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The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Were War Crimes Too

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | March 24, 2022

President Biden is accusing Russian forces in Ukraine of committing war crimes by engaging in brutal attacks on civilians. What he is referring to is a longtime principle of warfare in which military forces battle military forces and do not knowingly target civilians with death and destruction.

Meanwhile, the media is reporting that Russian forces are becoming increasingly stalemated on the battlefield, unable to complete their conquest of Ukraine and effect the regime change that they seek within the Ukrainian government. If Russia fails in its effort to bring regime change to Ukraine, that would enable Ukraine to be absorbed into NATO, the corrupt dinosauric bureaucratic entity from the old Cold War racket. That, in turn, would enable the Pentagon to achieve its goal of installing its nuclear missiles pointed at Russia along Russia’s border.

WIth the relentless pressure that the U.S. government and its NATO cohorts are putting on Putin, including with sanctions that are designed to kill Russian civilians, a question must be asked: If Putin’s back is to the wall, if Russia is faced with defeat in Ukraine, if the Russian economy is disintegrating, if the Russian people are faced with death by starvation or massive impoverishment, and if the Russian government is close to collapsing, would Putin resort to dropping a nuclear bomb on Kiev in order to bring a quick end to the war?

If he were to do so, there is no doubt what the response of U.S. officials, the mainstream press, and American statists would be. They would exclaim, and rightly so, that Russia had just committed a massive war crime by targeting and killing a massive number of civilians with a nuclear bomb.

But there would be one big problem staring U.S. officials and the mainstream press, along with American statists, in the face: The U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which knowingly and intentionally targeted, killed, and injured an untold number of Japanese civilians during World War II.

Ever since those bombings, U.S. officials, the U.S. mainstream press, and American statists have maintained that the bombings were justified because they “shortened the war.” Their argument has always been that the lives of thousands of American soldiers were saved by bringing about a quick surrender by Japan.

Here at FFF, we have always opposed that reasoning. In war, soldiers die. That’s just the way of war. To knowingly and intentionally kill innocent women, children, seniors, and other civilians so that soldiers could live was, well, quite immoral and, yes, a war crime.

But given the continued support by U.S. officials, the mainstream press, and American statists of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, what would they say if Russia were to say the same thing — that its nuclear bombing of Kiev saved the lives of Russian soldiers by bringing about a quick surrender of Ukraine?

My hunch is that U.S. officials, the mainstream press, and American statists would take a different position than they do with the U.S. bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I think they would say, “Our atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a good thing but your atomic bombing of Kiev was a bad thing. That’s because we are good and you are bad.”

Why do I reach that conclusion? Well, for one, isn’t that what they are saying about the U.S. invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan compared to the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Aren’t they essentially saying, “Our invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were good while your invasion of Ukraine is bad. That’s because we are good and you are bad”?

Or consider the dark-side activities engaged in by the U.S. national-security establishment, such as state-sponsored assassinations, torture, kidnappings, secret torture-and-prison camps, indefinite detention, coups, massive secret surveillance, military tribunals, and alliances with dictatorial regimes. Don’t U.S. officials, the mainstream press, and American statists say to the Russians (and the Chinese, North Koreans, Saudis, Cubans, etc.): “Our dark-side activities are good while yours are bad. That’s because we are good and you are bad”?

The crisis in Ukraine provides the American people with a tremendous opportunity to engage in some serious soul-searching by looking at ourselves and our very own government. Looking at what the Russian regime (and other totalitarian, authoritarian, or communist regimes) can provide a revealing mirror into our own government, specifically the national-security establishment part of the government.

There is no greater benefit we could provide ourselves, our families, our nation, and the world than to lead the way toward a free, peaceful, harmonious, and prosperous society here at home. That necessarily entails restoring our nation’s founding principles of a limited-government republic, a non-interventionist foreign policy, and a restored regard for the principles in the Bill of Rights.

March 24, 2022 - Posted by | Progressive Hypocrite, Timeless or most popular, War Crimes | , ,


  1. “President Biden is accusing Russian forces in Ukraine of committing war crimes by engaging in brutal attacks on civilians”. ,,,,,,,”Surely he cant be serious”?

    An American President, making that claim, is the height of absurdity. Korea, where Carpet Bombing was used to kill civilians en mass. Vietnam,(Cambodia and Laos) where it was used to kill millions of civilian peasants, Iraq(Twice)Libya, Syria, Yugoslavia etc etc….They don’t call it the “Military Industrial Complex for no good reason.

    “If the Nuremberg Laws were applied, then every Post War American President, would have been hanged”…..Noam Chomsky.


