Aletho News


Eight Palestinian students from Al-Najah University seized by Israeli occupation forces

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network | December 12, 2021

On Thursday, 9 December, Israeli occupation forces seized eight Palestinian students at An-Najah National University after raiding their homes in pre-dawn invasions. Following the arrests, occupation forces then sent threatening text messages to fellow students at the university, warning them that they too would be arrested if they participated in the activities of the Islamic Bloc or other student blocs at the university.

The students seized by the Israeli occupation forces were: Hamza Tabanja, Hassan Tuffaha, Omar Shaksheer, Ayoub Dwaikat, Ibrahim Dwaikat, Ibrahim Abed, Anas Shtayyeh and Ibrahim Shalhoub. Several of the detained students had previously been jailed by the Israeli occupation and accused of participating in the activities of the Islamic Bloc.

Hundreds of Palestinian students are routinely detained by the Israeli occupation, especially those who are part of student organizations involved with campus political life. At Bir Zeit University alone, approximately 74 students were detained by occupation soldiers during the 2019-2020 academic year. They are among nearly 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners jailed by Israel. The work of student organizing, from holding book fairs to organizing events and participating in student elections, is criminalized by the Israeli occupation. Still more students are detained for joining demonstrations or posting on their social media profiles.

Palestinian students have been seized by Israeli occupation forces and abducted for their participation in the student movement in their homes, at their workplaces and on their campuses.

Once arrested, Palestinian students are routinely subjected to torture under interrogation — subjected to stress positions and stretched out over chairs, suspended from walls and forced to stand on tiptoe, deprived of sleep, cuffed and pressured on injured limbs, and beaten.

One of the most common charges is “membership in a prohibited organization,” typically referring to the student blocs. These represent the full spectrum of Palestinian politics. They organize lectures, book fairs, rallies and other campus events and participate in student elections. The charge sheets often refer to these standard activities of campus life, which are widely interpreted as a barometer for broader Palestinian political opinion.

These are not isolated cases, but a direct and collective violation of Palestinian students’ right to education, as affirmed in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.  The targeted repression of students is just one facet of Israel’s crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people. … Full article

December 12, 2021 Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Subjugation - Torture | , , , | 1 Comment

Since Biden’s Injection Order the Rate of Covid Deaths in the US Military Has Quadrupled

Anti-Empire | December 12, 2021

On August 25th Biden ordered that every member of the US military (active, reserve and national guard) must perform a fundamental sacrament of the mind virus cult known as “vaccination”.

A week before the order US military Covid deaths stood at 34.

Presently they stand at 79.

In other words, in the 4 months since the injection order as many US servicemen were deemed to have died with/from Covid as in the entire 17 months before the order was given.

In the entire vaccine-free 2020 fewer than 20 US servicemen died with/from Covid. (24 by March.)

The unvaccinated military of 2020 experienced three times fewer Covid deaths than the heavily injected military of 2021. 

Even so at 2 million strong and 79 deaths, a Covid death is still rarer than a lottery win.

The Pentagon says the dead were overwhelmingly “not fully vaccinated,” but the Pentagon also doesn’t consider troops “fully vaccinated” until 14 days after the 2nd dose — that is to say until the initial period of negative vaccine efficiency has ended.

December 12, 2021 Posted by | Science and Pseudo-Science | , , , , | 1 Comment

Biden’s New “Regressive” Methane Tax Will Raise Average American’s Gas Bill By 17%

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | December 12, 2021

At a time when the Biden administration is panicking in an attempt to keep energy prices down, the House has slapped a “fee” on methane that is being called a “stealth tax” on natural gas and everyone who uses it.

The House bill results in an “escalating tax on methane emissions by oil and gas producers,” a new op-ed in the Wall Street Journal points out. The tax will hit $1,500 per ton by 2025 and the fee is supposed to be a contribution to recent promises made in Glasgow to curb methane emissions.

The cost of the fee will obviously get passed along to the consumer, which will then result in even higher energy prices than consumers are already struggling with. 180 million Americans use natural gas to hear their homes, the report says.

In the meantime, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) has come out and stated that half of U.S. households that heat with natural gas will pay 30% more than winter than they did last year. This methane tax could add another 17% to an average bill, the WSJ editorial board writes.

The WSJ op-ed board calls it a “regressive tax” and says that “Department of Energy notes the average energy burden for low-income families is three times higher than for more affluent households”.

The methane tax “exposes the contradiction at the heart of Democratic climate policy” and clearly violates President Biden’s promise not to raise taxes on those making less than $400,000 per year, the op-ed argues.

The op-ed concludes by arguing that once the methane tax is in place, it’ll be easy to raise over time. Combined with new methane regulations, it’ll continue to raise costs and introduce inefficiencies for producers.

The methane tax is “targeted, punitive and can be linked to higher consumer energy bills,” the op-ed concludes.

December 12, 2021 Posted by | Economics, Malthusian Ideology, Phony Scarcity, Progressive Hypocrite | | 1 Comment

Comirnaty, liability, and how the HHS lies, cheats and steals

By Meryl Nass, MD | December 12, 2021

I checked the Federal Register and there has been no notice that Comirnaty has been added to the National Childhood Vaccine injury Program (NVICP). I confirmed this by checking whether Comirnaty had been added to the childhood schedule, and according to the HRSA, which manages both compensation programs, it has not.

So, if you receive the licensed Comirnaty vaccine, correctly labeled as the brand-name product and not the vaccine being fobbed off as licensed product, and you are injured, you are free to sue the manufacturer for your injury. Could this be why Pfizer wrotePfizer does not plan to produce any product with these new [Comirnaty National Drug Codes] and labels over the next few months while EUA authorized product is still available and being made available for U.S. distribution.”

