimization in every arena, and to discuss with members of the British government – which is also committed to fighting boycotts – ways to strengthen our cooperation against the anti-Semitic boycott campaign,” Erdan told the Jerusalem Post.

“I will meet with government officials and law enforcement in order to form a front of democratic countries against the worldwide threat, which includes targeted action against incitement on the Internet.”

His talks with Communities and Local Government Minister Sajid Javid were condemned by the BDS movement and pro-Palestinian campaigners.

“Mr Erdan’s visit to London raises some serious questions about the UK’s relationship with Israel and its complicity in Israel’s violations of Palestinian rights and international law,” War on Want senior militarism and security campaigner Ryvka Barnard said.

“Erdan’s sinister talk of human rights defenders having to ‘pay the price’ for their actions is a dangerous incitement to violence. The UK government has a serious case to answer when it rolls out the red carpet to someone whose threatening behaviour is endangering the lives of human rights defenders.”

Israel resorting to ‘black ops’ tactics

Veteran Israeli intelligence analyst Yossi Melman has described his country’s efforts to eliminate BDS as something akin to military operations.

Writing for the daily Maariv last weekend, Melman said Erdan’s ministry is leading “defamation campaigns, harassment and threats to the lives of activists” in a way more similar to “black ops” or “special operations” than an intelligence-handling ministry.

Israel’s Public Security and Strategic Affairs Ministry director general Sima Vaknin-Gil has also recently said she wants to “build a community of warriors” to resist campaigns like BDS.

The ministry’s most recent recruitment push has been fully classified, with the role of its 25 new employees hidden from Israeli taxpayers and the international community.

It is also unclear how much of the department’s large budget has been allocated to anti-BDS work.

September 7, 2016 - Posted by | Civil Liberties, Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Full Spectrum Dominance | , , ,


  1. Well, let me just say this, by telling the Israeli minister that the state of Israel is already paying he severe price for its war-crimes, its inhumane practices towards the Palestinian people, as well as its international oppression and suppression of Free Speech by citizens of the World, and that the state of Israel will in the future will be paying the price for all its anti-human rights practices and activities!

    Simply the fact that the state of Israel is considering it right to occupy territory of another country, oppressing the freedoms of the people of that country, as well as oppressing the freedoms of other people all around the world, referring to protests by those people against the occupation of Palestinian territory as being anti-Semitic shows the illegal and unlawful status of the state of Israel in and by its dealings of protest!

    The protests against the occupation of Palestinian territory by the state of Israel is not anti-Semitic, it is standing up for the rights of a people who have been forced to leave their homes, who have been since subjected to policies and practices that by the world have been determined as inhumane as well as illegal, and who simply seek justice done to the those who treat others like their own ancestors were treated!

    The fact that the state of Israel is accepting, allowing and condoning right-wing extremist groups to parade through Jewish cities with their right arm up in the air as salute as well as waving banners with the swastika is showing the world the degradation of mentality and attitude by the state of Israel!

    Standing up to inhumane, illegal and criminal actions by a state, referring to itself as being a democracy, is not anti-Semitic, it is a right and even a duty of people who support humanity, honor and dignity!


    Comment by masteradrian | September 7, 2016 | Reply

  2. “Standing up to inhumane, illegal and criminal actions by a state, referring to itself as being a democracy, is not anti-Semitic, it is a right and even a duty of people who support humanity, honor and dignity!”

    THEY have mocked the Nation of Germany for the past 70 years because the Germans(apparently) referred to themselves as ‘The Master Race’, seemingly forgetting that THEY claim to be “God’s Chosen People” whose home is called “The Holy Land” and again seemingly forgetting that, that part of the Middle East is just another part of “The Earth”.
    The Palestinian people are just as “Semitic” as the people who now call Palestine, “Israel”….
    Love thy neighbour, huh?


    Comment by Brian Harry, Australia | September 8, 2016 | Reply

  3. Pay the price, will we? What are they going to do to us? Bulldoze our homes? Dynamite our wells? Cut down our trees? Throw us into prison without charge or trial? Shoot our children? Bring ’em on! Self-important little sh*ts.


    Comment by traducteur | September 8, 2016 | Reply

  4. ” should “pay the price” for their actions.”

    Sounds like a threat, one that could be fulfilled in those parts of London that recently had their CCTV cameras turned off due to lack of money.

    Guess they figured out people were getting suspicious of the lie that the cameras were down for maintenance during past False Flags.

    Israel seems to be a lot bitchier than usual, guess that’s how G-d’s Chosen act when the world doesn’t bow and genuflect in front of those racist pigs.


    Comment by Greg Bacon | September 9, 2016 | Reply

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