    Comment by brianharryaustralia | March 24, 2022 | Reply

    • The Russians are being careful to only go after military targets. When the Ukrainian military figured this out they hid amongst the civilian population. Its tactic cowards employ worldwide. Ukraine is an American puppet regime used to poke the bear. Well, the Bear is swiping back and the West is confused. They just realized Russia isn’t Iraq, Libya, or Syria. It’s has a modern military able to stand up to American and NATO aggression. So, the media spin doctors have demonized everything, Russian. Of course, they start the story in the middle as usual and leave out the fact that this was all started in 2013-14 by an American CIA-fueled coup that chased the legitimate president out of Ukraine and went to war against the Eastern Russian speaking provinces in Donbas. The Ukrainian military made up of thugs and neoNazis has been shelling and bombing the Donbas for 8 years murdering 14,000 Russian-speaking Ukrainians.

      Liked by 1 person

      Comment by papasha408 | March 24, 2022 | Reply

      • The Current PM of Ukraine is a CIA/MIC ‘planted’ Stooge, Like the Brazilian Leader Bolsinaro(and dare I say it), like Canada’s ratbag PM(most likely), (not to mention Australia’s Ratbag PM Scott Morrison, I’m not sure of that, but, the CIA has “interfered” in Australian politics before.
        “Freedom and Democracy” is a Screen, behind which lot’s of dirty deeds take place……all over the World.


        Comment by brianharryaustralia | March 24, 2022 | Reply

        • Did you love the way Trudeau was attacked by the European parliament? I certainly did!

          Liked by 1 person

          Comment by papasha408 | March 24, 2022 | Reply

  2. I would like to point out that we pardoned much of the Japanese government for their war crimes against both the United States and the whole of Asia. Further, even the Japanese Emperor said it could not have been helped as it provided the opportunity for him to step in.


    Comment by Swaytonious | March 26, 2022 | Reply

    • Much of the war-crime narrative during the Second World War is propaganda. Some of it is true. The allies committed far more war crimes between 1940 and 1945 than the Axis did. The Japanese tried surrendering at Guadalcanal and were shot down mercilessly. Every encounter when the Japanese tried to surrender, they were murdered. So, they stopped surrendering and fought till the last. I won’t even go into the ridiculous propaganda about the Germans. It just enrages me.

      Liked by 1 person

      Comment by papasha408 | March 26, 2022 | Reply

      • I’m in complete agreement with most of what we know about Germany in that time being bullshit.. however the Jew doesn’t have the same kind of hatred or fixation on the Japanese and it doesn’t benefit Jews to lie or exaggerate on the conduct of Japan.

        I’ve also had a few beers with some old timers who were captured at Bataan and spent the war as slave labor for Japanese shipyards. My conversations with them lead me to place credibility to the narrative about Japan’s crimes..

        Liked by 1 person

        Comment by Swaytonious | March 26, 2022 | Reply

        • While the exagerated claims of Axis crimes may have some merit, their use by the current powers is only for warmongering never for actually furthering peace or human rights. Often, they are used only to excuse or distract from far more serious Allied criminality.

          Liked by 1 person

          Comment by aletho | March 26, 2022 | Reply

        • Most people alive today in “The West” are unaware of the Fire Bombing of Dresden(Germany) by the allies, under the direction of Britain’s “Bomber Harris”. The War was over and Germany was defeated, but the Fire Bombing went ahead. Multi, multi thousands of German citizens died by fire. Look it up.

          “Bomber Harris” was nominated for Victoria Cross(or similar award) but it was not awarded because the British Pilots, who had to do his dirty work, would NOT endorse the award.


          Comment by brianharryaustralia | March 26, 2022 | Reply

          • Don’t blame Harris for that bombing. That was Churchill’s work from beginning to end. Harris was the leader of the bomber command and carried out orders. Not only Dresden but, every German city or town was destroyed by civilian bombing. It was the British who started it to get a response from Hitler. Unfortunately, Hitler took the bait.

            Liked by 1 person

            Comment by papasha408 | March 26, 2022 | Reply

  3. “Don’t blame Harris for that bombing. That was Churchill’s work from beginning to end”.

    Of course, you are right. In War, Orders come from the Top, and failing to follow them, could result in “Dire Consequences”…but, the pilots who were given the job of slaughtering innocent civilians, did not enjoy it.

    I wonder how the B52 Pilots who had to Carpet bomb Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia, during “The American War” in Vietnam, have coped with their memories(of course, they were following orders, from, the “POTUS”…….)


    Comment by brianharryaustralia | March 27, 2022 | Reply

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