If, however, you receive the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization, or the Moderna or J and J vaccine, you can’t sue anyone. You have the right to beg HRSA for compensation of lost wages and unpaid medical bills, period. So far, HRSA and the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program it administers have not paid out one dime for the approximately one million injuries and 20,000 deaths reported to VAERS for any COVID vaccine.

In other words, the federal government (DHHS) has not admitted a single injury was caused by a COVID vaccine. CDC says it has not linked a single death to a COVID vaccine–not even when the patient walked into the vaccination center but got carried out to the morgue. FDA doesn’t know much about myocarditis, Bell’s Palsy, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, pulmonary emboli, etc. There are no black box warnings on any of the COVID vaccines.

HRSA, FDA, CDC and NIH are all agencies within the federal Department of Health and Human Services. They have all gotten their stories straight. They know nothing and they are just following orders. Heil HHS!

They can’t find a doggone problem in the 20 or so databases they are spending many $millions of your money to “study.”

Want to know the biggest conspiracy in the US right now?  It is the HHS.

FDA has access to a bunch of electronic databases it has termed the “BEST” Initiative, and it published a plan to use them to study heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, thrombocytopenia, etc. back in July. Where are the results, FDA? What are you waiting for? (According to CDC, “More than 459 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through November 29, 2021.”). It seems clear that we aren’t supposed to be informed of FDA’s findings until everyone possible has been vaccinated, at which point the results will be irrelevant.

In October 2020, FDA’s Steve Anderson told us there were even more databases that would be studied.

On August 23, 2021, FDA announced its databases were inadequate to assess myocarditis, so BioNTech would have to do it for them. Here is what FDA wrote about its inability to use VAERS and its many other databases:

  • As noted above, the FDA acknowledges that “We have determined that an analysis of spontaneous postmarketing adverse events reported under section 505(k)(1) of the FDCA [in other words, VAERS–Nass] will not be sufficient to assess known serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis and identify an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis.
  • Furthermore, the pharmacovigilance system that FDA is required to maintain under section 505(k)(3) of the FDCA [in other words, FDA’s many other databases that cost the taxpayer zillions–Nass] is not sufficient to assess these serious risks.”


Unsaid, but implied, is that if FDA is incapable of studying thousands of reported cases of myocarditis, it probably cannot study the other serious adverse events that have been reported in conjunction with COVID vaccines.

VAERS has operated for 30 years, collecting reports of vaccine adverse events. It averaged under 100 cases of myocarditis reported yearly until this year. Through November, CDC reports it received 1949 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis, in those under 30. CDC didn’t say what the total number of reports for all ages was.

Somehow, these HHS don’t seem all that concerned that the admitted reporting rate of myocarditis is over 20 times the average during the past 30 years. Why?

CDC has been even more shady in its analyses of safety as FDA, if that is even possible. Below, Nancy Messonier, then head of Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases at CDC, presented this list of databases that CDC would be using in the evaluation of COVID vaccine safety, on December 10, 2020. Apart from the V-safe (which they stopped talking about last January), VSD (which somehow can’t find any problems, not even myocarditis) and VAERS, all these other databases have been MIA.

NIH, whose job has never been to issue treatment guidelines, but instead to do and fund research, suddenly took over the treatment guidelines for COVID early in 2020.  It formed a committee of internal and eternal “experts” to make up the guidelines. How were they chosen?  That is not clear, but what is clear is that 16 of these so-called experts had current or recent financial entanglements with Gilead, the maker of remdesivir. NIH and the US Army also owned pieces of remdesivir. A number of other had financial conflicts with Merck.  While NIH is the biggest single funder of medical research in the world, I cannot recall seeing a single study it funded on the safety of COVID vaccines. But somehow vaccines are its number one recommendation.

But it is not even clear that the committee is functional. The NIH has been sued to learn whether a vote was even taken by the committee regarding its ivermectin guidelines, which fly in the face of the evidence on ivermectin. How was NIH somehow authorized to issue guidelines in the first place?

Here is what has obviously occurred. All these agencies were told they had to keep quiet on vaccine problems (and perhaps problems of other COVID treatments), and they had to fiddle with their data or their analytic methods, or both, to get the required results. And there was to be NO BAD NEWS, no matter what. And no good news regarding generic treatments.

As we have seen, the so-called scientists and physicians working as bureaucrats in these agencies all caved, sucked it up, did the dirty work, kept their jobs, and betrayed their oaths and the trust of the people of the USA and the world.

December 12, 2021 Posted by | Deception, Science and Pseudo-Science, Timeless or most popular | , , , , | Leave a comment

Public Health System Has Failed Americans Miserably

Time to save lives, not control them

By Joel S Hirschhorn | December 12, 2021

When a pandemic hits, the facts reveal whether our public health system works. As we approach 800,000 COVD related deaths there is only one conclusion: The public health establishment of government agencies, hospitals and academic departments have failed. What a disgrace that so many have died; because nearly all could have been prevented.  Mistakes, corruption and stubbornness have turned a treatable and not very deadly virus for nearly all people into a mass killing. Time to save lives, not control them.

Consider some famous mass killing events. The attack on Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attacks each killed 3,000. The Oklahoma City Bombing less than 200. COVID deaths are an historic massacre not by bombs, bullets or explosions, but by medical incompetence never seen before.  With nearly 800,000 dead in the US and over 5 million globally we see a historic genocide by governments mismanaging the pandemic.

Here are the main ways that lives could have been saved.

Cheap, safe and widely used generic medicines, principally ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, found effective against COVID in early 2020, should have been promoted by all government public health agencies.  Some bold physicians use them today. In California, Dr. George Fareed and partner Dr, Brian Tyson have treated over 7,000 COVID patients with such medicines; none have died (and half have been vaccinated). Similarly for Dr. V. Zelenko in New York with over 6,000 patients. Cases have shown ivermectin saving lives in very ill hospitalized patients.

