Aletho News


Global Sea Ice Area

By Zoe Phin | November 28, 2021

According to many sources (including National Snow and Ice Data Center), global sea ice has been drastically decreasing for a long time. Today I will show you a very legitimate source that will have you question this fact. The data comes from NASA, specifically here, or here. The relevant data variable is called FRSEAICE.

I analyzed monthly data over exactly 40 years, from 1982/10 to 2021/09. Here is my result:

Linear Regression Trend: From 0.03625 To 0.03631 is +0.171%

The “Sea Ice Area Fraction” is a proportion of the entire Earth’s surface that is ice over water. As you can see, about 3.6% (on average) of our planet’s area is covered in ice over water. In the last 40 years, ice over water has INCREASED, and not decreased, as popularly claimed.

The observed increase of 0.00006 is equivalent to ~30,600 km², roughly the size of Belgium.

Now let’s break it down by hemisphere:

Northern Hemisphere
Linear Regression Trend: From 0.04039 To 0.03405 is -15.707%

Southern Hemisphere
Linear Regression Trend: From 0.03214 To 0.03855 is +19.947%

The large loss in sea ice in the northern hemisphere is more than made up for in a larger gain in sea ice in the southern hemisphere.

Code & data.

November 30, 2021 - Posted by | Science and Pseudo-Science, Timeless or most popular

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