Years of medical research data have proven unequivocally that vitamin D is an effective treatment and prophylactic for COVID. Recent German research found the necessary blood level is 50 ng/mL. Many Americans are deficient, with the Cleveland Clinic saying 42%, but that was before the higher needed level was determined.  Vitamin D supplementation and blood testing for it could have been rigorously promoted.

From the beginning, CDC data showed that a very high fraction of very ill COVID patients were obese. About 30% of hospitalized COVID patients, many of whom died, were obese.  Recent medical research has determined exactly how fat cells combine with the COVID virus to produce disease and illness. Yet the public health system never used a major campaign to fight obesity as a practical means of curbing COVID disease and death.

Recent analyses have shown quick home antigen test kits could have been widely and frequently used by Americans to determine whether they had COVID and needed medical assistance. But they had to be free or very cheap, as done by a number of European nations. Our government bungled this approach. Home test kits remain both scarce and expensive. Deaths result as many people let their symptoms get so bad that they need hospital care. But hospitals do not use proven generics; their approved protocols share responsibility for the 800,000-death figure.

Add in refusal to fully recognize the proven effectiveness of natural immunity acquired through prior COVID infection. Dr. Paul Alexander has concluded that about two-thirds of Americans have natural immunity. Many studies have shown that this immunity lasts longer and is even more effective against variants than vaccine immunity. Being vaccinated when there is natural immunity can wreck immune systems and cause long term health problems.

The final nail in the coffin to explain the failure of the public health system is its stubborn commitment to using experimental “vaccines” to fight COVID. Set aside the fact that CDC changed the definition of vaccine to legitimize these genetic therapies. They themselves have resulted in at least 150,000 deaths and hundreds of thousands harmful health impacts. That 800,000 figure, includes more deaths in 2021 when these “vaccines” have been widely used than in 2020 without their use. Vaccinated people keep getting breakthrough infections, with some dying. Booster shots are not the answer. Paul Alexander has explained how mass vaccination produces new variants and some like Delta are very bad.

The “follow the money” wisdom explains the collusion between government, mainstream media and drug companies to force mass (and highly profitable) vaccination through mandates and other means. This requires suppression of the generic medicines, inattention to vitamin D and obesity, and not allowing natural immunity as an alternative to vaccination.

Especially tragic is that nearly all US physicians have obeyed the dictates of the public health system, not science. They either have not done their own research or ignored extensive medical research that challenges what the public health system does. They have failed their Hippocratic oath. They should have been free to use personalized medicine – make the medicine fit the person approach, and use alternative options, besides vaccines, to save lives, not control them.

And the one physician that merits special outrage, unsurprisingly, is Dr. Anthony Fauci, the power behind the entire public health system. History will eventually cast a dark shadow on him.  Meanwhile, Americans and people globally keep dying unnecessarily. There are street riots all over Europe because of pandemic insanity. We need a rebellion in the US to say “NO” to what our public health system is doing. Watch that 800,000 death figure keep increasing; without profound reforms it will reach one million. Reject what public health officials and their political bosses keep doing what has not worked for nearly two years.

December 12, 2021 Posted by | Science and Pseudo-Science, Timeless or most popular, War Crimes | , , | 2 Comments

The Real Climate And Health Crisis

Anti-fossil-fuel climate policies increase energy prices, blackouts and death tolls

By Paul Driessen | Watts Up With That? | December 12, 2021

Climate policies promoted and imposed by Team Biden and Democrats are based on junk science, headline-grabbing scare stories, and computer models that create far-fetched “scenarios” asserting that fossil fuel use and emissions will cause Earth to warm by 4 degrees C (7 F)over the next 80 years, and cause Arctic warming that will bring colder winters.

Those dire predictions are used to justify more taxpayer-funded “research,” like a recent Columbia University “mortality cost of carbon” study that claims 83 million people (the population of Germany) “could be killed” this century by those rising planetary temperatures. Therefore we must take “immediate action” to “transform” our energy and economic systems, and replace oil, gas and coal with (millions of) wind turbines and (billions of) solar panels and backup batteries.

These policies are lethal for people and planet They would require mining on scales unprecedented in human history, much of it by slave and child laborers, and nearly all using fossil fuels – bringing massive habitat and wildlife losses, air and water pollution, and horrific human health and safety problems.

But since most of the mining, ore processing and manufacturing will occur in other countries, far from the USA, politicians and climateers can say this “alternative energy” is “clean and green.”

Worse, climate policies cause widespread “energy poverty” – energy prices rising above families’ ability to stay adequately warm (or cool) at reasonable cost, given their incomes. That means people die.

Modern housing and energy systems enable people to adapt to and survive even extreme heat and cold – even in Antarctica, which recently had the coldest winter temperatures ever recorded: -61ᵒ C (-78ᵒ F). However, adaptation and survival become nigh impossible when government policies make it hard to heat or cool homes properly amid joblessness, inflation and soaring oil, natural gas, coal and electricity prices.

Indeed, it is often on the coldest and hottest days and nights, when heating or cooling are most essential, that winds blow at inadequate speeds to turn turbine blades and/or the sun shines with inadequate intensity on solar panels, to generate electricity. This (and wind and solar variability in general) results in recurrent blackouts and necessitates “backup” energy: coal, natural gas, diesel, hydroelectric or expensive battery systems, which significantly increase energy costs and worsen energy poverty, illness and death.

Proposed Biden/Democrat Green New Deal policies would require that still perfectly good natural gas furnaces, water heaters, ovens and stoves be replaced with costly heat pumps and electric appliances, powered by expensive, unreliable, weather-dependent wind and solar systems. They would necessitate installing charging stations for electric cars, upgrading home and neighborhood electrical systems to 220 volts, and having pricey battery “power walls” for backup power during increasingly frequent blackouts.

All this would cost trillions of dollars, with families and small businesses bearing the brunt.

Contrary to faulty global warming “research,” far more people die in cold weather than in hot summers. In the United States and Canada, cold causes 45 times more deaths per year than heat: 113,000 from cold versus 2,500 from heat. Worldwide, with air conditioning far less available in already hot countries than in the United States, some 1,700,000 people die annually from cold versus 300,000 from heat.

A 2014 Public Health England University College of London Institute of Health Equity report underscores how energy poverty severely, disproportionately and inequitably affects poor, elderly, fixed-income and minority families – resulting in numerous, needless illnesses, health problems and deaths.

Cold homes cause or exacerbate risks of asthma, bronchitis, flu, cardiovascular disease and other adverse health conditions. Cold temperatures also increase depression, anxiety and other mental health problems, intensifying medical and physical issues. Young children, older people, those with preexisting health conditions and other vulnerable groups are especially susceptible to hypothermia, illness and death.

The Health Equity Institute calculated that one-tenth of all “excess winter deaths” in England and Wales are directly attributable to fuel poverty, and 21% of excess winter deaths are attributable to the coldest 25% of homes. Between 1990 and 2014, researchers estimated, 30,000 to 40,000 people died each year who would not have perished if their homes hadn’t been so cold. US studies reach similar conclusions.

Adjusting for population, but not for colder winter temperatures in much of the USA (versus England and Wales), this is equivalent to some 170,000 to 230,000 excess winter deaths per year in the United States.

In 2019, 344,000 German families had their electricity cut off because they couldn’t pay their power bills.

Still worse, coal, oil, natural gas, electricity and home heating costs have skyrocketed since those English, US and German reports were prepared – because of stupid, climate-obsessed, callous policies.

Global demand for gas and coal surged as the world recovered from Covid – but Britain and Europe banned fracking for gas in their enormous shale deposits, Germany is shutting down its nuclear plants, Russia is playing politics with gas deliveries, and UK and EU wind turbines generated far less electricity in 2021 (way below their supposed, “nameplate capacity”) due to unfavorable winds.

No wonder 65% of United Kingdom renters are struggling this year to pay their energy bills, 25% of Scots live in energy poverty, and 400,000 more UK households are on the brink of losing their gas and electricity provider before Christmas. Europe’s energy costs hit new records, and millions of UK households face 70% rise in energy bills. Excess winter death tolls will also likely set new records.

That’s happening in America too, as the Biden Administration stymies leasing, drilling, fracking and pipelines, sends gasoline prices rocketing upward, and launches the highest inflation rate in 39 years.

Climate policies will also exacerbate health risks in hospitals. At 13¢ per kilowatt-hour (average US business rate today) a 650,000-square-foot hospital building would pay about $2.5 million annually for electricity. At 27¢ per kWh (Britain’s earlier average), the annual cost jumps to $5.2 million; at 39¢ per kWh (Germany’s earlier average), to $7.5 million! Those soaring costs would bring chillier conditions, employee layoffs, higher medical bills, reduced patient care, and more deaths.

Consider too that one-third of American families already had difficulty six years ago adequately heating and cooling their homes, and one-fifth of U.S. households had to reduce or forego food, medicine and other necessities to pay their energy bills. Even before COVID, low-income, Black, Hispanic and Native American families were spending a greater portion of their incomes on energy than average households.

Impacts on all hard-pressed working families and people on fixed incomes would be just as harmful and disproportionate, as they too spend a greater portion of their limited incomes on energy.

Job destruction, energy poverty, illness and deaths would increase dramatically under anti-fossil-fuel policies mandated and imposed by the Biden Administration and fellow Democrats – in the name of fairness, equity and “climate justice.”

Those policies would also make America’s energy, economy, national security and foreign policy increasingly dependent on China – already the world’s biggest coal user and greenhouse gas emitter – in an increasingly dangerous world. That’s because China controls most of the metals and minerals required by “green” energy and modern transportation, communication and defense technologies.

This is The Real Climate Crisis. The ecological destruction and human death tolls should shock all of us.

They aren’t due to climate changes that are mostly natural, weather events that are no more frequent or extreme than over the previous century, or manmade global warming that exists almost solely in computer models that rely on junk-science greenhouse-gas hypotheses. The real climate crisis is due to policies that are being rammed through on the basis of false premises, fear-mongering and intolerance for fossil fuels.

Congress, courts, states and voters must act now, to reverse the damage that climate and “green” energy policies are having on our economy, jobs, health, well-being, wildlife and environment.

Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( and author of books and articles on energy, environment, climate and human rights issues.

December 12, 2021 Posted by | Economics, Progressive Hypocrite, Science and Pseudo-Science, Timeless or most popular | Leave a comment

Joe Biden spins tornado misinformation

By Gregory Wrightstone | CO2 Coalition | December 12, 2021

President Joe Biden wasted no time in politicizing the recent tornado tragedy that claimed nearly 100 lives in Kentucky, Illinois, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Missouri. Speaking less than 24 hours after the devastation of communities and lives, Biden linked the storms to man-made climate change.

“All I know is that the intensity of the weather across the board has some impacts as a consequence of the warming of the planet and climate change,” Biden said. “The fact is that we all know everything is more intense when the climate is warming. Everything. And obviously it has some impact here.”

Is that really the case? Have violent tornadoes been increasing? The answer to that question is clear, but you won’t find the answer at the agency most responsible for monitoring such things. It appears that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is playing games with tornado data. In 2017, while researching tornado data, I archived the NOAA site’s page on tornadoes and data. At the time, NOAA specifically warned that pre-Doppler radar records of tornadoes (before 1995) are unreliable:

“One of the main difficulties with tornado records is that a tornado, or evidence of a tornado, must have been observed. Unlike rainfall or temperature, which may be measured by a fixed instrument, tornadoes are short-lived and very unpredictable. A tornado in a largely unoccupied region is not likely to be documented. Many significant tornadoes may not have made it into the historical record since Tornado Alley was very sparsely populated during the early 20th Century.”

Because of this, NOAA recommended (at the time) only using the strongest tornadoes as a measure of pre-Doppler numbers and provided this chart that documented an overall decrease in the number of strong and violent storms that were categorized as >EF 3 (I have added the carbon emissions to the chart).

Figure 1 – Tornadoes: NOAA (2017) NCEI Historical Records and Trends, CO2: Boden 2016 Global Regional and National Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions. CDIAC

Accessing the very same link for NOAA today takes one to their latest iteration, which showcases a chart of ALL tornadoes dating back to 1950 and shows a steady and significant rise in the number of tornadoes from 1950 to the late 1990s. Bear in mind, that just a few years ago, NOAA specifically warned against using exactly this data because it would under-count the numbers before 1995.

Figure 2 – Tornadoes: NOAA (2017) NCEI Historical Records and Trends,

Updated data on tornadoes through 2020 is available at and showcases just why using pre-Doppler data is misleading. Figure 3 shows the pre-Doppler numbers of tornadoes reported. Importantly, this is not capturing increasing actual numbers of tornadoes that occurred, but rather increased reporting.

Figure 3 – US Pre-Doppler Tornadoes

Figure 4, below, is a chart of all Doppler-era tornadoes showing no increase at all.

Figure 4 – US pre-Doppler Tornadoes

All of this begs the question: Why would a government agency promote flawed data? The answer is simple: It “confirms” their preconceived notion of increasing severe weather and provides support for alarming claims of ever-increasing death and destruction.

You can be sure that Joe Biden will not be the last to use these deaths and this tornado deception to spread fear and alarm to support their plans to spend trillions of dollars to solve a non-existent climate crisis. The Biden administration should “follow the science” and get to the business of helping the victims and stop spreading misinformation.

Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist, executive director of the CO2 Coalition, Arlington, Va., and author of “Inconvenient Facts: The science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know.”

December 12, 2021 Posted by | Deception, Science and Pseudo-Science, Timeless or most popular | , , | 2 Comments

Queensland will let essential businesses like grocery stores and pharmacies introduce vaccine passports

By Ken Macon | Reclaim The Net | December 12, 2021

When the state-wide lockdown is lifted, Queensland will allow supermarkets and other businesses providing essential services to implement vaccine passports. The provision could deny those without a vaccine passport easy access to food and other basics.

Queensland will reopen its borders this week. The Health Minister Yvette D’Ath said that once the borders reopen, new health directives will be released, which could be less strict on businesses that have implemented health mandates.

“In the coming days, the Government will issue the guidelines required for business and industry as our border reopens,” she said in a statement.

“This will include information on managing close contacts in the workplace.

“Our objective is to provide an environment where business, particularly essential business, remains open.”

Starting December 17, Queenslanders will be required to show a vaccine passport to enter restaurants, cafes, pubs, bars, clubs, cinemas, theaters, museums, libraries, and stadiums.

The vaccine passport mandate does not apply to businesses providing essential services, like supermarkets, grocery stores, pharmacies, and post offices. However, the Small Business Minister Di Farmer said that essential services can implement vaccine passports if they choose to, especially if they want to continue operations without restrictions.

“The essential services are the things that really remained open during lockdown,” Farmer told 4BC Radio on Wednesday.

“There will also be a range of other businesses who may make the choice just to only have their vaccinated staff and patrons using their business.”

In a press conference on December 9, Farmer explained that every business would be allowed to enforce vaccine passports.

“Any business is able to make that decision, and a lot of them are actually thinking about that very seriously,” she said.

“[When Queensland opens up] you will need to be protected and businesses all over Queensland will be making that decision.
“If a person decides not to be vaccinated, then those are the things that they will take into consideration.”

December 12, 2021 Posted by | Civil Liberties, Science and Pseudo-Science, War Crimes | , , | 3 Comments

The tide is turning: former pro-vax PhDs are now refusing the booster

Want to know what changed their minds?

By Steve Kirsch | December 12, 2021

People are starting to wake up.

Recently, I received news that top researchers at multiple highly respected institutions (including Harvard) who had earlier been publicly promoting the vaccine have now changed their minds and are privately refusing to get the booster.

How is that possible? Did we finally convince them with the data? Most of my truthteller friends have been censored and/or deplatformed. So what is causing these people to shift their views so quickly?

The credit for the attitude shift goes our best convincer: the vaccine itself.

These researchers are seeing first hand how dangerous the vaccine is because they are involved in studies in hospitalized and/or outpatients and they see the numbers first hand.

Of course, they can’t say anything officially since they would be fired or have their funding taken away.

I just wanted you to know that people are finally waking up to what is really going on here.

December 12, 2021 Posted by | Aletho News | | 1 Comment

Whilst you were distracted by a Christmas Party the UK Gov. released a report confirming the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths in England since August


Serious questions need to be answered as to why Boris Johnson’s Government have decided to restrict the freedoms of the unvaccinated population through the introduction of Vaccine Passports, when the latest official data shows that the vaccinated population have accounted for 3 in every 5 Covid-19 cases, 3 in every 5 Covid-19 hospitalisations, and 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths, in England since August 16th 2021.

During a national Covid-19 briefing that took place on Tuesday December 8th, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom announced that ‘Plan B’ would be implemented in England from Wednesday December 15th, which would entail ‘working from home’ (if you can) orders, and the introduction of Vaccine Passports.

The reason given for the commencement of ‘Plan B’ is that it has to be done to protect the public from the alleged new Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus. A variant which as of December 11th, has failed to cause a single fatality in the UK, with just several hundred cases allegedly being confirmed.

A new law will come into effect from Wednesday December 15th, which will state that Vaccine Passports will become mandatory for entry to nightclubs and other large venues, including Premier League football matches and concerts. We’re told they will be required for indoor settings of 500 people or more, outdoor settings of 4,000 people or more, and any setting with 10,000 attendees or more.

There will be many in England who believe Vaccine Passports are the answer to their prayers. Two years of misinformation, and disinformation mixed with propaganda published by the mainstream media can do that to people. But unfortunately the official data published by the UK Government proves that they are far from it, and suggests Vaccine Passports have absolutely nothing to do with protecting public health, and instead everything to do with controlling the nation.

The UK Health Security Agency (PHE) is an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care and recently replaced Public Health England. The Chief Executive of the agency is Dr Jenny Harries OBE, who you may recognise from the television as she has served as Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England throughout the pandemic.

The UKHSA publish a weekly ‘Vaccine Surveillance’ report which contains data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status over a period of four weeks, and unfortunately for the vaccinated population, the official data shows that they have accounted for the majority of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths for at least the past four months.

We have used the following official reports for our analysis –

Covid-19 Cases

Table 8 of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status in England. The table may have been attributed a different number in previous reports published by the UKHSA, but the following chart shows cases by vaccination status over a period of 16 weeks from 16 Aug 21 to 05 Dec 21.

The chart shows that between August and early September, the vaccinated population accounted for the majority of Covid-19 cases. However, between the middle of September and early October this switched to the not-vaccinated population accounting for the majority of cases. This is most likely due to children returning to school in September and being “encouraged” to test on a regular basis.

But between October 11th and December 5th the roles reversed again, and it is the fully vaccinated population that have accounted for the majority of Covid-19 cases in England.

This data alone puts an end to the myth that it is selfish to not be vaccinated, because it’s quite clear the jabs do not prevent infection or transmission. Which begs the question as to why Boris Johnson has decided to implement Vaccine Passports in England?

The above chart shows the cumulative number of cases by vaccination status between 16 Aug 21 and 05 Dec 21, and illustrates quite clearly that the fully vaccinated have accounted for the majority of cases since August.

What we can see from the above is that the unvaccinated had accounted for the majority of cases up to October 10th, however since this date there has been a switch with the fully vaccinated taking the lead, hitting a cumulative total of 1.5 million confirmed cases by Dec 5th.

When including the 258,387 confirmed cases among the partly vaccinated during this period, the total cases among the vaccinated population rises to 1,757,444. Whilst the number of cases among the unvaccinated population during this period of 16 weeks has amounted to 1,403,100.

Covid-19 Hospitalisations

Table 9 of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 hospitalisations by vaccination status in England. The table may have been attributed a different number in previous reports published by the UKHSA, but the following chart shows cases by vaccination status over a period of 16 weeks from 16 Aug 21 to 05 Dec 21.

You may have heard several times this week on national television from people such as Dr Hilary, Lorraine Kelly, and Martin Kemp that “90% of the people currently in hospital with Covid-19 have not been vaccinated”.

Well it looks like they have been lying to you because the official UK Government data the fully vaccinated population have accounted for the majority of Covid-19 hospitalisation every month since at least August.

The above chart shows the cumulative number of hospitalisations by vaccination status between 16 Aug 21 and 05Dec 21, and shows just how bad things have actually been for the vaccinated population compared to the unvaccinated.

Between Aug 16 and Dec 05, the unvaccinated population accounted for 11,767 Covid-19 hospitalisations. But the vaccinated population have accounted for nearly double the amount, recording 19,730 hospitalisations, with 18,406 of those being among the 2/3 dose vaccinated population. This means the vaccinated population have accounted for 63% of Covid-19 hospitalisations since August 2021.

Covid-19 Deaths

Table 10 (b) of the latest report shows the number of Covid-19 hospitalisations by vaccination status in England. The table may have been attributed a different number in previous reports published by the UKHSA, but the following chart shows cases by vaccination status over a period of 16 weeks from 16 Aug 21 to 05 Dec 21.

The above chart proves that the fully vaccinated population have accounted for the majority of Covid-19 deaths every single month since August 2021, with things really taking a turn for the worse in October.

The highest number of Covid-19 deaths in single four week period among the fully vaccinated population has been 3,284, whereas the highest number of Covid-19 deaths among the unvaccinated population in a four week period has been just 850. That’s a 286% difference.

The above chart shows the cumulative number of deaths by vaccination status between 16 Aug 21 and 05 Dec 21, and illustrates quite clearly that this is very much a pandemic of the fully vaccinated.

Between 16 Aug 21 and 05 Dec 21 there were 3,070 Covid-19 deaths among the unvaccinated population in England, compared to 12,058 deaths among the vaccinated population during the same time frame. That is a 293% difference.

Covid-19 Fatality Rates by Vaccination Status

The official data shows the the vaccinated population have accounted for 56% of Covid-19 cases, 63% of hospitalisations, and 80% of deaths over the past 16 weeks in England.

It’s quite clear that the jabs do not prevent infection or transmission, but they are alleged to reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death. However, if this were the case then should we not be seeing a graph that looks more like this?

So why aren’t we?

It could have something to do witht he fact that the data suggests the Covid-19 injections are actually increasing the risk of death due to Covid-19 rather than reducing it by the claimed 95%.

The following graph shows the case-fatality rate among the not-vaccinated population, and the case-fatality rate among the 2/3 dose vaccinated population over the past 16 weeks.

The case-fatality rate is calculated by dividing the number of known deaths by the number of known cases among the population. As we can see from the above the case-fatality rate among the not-vaccinated population is just 0.2%, which is what is in line with the average case-fatality rate in 2020 before a Covid-19 injection was introduced to the masses.

However, the case-fatality rate among the fully vaccinated population is much higher, equating to 0.8%. Therefore the fully vaccinated are 4 times / 300% more likely to die if exposed to the Covid-19 virus based on official UK Government figures.

The following graph shows the hospitalisation-fatality rate among the not-vaccinated population, and the hospitalisation-fatality rate among the 2/3 dose vaccinated population over the past 16 weeks.

The hospitalisation-fatality rate is calculated by dividing the number of known deaths by the number of known hospitalisations among the population. As we can see from the above the hospitalsiation-fatality rate among the not-vaccinated population is 26%.

But the hospitalisation-fatality rate among the fully vaccinated population is frighteningly higher equating to a shocking 63%. This means the fully vaccinated population are 2.4 / 142% more likely to die once hospitalised with Covid-19.

So now that you know that the double / triple jabbed population have accounted for 3 in every 5 cases, 3 in every 5 hospitalisations, and 4 in every 5 Deaths over the past 4 months in England, and that the UK Government has been laughing at you since at least Christmas 2020 through their alleged Christmas parties, are you going to allow them to take away your freedom yet again in response to an alleged variant that has so far caused zero fatalities, or are you going to stand up, carry on living, and say “no” this time around?

Because this will not end until we all say it does.

December 12, 2021 Posted by | Deception, Fake News, Mainstream Media, Warmongering | , , | 2 Comments

‘This untested vaccine should never have been released. The truth will out and heads will roll’

By Neville Hodgkinson | TCW Defending Freedom | June 15, 2021

THE Covid vaccine should never have been released to the public because of its experimental nature, and it is giving rise to such serious complications and concerns over future risks that the rollout should be stopped immediately.

So says Dr Roger Hodkinson, a highly experienced retired pathologist who chairs an American biotechnology company which both sells a Covid test and is developing tests for early diagnosis of cancer.

His warning comes as the UK’s regulator is being urged to declare the Covid vaccines ‘unsafe for use in humans’ because of the high number of vaccine-attributed deaths (1,253) and adverse reactions (888,196, with 256,224 individual reports) over the five months to May 26. Hodkinson describes this report, by Dr Tess Lawrie, as ‘a devastating analysis of the whole mess’.

In a hard-hitting interview with former BBC and ITV journalist Anna Brees, Dr Hodkinson says a ‘vast number’ of physicians do not buy into the ‘idiocy’ of the global vaccination campaign, but are reluctant to speak out because they fear for their jobs. Pressure to conform has come from politicians, mass media, and the medical colleges.

 You can watch the interview here.

Hodkinson came under intense criticism last year after likening Covid to ‘a bad flu season’ when trying to counter what he called the ‘utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians’.

Brees has also faced censorship for what she calls her ‘citizen journalism’. She was blasted by TV presenter Piers Morgan as a ‘conspiracy-theory-spewing imbecile’ when she challenged his support for last Christmas’s lockdown.

Hodkinson tells her in the new interview: ‘This is not just another news story. This is the biggest story of our times. It’s a tragedy that journalists at large are not following your example.’

He assures her that he is not a lone voice, but part of an international group of doctors who are working to try to end the vaccine rollout, which they regard as a tragic betrayal of medical ethics.

In an appeal directed to politicians, Hodkinson says the evidence of harm from the Covid vaccines ‘is so overwhelming that now is the time for a leader to put his or her standard in the ground and say, “I was wrong. I was led astray by my advisers, who had given me terrible information to act upon”. If you take that brave step, many people will forgive you for honesty, and your star can actually rise for the next election.’

Of the vaccine, he says: ‘This is of course an experimental vaccine. It should never have been released. It was never an emergency which predicated the development of the vaccine. And as with all vaccines, there are complications, which were predictable, with time. But there was never enough time given for the clinical trial, which only lasted 4-6 months.

‘In particular, complications are now coming out which are very disturbing. The latest, over the last few days, starting off in Israel, is the frequency of myocarditis in young adult males. And getting worse the younger they are, in teenagers.

‘Myocarditis is a medical term for inflammation of the heart. It is never mild, as they are describing it – meaning not terribly significant. The heart cells that make up the heart muscles never regenerate. It’s not like the liver, or the kidney, that regenerates. When a heart muscle dies, it’s dead. And it’s never replaced. So muscle cells in the heart will be dying. The number is hard to determine, because the person is still alive.

‘But I can tell you with categorical certainty that myocarditis is totally unpredictable in terms of its long-term consequences. It may only present 20 years later because of the reserve of the heart having been destroyed. We are talking here about cardiac arrhythmias, abnormal heartbeats, heart failure and so on. This is a most worrying development. And it’s exactly the kind of complication that would have come out of a normal clinical trial for a vaccine, which typically takes a number of years.’

Brees commented: ‘There must be thousands of thousands of doctors who completely disagree with you. Or is there something to keep them quiet? Why should we listen to you?’

Hodkinson replied: ‘Let me assure you that the statistics – when the books are written – will be exactly the other way round. I suspect – and it’s impossible to confirm, because of the intimidation that [medical] colleges across the world are putting on individual physicians – including me – there is a vast number of physicians who do not buy into this idiocy. Physicians who are well trained can see through this immediately as so transparently stupid. It’s medical idiocy of the most grotesque degree that’s going on.

‘The bottom line is that this vaccination of everybody should stop immediately.

‘The predicate for all these vaccines was the statement that this was a medical emergency on a most sinister global scale. Well, it never was, by any definition. If you take away that underpinning requirement, if you take away the emergency, there was absolutely no reason for the development of a vaccine that contravened all the normal safeguards for the introduction of something on such a global scale.

‘There’s never, ever, in medical history, been a vaccination programme on this scale, involving billions of people, with the most minor attention to long-term consequences.

‘The story is not yet over. Look, the last time I checked, pregnancy takes nine months. You cannot conceivably check for fertility issues if you are only doing a clinical trial for 4-6 months, that never even included pregnant women other than those that got pregnant during the trial. And there were only 40 of them. There are very serious scientific possibilities here for long-term infertility. The studies have not been done.

‘We do know for a fact that the placenta and the testis have a very heavy expression of the receptor for the spike protein which is being produced in large amounts by the vaccines. We also know that during a SARS epidemic, which was a very similar organism, there were a small number of reports – but it was a small number of people who came down with it – of orchitis, a medical term for inflammation of the testis. So on the male side of fertility, there are serious scientific grounds for worry.

‘On the female side there’s equal concern, because it comes out of the obscure Pfizer submission to the Japanese regulatory authority that the vaccine particles – the tiny lipid nano-particles that are part of the vaccine – locate very heavily in the ovary. This was a rat study, but it still showed, most unexpectedly, heavy localisation of these particles in the ovary. If that is in the literature, it needs to be excluded as a possible long-term complication. And you can’t do that unless you check fertility issues over a number of years.

‘I’m telling you that this is a very serious problem. I don’t mean you, Anna Brees. I mean you, the general public, the politicians, the people driving the bus: GET A GRIP ON YOURSELVES! This is serious medical science. And you’re mucking around with billions of people’s health, for the most tenuous of reasons. And it’s totally and utterly unacceptable.

‘When it comes to injecting this stuff into the arms of children, I call that state-sanctioned child abuse, on the most monstrous scale. It is utterly unacceptable, and it should stop immediately.’

Last week, in an interview with Real America’s Voice, Dr Mike Yeadon, former vice-president for research with the Pfizer drug company, warned that children are 50 times more likely to be killed by the Covid vaccines than by the virus itself. You can watch the interview here.

Brees, who has a 12-year-old child, told Hodkinson that she had seen doctors on the BBC Newsround children’s programme saying the vaccine is safe, and encouraging its use. He said: ‘They are culpable of extreme medical malpractice.*

‘There are two underpinning ethics. First, do no harm – and we are seeing that playing out in spades now, with all these complications. The second one, with respect to vaccination, is informed consent. There is no informed consent, because people are not being told this is UNSAFE. The billboards say one, four-letter word: SAFE. That’s a contortion of medical language. It’s Orwellian.’

In a blistering criticism of medical colleges which act as ‘enforcers’ of vaccination programmes, Hodkinson said: ‘It is medical negligence of the highest order to be agreeing with something the government wants you to do that you know is harmful.’

But, Brees asked, with all the censorship taking place, do they know it’s harmful?

Hodkinson replied: ‘The worst censorship is with physicians. That’s the ultimate resource of trust and reliable information for the public.

‘But the other two sources are being equally censored, in a brutal fashion. The mainstream media is not running anything. [TCW has suggested that one reason for this is the amount of government advertising.]  Of course, you don’t bite the hand that feeds you, do you? And social media is censoring everything that is not palatable to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc.’

He concluded: ‘I do think the truth will out. There will be books being written as we speak that condemn in the strongest possible terms this entire mad episode in human history. And heads will roll. There will be blood in the gutter. And that is going to happen, in my opinion, very, very soon. Because something so crazy as this, something so gigantically mad, cannot be suppressed.’

Hodkinson believes that when this happens, the medical colleges will be ‘massively changed in terms of how they address their obligations to the public.

‘Politicians, regulatory bodies, media, individual physicians, so many are culpable of the most terrible crime ever committed on humanity.  It’s on that scale. It’s absolutely tragic.’

* A complaint about this programme was made by a TCW reader who tweeted the response here.

December 12, 2021 Posted by | Science and Pseudo-Science, Timeless or most popular, War Crimes | | 3 Comments

Registered Nurse Suffers Pericarditis from Pfizer Shot, Put in Hospital Section for Vaccine Injured

She was 7th Patient Admitted That Day for Heart Issues Following COVID Shots

By Brian Shilhavy | Health Impact News | December 9, 2021

Stallone Edmonds Tepania is a 33-year-old registered nurse and mother of 3 in New Zealand.

She recently went public on social media to share her story of being diagnosed with pericarditis, inflammation of the sac around the heart, after being injected with a second dose of a COVID-19 shot.

She doesn’t mention the manufacturer of the shot, but the government of New Zealand’s pamphlet on “COVID-19 Vaccine” only mentions Pfizer, and no other brand. (Source.)

While these tragic stories of people being injured, especially with heart issues, following COVID shots are all too common these days, what is remarkable about Stallone’s story is what she learned after being admitted to the hospital, and realizing that these vaccine injuries are not rare at all.

She states that she was actually placed in a section of the hospital that was treating vaccine injuries, and that she was the 7th person admitted that day suffering a heart problem following a Pfizer shot.

The nurse allegedly told her that they were not allowed to talk about these vaccine injuries. But they are certainly not rare.

Stallone was given strict instructions to not do anything strenuous to cause her heart rate to go up. This is why we are seeing so many athletes collapse in sporting events.

She was told that about one out of 10 people admitted to the hospital with these COVID-19 vaccine-caused damaged hearts were not surviving. They are dying from cardiac arrest.

She is not sure if she will have to live like this for the rest of her life, which now may be quite short, and stated “I feel trapped in my own skin.”

At certain points in the video she has to stop talking, being obviously in pain, and apparently suffering from heart palpitations or other discomforts.

This is from our Bitchute channel, and we have a copy on our Telegram channel as well.

December 12, 2021 Posted by | Timeless or most popular, Video | | 3 Comments